Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1-Minute Indictment of Obama by Congressman Jim Bridenstien (R-OK)

This is the 1-Minute Indictment of Obama by Congressman Jim Bridenstien (R-OK)
I don't know how many of you saw this clip, it showed up on Hannity last night and I recorded it so I could post it here.  I have to say that when Congressman Bridenstien was through, I stood up out of my chair and applauded not only his accuracy in what he said but also for his courage to stand up against the corruption that is plaguing our nations capitol......
This is not the best recording, but it will do!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Obama classmate: There is a reason Obama refuses to release his college record


by: Robert Moon

Robert Moon is an award-winning researcher, published author, and former Regional Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots. He has organized for conservative causes and candidates for the last fifteen years, is a former Precinct Committeeman and is currently stationed overseas.  Robert Moon is without a doubt one of my favorite collumists.  He does his homework and has never written an artical I have disagreed with.  Follow him, support him, he is a wealth of information!

An Obama classmate from Columbia University called him out this week for stirring up a bogus smear campaign against Romney over his taxes, insisting that Obama's motive is not only to distract voters from the worst economic recovery in post-WWII history, but also to avoid a far more scandalous and devastating skeleton Obama has hiding in his own closet...buried deep inside those college records he still refuses to unseal (and has paid millions to keep under lock and key).

If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.
But don’t take my word for it.  The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.
In other words, Obama is going to great lengths to prevent the release of his records from a school that no one remembers him attending (which means he either completely lied about graduating there or failed a lot of classes, which would prevent him from getting financial aid) and that he had no means of paying for at the time.
Root adds:
If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:
A) He rarely ever attended class.
B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.
Root suspects that Obama's mother never changed his citizenship back when they returned to the U.S., that the records Obama is so fiercely guarding reveal this beyond question, and that this is the reason Obama cannot allow this conversation to take place...hence all the relentless smearing of Romney as having something to hide in his background.
It's Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt. It's a lethally-effective Chicago Machine tactic that our "post-partisan" Marxist-in-chief has used repeatedly to personally destroy his opponents.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Napolitano Says:

Napolitano Says: Immigration bill would boost security....Are you friggen kidding me???   This is the same type of BS that she used when she said that our borders were now secure and we would not have any further terrorist issues....yeah right!!  This is more of the same, these idiots can't even tell you what their left hand is doing 99.9% of the time, they for damn sure aren't going to know where all these 11 million illegals are or what they are up to let alone what issues they will bring down on us just by letting them in after breaking the law to get here!!  Do you really think these people give a damn about what's right or wrong?  If they did, they wouldn't be here ILLEGALLY!!!

I can't believe I even read this crap:  Sweeping immigration legislation would improve U.S. security by helping authorities to know who is in the country, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday, as supporters of an immigration overhaul marshaled arguments against opponents trying to slow it down in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Testifying at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Napolitano said a wide-ranging bill circulating in Congress devotes more money to securing the border, requires employers to verify their workers' identity and implements new systems to track people as they leave the country — something that might have helped flag when one of the suspected Boston bombers traveled to Russia last year. Of great importance, Napolitano said, is the eventual path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants here illegally.

This is nothing more than the liberals agenda of "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and it is all about taking away more and more of our freedoms!

You know.....these illegals are costing American tax payers a fortune, they steal jobs, don't pay taxes, steal money from the tax system/tax payers, they bring crime, death and destruction to our nation.  Now mind you, not every one of these people who come into this country fall under this description, but everyone I know personally who doesn't, came here it again....LEGALLY!!  Our friggen politicians sit on their big fat butts in their ivory castles and tell us that they need to make these people legal.  Who cares that they have broken the law and destroyed our economy.  They suppose that we should put our hands in the air and cheer!!  I don't think so!  I don't give a damn that we now live in a politically correct society and we are just supposed to keep our mouths shut and allow the government to take away our rights and freedoms, I say what I feel and I don't offer any apologies.  Political correctness has been the biggest major cause of our societies steady demise.  Allowing a government to implement a society of political correctness is like sitting on a nuclear time bomb.  Lets call it.....a jack is a jack, a spade is a spade, illegal is an illegal, wrong is wrong, abortion is murder, amnesty to 11 million law breakers is criminal, and right is right.  If you personally feel that these law breakers should have the opportunity to get a no strings attached get out of jail free card, then you fork up the cash to pay for them to live here, you be totally responsible for any trouble they get into or cause, you move them into your home and let them live off your hard work and efforts and leave the rest of us out of it.  Hey......I have an idea!!  How about we require that all the illegals who wish to remain in the country to migrate over to Washington D.C. where all the politicians are.  We put up a big high fence all the way around D.C. and then hire civilian patrols to see to it that no one leaves.  You cross over the fence, you go back in a body bag, then this way the politicians with all their vast amounts of wealth can live in peace and harmony with all the illegals, paying their bills, giving them free cell phones, paying for their cars, their rent and their medical expenses.  Once their in, that's where they stay....and any bleeding heart liberal who would like to join them would be a plus for the rest of us!

America is the land of opportunity and opportunity presents itself as something you obtain by being honest, hard working and understanding that no one owes you a damn thing, you either earn it or you do without it.    
Nuff said!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Protect Your Rights!

Protect Your Rights!

Your voice needs to be heard! Urge your lawmakers to oppose any and all gun control proposals that have been, or will be, introduced, particularly so-called “universal” background checks, which would criminalize the private transfer of firearms and any legislation that would arbitrarily limit ammunition magazines or reinstate the failed ban on commonly owned semi-automatic rifles. 

Obama Loses Background Check Bill, Throws A Lying Temper Tantrum

I only saw the ticker headlines this week on the night of the Waco fertilizer plant explosion running across the bottom of the screen while I was at work, but this little segment immediately caught my eye about an angry President Obama criticizing a minority of the Senate for helping defeat a proposal to expand background checks on gun purchases.  He said that "It came down to politics — the worry that that vocal minority of gun owners would come after them in future elections, all in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington because these Senators have made the decision not to protect our children."  Same exact tactic that Hitler used to move the German people in to disarmament...and it worked for Hitler, we need to be sure it does not work for Obama! 
Please read on, all Americans need to be aware of this of what this type of legislation could mean to us and our freedoms!

In a CBS miniseries back some years ago, Hitler: The Rise of Evil, they try to explain the conditions that enabled a manifestly evil and abnormal individual to gain total power and to commit mass murder. The series looked at some of the people whose flawed decisions paved the way for Hitler's psychopathic dictatorship. Hitler's mother who refused to recognize that her child was extremely disturbed and anti-social; and then of course there are the brain dead people who elected him into power.

If we are serious about "Never again," then we must be serious about remembering how and why Hitler was able to accomplish what he did and never allow it to happen again.  Political scientist R.J.Rummel, the world's foremost scholar of the mass murders of the 20th century, estimated that the Nazis killed about 21 million people, not including war casualties. With modern technology, a modern Hitler would be able to kill even more people even more rapidly.  Think about that for a moment!!  If your a senior, you're already dead, you just don't know it yet!  Under the Obamacare program, your chances of getting continued medical attention once you have reached old age is a percentage not in your favor, he cares only about what he wants, and what he wants is power.....and if he gets your guns, he has it!

One of the most pathetic parts of Obama's speech after the defeat of the bill was when he said, "Instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill!" Well, we don't suppose the President has ever told a lie about guns, has he? Has it not been Obama's standard operating procedure to willfully lie about what assault weapons really are and what kind of weapons were used in the Sandy Hook shooting?  Did he even bring up that there were already ban laws on the books in this state that outlawed "Assault Weapons?"  Has he not used an outdated and possibly bogus statistics on gun sales without background checks?  Has he ever mislead the public into thinking that background checks are not done at all at gun shows?  I could go on.......
President Obama runs his office in a constant mode of deception and now that he has been defeated on a major piece of legislation that he wanted so as to further his agenda of more control, he is none too happy about it.

Adolf Hitler was all about mandating strong and effective programs of gun control.  Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder 21 million people. 

A chapter in the book Death by Gun Control, published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, author Halbrook details how, upon assuming power, the Nazis relentlessly and ruthlessly disarmed their German opponents. The Nazis feared the Jews — many of whom were front-line veterans of World War One — so much that Jews were even disarmed of knives and old sabers.

The Nazis did not create any new firearms laws until 1938. Before then, they were able to use the Weimar Republic's gun controls to ensure that there would be no internal resistance to the Hitler regime.
In 1919, facing political and economic chaos and possible Communist revolution after Germany's defeat in the First World War, the Weimar Republic enacted the Regulation of the Council of the People's Delegates on Weapons Possession. The new law banned the civilian possession of all firearms and ammunition, and demanded their surrender "Immediately."
Once the political and economic situation stabilized, the Weimar Republic created a less draconian gun-control law. The law was similar to, although somewhat milder than, the gun laws currently demanded by the American gun-control lobby.

The Weimar Law on Firearms and Ammunition required a license to engage in any type of firearm business. A special license from the police was needed to either purchase or carry a firearm. The German police were granted complete discretion to deny licenses to criminals or individuals the police deemed untrustworthy. Unlimited police discretion over citizen gun acquisition is the foundation of the "Brady II" proposal that was introduced by Handgun Control, Inc., (now called the Brady Campaign) in 1994.

Under the Weimar law, no license was needed to possess a firearm in the home unless the citizen owned more than five guns of a particular type or stored more than 100 cartridges. The law's requirements were more relaxed for firearms of a "hunting" or "sporting" type. Indeed, the Weimar statute was the world's first gun law to create a formal distinction between sporting and non-sporting firearms. On the issues of home gun possession and sporting guns, the Weimar law was not as stringent as the current Massachusetts gun law, or some of modern proposals supported by American gun-control lobbyists.  You'd better read that again!

Significantly, the Weimar law required the registration of most lawfully owned firearms, as do the laws of some American states. In Germany, the Weimar registration program law provided the information which the Nazis needed to disarm the Jews and others considered untrustworthy.
The Nazi disarmament campaign that began as soon as Hitler assumed power in 1933. While some genocidal governments (such as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia) dispensed with lawmaking, the Nazi government followed the German predilection for the creation of large volumes of written rules and regulations. Yet it was not until March 1938 (the same month that Hitler annexed Austria in the Anschluss) that the Nazis created their own Weapons Law. The new law formalized what had been the policy imposed by Hitler using the Weimar Law: Jews were prohibited from any involvement in any firearm business.
On November 9, 1938, the Nazis launched the Kristallnacht, pogrom, and unarmed Jews all over Germany were attacked by government-sponsored mobs. (Black Panther type groups)   In conjunction with Kristallnacht, the government used the administrative authority of the 1938 Weapons Law to require immediate Jewish surrender of all firearms and edged weapons, and to mandate a sentence of death or 20 years in a concentration camp for any violation.

Even after 1938, the German gun laws were not prohibitory. They simply gave the government enough information and enough discretion to ensure that victims inside Germany would not be able to fight back.

Under the Hitler regime, the Germans had created a superbly trained and very large military — the most powerful military the world had ever seen until then. Man-for-man, the Nazis had greater combat effectiveness than every other army in World War II, and were finally defeated because of the overwhelming size of the Allied armies and the immensely larger economic resources of the Allies.
Despite having an extremely powerful army, the Nazis still feared the civilian possession of firearms by hostile civilians. Events in 1943 proved that the fear was not mere paranoia. As knowledge of the death camps leaked out, determined Jews rose up in arms in Tuchin, Warsaw, Bialystok, Vilna, and elsewhere. Jews also joined partisan armies in Eastern Europe in large numbers, and amazingly, even organized escapes and revolts in the killing centers of Treblinka and Auschwitz. It took the Nazis months to destroy the Jews who rose up in the Warsaw ghetto, who at first were armed with only a few firearms that had been purchased on the black market, stolen or obtained from the Polish underground.

Halbrook contends that the history of Germany might have been changed if more of its citizens had been armed, and if the right to bear arms had been enshrined in Germany's culture and constitution. Halbrook also points out that while resistance took place in many parts of occupied Europe, there was almost no resistance in Germany itself, because the Nazis had enjoyed years in which they could enforce the gun laws to ensure that no potential opponent of the regime had the means to resist.

No one can foresee with certainty which countries will succumb to genocidal dictatorship. Germany under the Weimar Republic was a democracy in a nation with a very long history of much greater tolerance for Jews than existed in France, England, or Russia, or almost anywhere else.

One never knows if one will need a fire extinguisher. Many people go their whole lives without needing to use a fire extinguisher, and most people never need firearms to resist genocide. But if you don't prepare to have a life-saving tool on hand during an unexpected emergency, then you and your family may not survive.

It doesn't matter whether you're Hungarian, Polish, Jewish, German or American, If you don't have a gun, you have nothing and you should never be willing to give it up!

My Resources used for presenting this post came from Dave Kopel & Richard Griffiths

Monday, March 25, 2013

On My Soapbox....again! Bullying

My post today is going to be a bit different than normal.  Instead of focusing on the political side of the nation I want climb up on my soapbox and take a few moments to focus on some of the people who live within this nation who feel the need to make themselves feel superior by stepping on others to accomplish their goal..

A very close friend of our family has a young daughter who lost her eye to a rare type of cancer about a year ago and the eye was replaced with a prosthetic one.  This has been a very trying ordeal not only for the little girl, but also for the entire family and their close friends.  She is a very brave young lady and considering everything she had to endure through all this, her courage is leaps and bounds ahead of what most people have to muster up their entire lives.  She came home from school on Thursday and told her mother that "her eyes were creepy".  When asked where she had heard that come from, the answer was the kids at school had told her so.  Now you know why I'm on my soapbox today.

Now I know that younger children can make innocent comments without understanding what they have said or done, but we all know that children can be very very cruel, and very often this stems from their upbringing at home where they are not taught to be kind to others in general, but are even less educated about the way to always treat someone who has a disability or defect, which should always be handled with the greatest of care and love.  This responsibility comes back to the parents, the grandparents and even the older siblings of the family and it is their responsibility to correct and counsel the children in the home to be sure that they grow up with the understanding of how painful and hurtful they can be to someone who has to live in this world with physical or emotional problems and are being continually teased and put down because of their condition.  You as a parent are responsible for your children's actions.  I know....the government wants you to think it is their responsibility to raise the children, but it's not!  You conceived and bore these children, it is your responsibility to see to it they are brought up to act like human beings, not animals. 

One of my best friends growing up till I was the age of 12 before we were relocated due to my fathers job, was mentally challenged.  He had many issues and it took a lot of patience to be around him, but no one else wanted to take on that responsibility so I did.  I look back on that time in my life and I am grateful that had the opportunity to be his friend and that my parents taught me to be kind and loving and that they supported me in being friends to this young man.  No, it was not easy and I took heat from other kids who knew I hung out with him, but I was a very large kid and my friend did not suffer at the hands of those who felt they were superior to him and I was big enough to take any ridicule that was sent my way for being his friend..

All too often in school, kids are very mean and degrading to others, be it their clothes, their looks, their being a little slow, a limp, a defect or a variety of other things.  It is known as bullying.  A bully typically will punch or push you, knock you down, take your milk money or stick your head in the drinking fountain.  Mental cruelty is just as damaging if not more so, it goes beyond a bruise or a bump, it goes right to the heart of the matter....literally!  A  bullier should be dealt with by the schools and their security people immediately, but this is hardly ever the case.  It seems that everyone is too afraid to do what is right!~  Immediate suspension is the first step, if that does not work, removing the bully from the school and having the parents find a school that deals with and handles these types of children is the second and last step. A friend of mine runs such a school that is geared to handle just these types of children of all ages.  Bullies need to be placed in this type of an environment.. 

Why do you think that there are so many shootings these days?  I personally think these kids that are walking into schools and killing innocent children because they are tormented angry individuals who are repaying what they consider to be a debt owed them.  This is of course, insanity and there is no call for it, but our society seems to be breeding this type of behavior more and more as time goes by..  Of course society wants to blame the guns for the problem, but that's like me saying the scissors I was using yesterday became possessed and got up and stabbed me in the hand.  Inanimate objects do not inflict pain or death on people all by themselves, it requires someone to control them!

I remember several times during my years in school where a bully or bullies had gone too far and no one kid was big enough to handle the situation by themselves, so the bully, or bullies, were taken on by a group of kids who gave him a really good reason to pull out of the bullying business.  Nowadays, a child who attempts to defend themselves, either as an individual or as a group will be subjected to harsher punishment than the bully themselves.  I intervened many times in my life to help someone who was being tormented or beat up by someone who felt the need to make themselves look like a real hot shot.  I was always taught as a boy that I was not to fight, probably because of my size, and I was always pretty good about not fighting unless someone else started it or when I saw something happening to someone else and I knew I could stop it. 

I just learned of a situation at the school where one of our grandchildren attends.  A mother went to the school in an attempt to get a bully to leave her son alone.....the schools response....well, lets just say  It left the mother in tears and in fear for her child's safety.  This is wrong at so many levels.  The principal of the school is responsible for every child's safety while they are attending, if he or she cannot control or correct the problems, they need to be replaced.  We have become a nation of self righteous, judgmental, entitled blithering idiots who are not willing to maintain a safe environment for our children or even ourselves.  Too many are afraid to get involved or to do what is necessary to turn wrong into right.  The legal system is just as guilty as it is nothing more than a giant lottery and creates a perfect means by which people feel they can obtain great sums of money for themselves and this is all because the liberal agenda has convinced a majority of the population that they should be getting something for nothing and the sheep are all baaing for a free cell phone.

Law enforcement has become a joke, cities and counties profit to the fullest extent through law enforcement, as law enforcement has become nothing more than a revenue generator for the city or county in which they work.  They are too busy collecting revenues to be bothered with much else.  I personally know of a small town in mid California that thrives on and creates all it's income through speeders and traffic violations, the highway is one giant speed trap and they are especially fond of nailing truck drivers. (No I am not a truck driver) You cannot even get through to a live person when calling into the court, the recording tells you to pay the fine.  If you do show up to the court to protest your ticket, you can rest assured that at least 100% of the time you will be judged guilty and the fine goes up.  Bullying at a state level.....the same idiots that people expect to raise their children. 

I was walking home from school one day when I was in the 4th grade and one of the neighbor kids who was in the 6th grade, and was a known bully, came along and started chasing 2 little girls who lived over on the next block.  He caught one of them and was taking her over to toss her in a huge puddle of water.  I intervened, freed the little girl and took the kid down to the ground so they could run home without him chasing them.  Now I tell you all this for a reason, because I was pulled out of class after lunch by the principal and accused of trying to hurt the little girls who were standing there in the hallway next to their mother.  The little girls both at the same time yelled that it was not me who was chasing them, it was me that saved them from the other kid and kept him down while they headed for home.  Evidently, the other kid when confronted told the principal that it was me who was doing the chasing, not him.  I was absolved of the crime but was sent to the office to wait for the principal.  When she finally got to the office, she closed the door behind her and gave me some very sound advice that I have adhered to my entire life.  "The company you keep" she said, "will determine what could happen to me in life".  She proceeded to explain that being somewhere with someone who elects to do something wrong would put me in the same boat through association.  I explained to her exactly what had happened and she was totally supportive of me and my actions and my willingness to protect the little girls, but wanted to make sure I understood exactly what could happen if I was to choose to hang around with boys like this kid I had taken on.  I have never forgotten those words and have continued to stick my neck out many more times in my life to help someone in need or to protect my family and friends, but I have also been very careful about the friends I have and the company I keep.  This situation the principal discussed with me is really not any different than if a child is hanging around with a group of other children who spend recess and lunch time out on the playground chanting and taunting one of the other children for their own amusement.  Even if "your child" is not participating in the tormenting, they are just as guilty because they were there.  Children need to understand that it is not alright to hang out with these types and that they will eventually find themselves in the same trap as those who are doing the instigating. Teach your child to report the problem to the office and make sure you are contacting your child's school and demand that they deal with the bullying issues with an iron fist.

A child who's spirit is broken because they are not accepted into the group of children they attend school with, or live and play with in your neighborhood not only struggles emotionally, have feelings of isolation and depression because they are not popular and treated like the other kids, but it can over time create an even worse situation as time rolls on.  I'm talking about suicide.  Something that has grown to epidemic proportions in this country, especially among teens.  I won't even go into how many people I have known personally that have committed suicide over my years on this planet, that is an entirely new subject, but suicide is real and it is taking control of more and more people these days because they feel it is their only escape.  Results in a lot of suicide cases can be traced back to a child's younger life, one of being an outcast, the brunt of other kid's jokes and giving the child every reason to feel that moving out of this world is in their best interest. How would you feel if you were the cause of another person taking their own life???  How about the mother who created the MySpace hoax where a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, corresponded with a make believe boy that a neighboring mother had created named Josh.  The hoax went on for more than a month and then abruptly "Josh" ended the friendship by telling her he had heard she was cruel.  The next day the 13 year old girl committed suicide, she hung herself in her bedroom.  Her family learned later that Josh never actually existed; he was created by members of a neighborhood family that included a former friend of the girls. My gosh, how could you live with yourself knowing that you had caused an innocent 13 year old to commit suicide or anyone else for that matter!

I lost a business partner a couple of years back to suicide and it all stemmed from people who were pushing him around and taking advantage of his weakness and physical defects.  He was born with Muscular Dystrophy and his legs were in very bad shape and he was in a great deal of pain his entire life. He was an odd looking little man who was a giant in the world of business, but could not have punched his way out of a paper bag.  He was a giving soul, one who cared greatly for others.  He was never married and had no children, but he devoted a lot of time, energy and money to help those he knew who had children to help them.  One of the kids he sponsored over many years actually became a driver for one of the big racing teams in NASCAR because of all the effort and funding that was extended to him to help him achieve a dream..

But one day something happened when he became unknowingly involved with a very angry and volital man who ran him monetarily and physically into the ground and put his life in jeopardy.  The intense fear and threats that were instilled into my friend were something he could not live with and thus on a dreary December day, he took his own life.  When I found his twisted body on the floor of his office apartment, I cannot tell you how I felt that day, it is something you have to experience to understand, but I realized that his struggle was over as he was no longer in pain or in fear for his existence.  He sadly took care of it in the only way he knew how.  Even though I fought hard to keep him moving in a positive direction, I ultimately knew that something was coming and that there was nothing anyone was going to be able to do to stop it..  He was 50 years old upon his death, age is not a factor when it comes to taking advantage of people weaker than yourself, it happens to people of all ages!!

I hope everyone who reads this will take a moment to reflect on how you have, or are currently, raising your children.  It is important that parents talk to their children and emphasize how important it is to treat everyone with kindness and love, especially those who cannot stand up and defend themselves against such ridicule.  I feel it is important that teachers explain in great detail to their students what a child is going through and how important it is for them as a class to always be there for these types of children to watch over them and be their friends and help them along life's road.  Those who feel the need to treat others wrongly should be shammed to tears for their actions and avoided..  I have had many, many experiences with children and people who have come into this world with issues that cause them to be neglected and mistreated, and I cannot express to you how much love I feel for these special spirits who spend their time on earth fighting a bigger uphill battle than any one hundred thousand normal people combined could ever even dream of. experiencing throughout their entire lives!!

Wake up's time to take the bull by the horns and dropkick those who feel the need to create an environment of superiority for themselves, and return the "Consequences for ones actions" back into our society.  I want you to know, that if what I have written here has offended you....that's too damn bad and I suggest you start paying attention, because you haven't got a clue and it's way past time you got one!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Whenever someone says.....

Whenever someone says, "It can't get any worse," think about this picture:

My buddy Michael sent this to me and I had nightmares all night long!!

No assault weapons ban: Not in Democrats Senate bill

WASHINGTON (AP) — An assault weapons ban won't be in the gun-control legislation that Democrats bring to the Senate floor next month, a decision that means the ban's chances of survival now are all but hopeless.

The ban is the most controversial firearms restriction that President Barack Obama and other Democrats have pressed for since an assault-type weapon was used in the December massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Rejection by Congress would be a major victory for the National Rifle Association and its supporters and a setback for Obama and the provision's sponsor, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
In a tactical decision, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., concluded that including the prohibition in the gun bill would jeopardize the chances for passage of any firearms legislation at all, taking away votes that would be needed to overcome Republican attempts to block the Senate from even taking up the issue.
"I very much regret it," Feinstein said Tuesday of the choice that Reid told her he had made. "I tried my best. But my best, I guess, wasn't good enough."
Feinstein's proposal to prohibit military-style weapons will still get a vote as an amendment to the gun legislation that Democrats debate. But she is all but certain to need 60 votes from the 100-member Senate to prevail, and she faces solid Republican opposition as well as likely defections from some Democrats.
Reid told reporters that "using the most optimistic numbers," there were less than 40 votes for Feinstein's ban. That is far less than the 60 votes needed to move contested legislation in the chamber, which has 53 Democrats plus two independents who usually back them.
"I'm not going to try to put something on the floor that won't succeed. I want something that will succeed. I think the worst of all worlds would be to bring something to the floor and it dies there," Reid said.
Because of the opposition the ban has prompted, its exclusion from the initial package the Senate considers had been expected as a way for Democrats to amass the strongest possible vote for the overall legislation. Having a separate vote on assault weapons might free moderate Democratic senators facing re-election in Republican-leaning states next year to vote against the assault weapons measure, but then support the remaining overall package of gun curbs.
Gun-control supporters also consider a strong Senate vote on an overall bill important because it could put pressure on the Republican-run House, whose leaders have shown little enthusiasm for most of Obama's proposals.

The NRA's chief lobbyist, Chris W. Cox, said in a written statement, "History has proven that a senseless ban of firearms based on cosmetic features will not make our communities safer. Congress should reject this so-called 'assault weapons ban' whether it is offered as a stand-alone bill or as an amendment."
Cox reiterated his organization's preference to focus on school safety, mental health and better enforcement of existing laws.

Amen to that!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Flags at Half-Staff for Chavez???

President Obama orders U.S. Flags to be flown at half-mast to honor Hugo Chavez, socialist dictator.

You read that right, I actually heard him on the radio order flags at half-mast for a month and also  wanted to have a national day of remembrance set up for this hack.  I heard this news bleep across the radio and I never saw another item about it in the mainstream news.  I'm sure that the outcry was so substantial that he started backing off his demands....I did not see one flag at half-mast in my area and although I don't wish ill will on people.....I won't tell you that I didn't get a little giddy when I heard that Chavez was gone!

Here's a quick article about Citgo flying their flags at Half-staff in Houston and Lake Charles.  I hope you are all paying attention to where you purchase your gasoline from!  Citgo needs to go out of business in this country!
Out of respect for President Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan-owned oil refinery Citgo flew its flags at half staff outside its Houston and Lake Charles, La., offices Wednesday, sparking outcry from drivers passing by.
In Houston, the flags at the refinery were lowered to half staff as late as this afternoon, and caused a number of people to look twice as they drove by. James Post, an assistant project manager at an engineering and construction firm in Harris County, told Fox the sight was "jarring" and "deeply disappointing."
U.S. protocol allows for flags to be lowered for foreign dignitaries and Post recognized Citgo's right to do so as a private company. However, he said upon seeing the American or Texas flag at half staff, he questioned the person being honored; and said his mind "immediately jumped to the last time we did this in the Houston-area and it was for Neil Armstrong, so, you wonder."
Meanwhile, Terry Backhaus, a financial adviser in Louisiana, told Fox the flags at the Citgo refinery in Lake Charles had apparently been raised back by noon. "I think I used a profanity when I saw it this morning, I was disgusted," Bakhaus said. "I didn't believe it to be right, not for somebody who wasn't a true American ally."

To Read More:

Chavez Dead. American Flags Fly at Half Mast. What? (And liberals mourn the loss of a dictator)

Written on Friday, March 8, 2013 by
Screen Shot 2013-03-08 at 10.04.22 AM
Hugo Chavez is dead. He died Tuesday afternoon at age 58. In Texas and Louisiana, two Citco refineries flew flags, including the American flag at half-mast in respect for the deceased dictator. There are reports of other Citco properties doing the same thing in various states. This just isn’t right.
It is understood that Citco is a Venezuelan company, but Venezuela is not an American ally. Venezuela is far from being a friend to the United States. It is Chavez himself who was less than complimentary when he spoke of former President George Bush.
In a UN speech in 2006 Chavez said of Bush:
“The devil came here yesterday. And it smells of sulfur still today.”(Wonder if he still smells sulfur now that he has passed on to the great beyond???)

I guess Chavez never read Dale Carnegie’s classic, How To Win Friends and Influence People. He never did apologize for his remarks or hold out an olive branch. But, as a good socialist will do, he was glad to take American’s money for his gas.
On a weekly television program in 2005 Chavez clearly stated his vision for his country. It is a vision for which our current President would certainly echo a hearty “Amen!” He said:
“After many readings, debates, discussions, travels around the world, etcetera, I am convinced — and I believe this conviction will be for the rest of my life — that the path to a new, better and possible world is not capitalism. The path is socialism.” (Sound vaguely familiar??)
The half-mast flags did not go unnoticed by many residents of Texas and Louisiana. There was a loud outcry, loud enough to get the flags raised to their proper positions.
Was Citco in violation of the law? Apparently not in that it is a private company.
Title 4 of the U.S. Code states that: the American flag may be flown at half-staff following the death of “other officials or foreign dignitaries” if indicated in presidential instructions. However, private individuals and organizations are not legally bound to follow provisions regarding flag etiquette.
Another disturbing thing to me is the response of Jimmy Carter, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone and others over the death of Chavez. What is the fascination among extreme liberals like those just mentioned over oppressive dictators? Is it because they relate to the hypocrisy? These rich celebrities drool over the likes of Chavez and Castro, and yet they never seem to want to move to Venezuela or Cuba. I wish they would.
Sean Penn said he was a close friend of Chavez and was devastated by his death. Penn also was a frequent visitor to Chavez’s socialist-island. It’s true. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
Penn was quoted by the Hollywood Reporter to have said: “Today the people of the United States lost a friend it never knew it had. And poor people around the world lost a champion.”
It’s worth noting that Chavez was worth one billion dollars when he died. Why are the radical and vocal socialists so often rich? They love socialism because it doesn’t affect them. Let’s see, in America we have the super rich socialists Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Oliver Stone, and Sean Penn for starters.
A blogger, named lbryce, on the Free Republic aptly summed it up the hypocrisy of socialist liberals:

“It’s always quite fascinating to learn of the utter hypocrisy, avarice and greed of those whose purported philosophy of accumulated wealth of others is one they consider an anathema, considered an act of immorality to have been amassed by the exploitation of the masses, money made on the backs of poor peasants, who receive little in return while such landowners in Venezuela live like kings off the sweat, hard work of the poor locals.”
(Well stated!!!)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gun Control 101

Photo: Our government would never do such a thing. *wink wink*Photo: Our government would never do such a thing. *wink wink*Photo: Our government would never do such a thing. *wink wink*
After reading this I want you to take a few moments to realize what is coming to pass in this nation.....
this liberal tax clown lied to police to involke revenge on this woman.  What irritates me is that the police are no better than the liberal hack who called them.  Power corrupts and those who have it had better get themselves under control or step out of the position of power.  If anyone needs to be charged with "Terrorist" crimes, it is Colavecchio!!

NJ Mother Pressured to Turn Over Her Guns, Charged With ‘Terroristic Threats’ After Reading the Constitution at Tax Dispute Assembly

NJ Mother Eileen Hart Arrested, Forced to Turn Over Guns After Citing Constitution at Tax Dispute Forum
Eileen Hart and her daughter in Israel. (Photo courtesy of the Hart family)
​Key Points:
  • Eileen Hart objected to a mandatory re-evaluation of her property value that would drastically increase her tax rates
  • She read the Constitution at a tax dispute forum and called one of the appraisers a “pencil-pusher”
  • One of tax officials called 911 saying Hart threatened to return with a gun, but she unequivocally denies the claim
  • Hart was charged with making “terroristic threats” and told that if she didn’t turn over her weapons, her bail would be prohibitively high and it was unclear how long she would have to remain in jail
A New Jersey mother was arrested and told to turn over her guns after reading the Constitution and peacefully protesting at a tax dispute forum, she says.
Eileen Hart was with her husband Keith and her 7-year-old daughter on Saturday at the Gloucester Community Center to dispute a mandatory home re-evaluation that would roughly double her property value (and therefore dramatically increase her rates), objecting on multiple grounds.  As an Orthodox Jew, she refused to have the inspectors in her home when her husband was away at work.  As an American citizen, she objected to the seemingly arbitrary reappraisal, noting that she is not planning on selling her home and hasn’t renovated her kitchen in 30 years.
But at the forum, Hart was allegedly told that since she didn’t let the inspectors into her home, they had a right to “assume” its value under the New Jersey state constitution.
“How could they assume that my value had doubled when there is absolutely no housing market?” she asked TheBlaze rhetorically over the phone.  “There is basically no GDP growth.”
After Hart started citing the Constitution, a representative of Appraisal Systems, Inc.– the company contracted by the state to conduct appraisals–  started “freaking out,” she said, and called for Gloucester County tax assessor Robyn Glocker-Hammond.
“Sit down and shut up,” Hart said Glocker-Hammond told her, adding that she (Glocker-Hammond) was there to “enforce the law.”
“I didn’t see a badge,” Hart noted.  “Her title is tax assessor, not law enforcement officer.”
Glocker-Hammond started speaking to Hart’s husband like a “two-year-old,” Hart claimed, and after she objected, Glocker-Hammond once again told her to be quiet.
“I have a right to speak out against this, this is a public place, my tax dollars pay your salary,” Hart told the tax assessor, already incredulous at the drastic increase in her rates.
“I don’t work for you,” the assessor allegedly retorted.
At that point, Appraisal Systems, Inc. representative Andrew Colavecchio started advancing towards her, she said, like he was about to grab her arm.  “Don’t you dare touch me,” she said after he allegedly got so close he touched her coat.
Glocker-Hammond then told her she had to leave the public forum and threatened to call the authorities, though Hart swears she never cursed or acted inappropriately.
That’s when things got serious.
As Hart left the building she saw Colavecchio “sneering” at her and said to him in passing, “look at the little pencil-pusher.”
Hart said Colavecchio threatened to call 911 and “ran after us in the parking lot like a banshee, his face was purple, [he was] disheveled, [he] started to take down my license plate and ran off.  When he got to the doors of the building he screamed at us, ‘let’s see if you can pay your taxes now!’”
Much to her surprise, Hart returned home to numerous police cars, the officers asking if they could bring her in for questioning even though they did not have a warrant.  She was not allowed to drive behind with her husband, but was forced to ride in the police vehicle.
Colavecchio had apparently told the police that Hart was “yelling and screaming” and threatened to return to the meeting with a gun.
Here’s a copy of the police complaint:
NJ Mother Eileen Hart Arrested, Forced to Turn Over Guns After Citing Constitution at Tax Dispute Forum
This document has been modified by TheBlaze to remove sensitive information. (Image courtesy of Eileen Hart, via Harriet Baldwin)
But Hart told TheBlaze: “I did not use one curse word, I didn’t say the word gun, I didn’t swear, none of that.  I aired my grievances in a public place to [tell] the government that I did not agree with what they were doing to me or to anybody else.”
Hart said she was doubly surprised when, instead of getting her side of the story, police handcuffed her to a chair and charged her with “terroristic threats.”
She told TheBlaze with conviction:
“I have a 7-year-old daughter, I homeschool her.  I would never risk going to prison for the rest of my life and lose everything.  I have no criminal history, I have no history of drug abuse, no history of alcohol abuse, I have no history of mental illness, I have never committed a crime a day in my life.  And because I used my First Amendment right I was arrested for it.”
After trying to “coerce” her into making a statement along the lines of “what he thinks happened,” Hart said the police sergeant informed her that if she didn’t turn over her firearms for “safe keeping,” her bail would be set prohibitively high and it was unclear how long she would have to remain in custody.
“[So I] sit in jail and my daughter doesn’t have a mother…?” she asked TheBlaze, implying that she didn’t really have a choice in the matter.
Hart turned over her two firearms and associated equipment, and was told that she’ll get them back “when this is all over.”
NJ Mother Eileen Hart Arrested, Forced to Turn Over Guns After Citing Constitution at Tax Dispute Forum
This image has been modified by TheBlaze to remove sensitive information. (Image Courtesy of Eileen Hart, via Harriet Baldwin)
Hart says she has hired a “fantastic” attorney to fight the claims, and he’ll likely reach out to the other meeting attendees to corroborate her story.  The group was small, so presumably someone would recall a raving woman threatening to return with a gun.
But the county’s public information officer Deb Sellitto told TheBlaze in an email, without any specifics, that Ms. Glocker-Hammond “has never experienced this type of extreme behavior from a taxpayer.”
She added that the Appraisal Systems, Inc. representative is the one who actually called police, though, because “he perceived the resident’s statements as a threat.”
Hart is deeply distressed by the entire situation.
The daughter of Holocaust survivors, Hart says she can’t help but recall the “massive gun registration [and] invasion of private property” that occurred when Hitler invaded Poland.
“If quoting the Constitution makes me a terrorist, we are in Hitler’s America,” she said incredulously.
Andrew Colavecchio of Appraisal Systems, Inc. has not responded to TheBlaze’s request for comment, and the company’s CEO Ernest Del Gurecio told us they plan to wait for all the facts before making a statement.
​This post has been updated to include a comment from Deb Sellitto, the public information officer for Gloucester County.
Good Morning America,
I must apologize for not being diligent in keeping my posts current, but for the last few months my time has been so limited that I thought my absence would not be missed.  I have heard from a few folks that have commented about not receiving my regular posts and until today when I logged into the blog for the first time in several months and realized how many thousands and thousands of people that have been viewing this page did I realize that I had started something I had no right to ignore.

The good people of America, the ones who truly understand just what our government is doing to destroy our nation deserve better from me.  I vow to become more diligent in keeping up with what is happening in our nation and presenting my point of views from here forward.  We, together, are what is going to make a difference and save our nation from the poison that has been loosed within our nations capitol and throughout our nations state capitols.  We, together are what will make a difference in the final outcome of our nation, whether it succeeds or it fails, it is up to those of us who understand that this is a nation UNDER GOD and that unless we put our faith in him and are willing to stand strong against those who want nothing more than to place us under a nation controlled by dictatorship, WE WILL FAIL! 

We have a great responsibility to our children, our grandchildren and their children to stop the scathing evil that is corrupting our nation and pushing us closer and closer to Totalitarianism.  This is not acceptable to me and I will fight it to my death to make sure those future generations of my family, my friends and my fellow Conservatives who believe that we are a nation of freedom that follows a Constitution and Bill of Rights GUARANTEEING us certain inalienable rights such as LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  Also the right to bear arms, the right to be able to work and enjoy the fruits of our labors, not hand it over to a selfish arrogant government who wastes the taxpayer money, dolling it out to lazy, whining low life's who feel they are entitled to what others work hard to produce for themselves and their families.  THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO THAT WHICH WE ALL WORK SO HARD TO ACHIEVE!

The president and his wife have both out loud expressed their hatred for America and have done everything in their power to gobble up everything they can from the American people.  The lavish vacations and lifestyle of these two is cause enough to have them removed from office, yet most people sit idly by believing that the day will come when they too will be able to harvest free cars, homes and money from "Obama's personal stash" allowing them to never have to work again and be taken care of for life.  That folks is EXACTLY why our nation is falling!  Those who believe that they are somehow entitled to sit on their big fat butts and get something for nothing, were the biggest contributors to the cause of the murderous rampage and eventual fall of Nazi Germany that took place back during the bloody reign of Adolph Hitler.  Those people who put him in power were of the same mindset that liberals are today.  Those are the people who believed until the very end that "Hitler was doing a great job and what was necessary".  We now have a man in the white house who is following Hitlers playbook to the letter.....think about it!!  Don't believe that's true??  You had better get your fat lazy good for nothing butt down to the local library and start doing your homework because your time is coming and the tides will turn and you will suddenly realize that your entitlement has run out!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It has been awhile since I have posted here, not because I don't have plenty to say or have plenty of items that should be passed on, but rather because I am so busy working that I don't have the time to spend here as I would like. You see, I work 4 different jobs in order to stay afloat and keep my bills paid. That's right, 4 different jobs! I'm sure I could find an excuse to wrangle myself onto welfare, or maybe some other form of government dole-out program if I was, as so many feel that they are in this country, ENTITLED! Well, I see it differently. I see entitlement as a word that only applies to say someone who was so seriously injured that it is impossible for them to work again, or someone who lost their spouse and was left with multiple children to care for and do not have the ability or resources to accomplish this task. These are the reasons such programs as Welfare were established, not to take care of some lazy sit on their ass good for nothing, lookin for a handout, you owe me, boil on the butt of society types....and while we are on the subject of boils on the butt of society, lets turn our eyes to the White House where the biggest boil and it's companion boil reside and who have convinced so many of you that you ARE ENTITLED to what someone else has.......WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!
Let me make something very clear....I am close to 6 decades old, I have back problems, knee problems, arthritis problems as well as countless other issues to deal with. I do not have a good education and spent my entire life being self employed. When the events of the bottom dropping out of real estate hit this country, I was in a bad position and was basically wiped out. I had been smart enough to save and prepare for bad times and used those resources to keep things going until I found work. It took me over two years to find someone who was willing to put an old uneducated fool to work for $11 an hour. I took the job and because of that job I was offered another job with the willingness to work around my first job. I then found another position working for a company on commission and finally after the first job I was doing was taken over by another company, whom I continue to work for, I was offered a great position back with the first company I had been working for. All these jobs were minimal pay and the commission job was one that took a long time to get clients to commit, but guess what....a client did commit, and the other low paying jobs combined have kept the bills paid and has now led me into a better paying job. This was not because I sat on my big fat butt whining about having no money, or having to go back to work, or that someone should be taking care of me because I am old....this was because I have never felt that anyone owed me anything and therefore I don't take handouts! For those out there who feel they are entitled let me just say this....The world does NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING! If you feel it does, then pack your bags and move to Europe or somewhere that puts people like you on the public dole, let them have you cause we don't want you!! What I have, I have earned and it does not belong to you or anyone else other than my children and my grandchildren when the time comes for me to leave this world. Drag your lazy good for nothing butt out from behind the TV and get out and find a job! They're out there, they may not pay all that well and you may have to have more than one, but at least your working and will have taken the burden of one more person off the backs of the taxpayers. Maybe you should contact the White House and see if your Muslim president and his America hating wife would be willing to take you in and let you live with them until you decide your are ready to do something on your own. It seems he was all about yapping his gums and giving you free rent, gas, cars and money according to what I heard so many of you chanting after you put him in office. How's that working for you now?????? That's what I thought! I tell you what...when you get a job and you get your first paycheck and you have paid all the necessary bills you owe, then if there is anything left over, you will be entitled to spend it anyway you want! That's entitlement and it is the only entitlement anyone should be granted...PERIOD!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Forgotten Man - Jon McNaughton

I have nothing further to add........

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

“Clear case of economic terrorism”

This will chill you to the bone!!

We Will Not Obey

When you listen to what the government did to the people in Louisiana when Hurricane Katrina hit, I hope it will help to open your eyes to what our government has become. Any one of the law enforcement or military personnel who obeyed the orders given to subject these people to imprisonment, confiscation or arrest should be dealt with in a court of law, be relieved of duty and be punished for their roll in this conspiracy. Every government official who authorized this should be immediately removed from office, incarcerated and tried for treason against the American citizens. This is an outrage and to those who have elected to stand up and say "We Will Not Obey" I am with you and will stand with you against the tyranny of those who believe they are above the law and can implement whatever, whenever they want. This is America, not Nazi Germany!!

Rep Don Young Urges Producing American Energy & Opening ANWR

Very well said....he really drives home the point of why we need to stop depending on any other country for our oil. Drill baby...DRILL!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Hope You Are All Paying Attention

Sorry folks, it has been a couple of months since I posted here. I have been overly busy and have not had time to stay up on this blog as I should. That does not mean however that I am not paying attention and following the trends we are experiencing in America. A couple of posts back I gave you a link to an article about food pricing and I hope you read it and are paying close attention to what is happening. I am watching prices go up and up on most everything. Flour just jumped over $2.00 for 25 lbs, sugar is up, rice is really up, coffee is racing upward along with everything else. Of course, gasoline is a big part of price fuel is increasing, so are prices on the shelves.

Because our illustrious leader is hellbent on sending our fuel prices through the roof and has been keeping the drilling here in America at a standstill, we are now once again seeing an economy that was showing a small glimmer of hope make a complete U-turn and is headed back into the toilet again. It will stalemate any chance of things getting better because everyone will be spending their extra dollars on gasoline to be able to get to work and take care of their daily tasks. Yet it is a fact that the oil reserves under American soil are greater than all other nations combined and that is a hard cold fact!!

President OScrewU believes that everyone, except himself and his power hungry cronies, should cough up money to purchase a new fuel efficient vehicle that is wasting valuable resources (food) and costing more to operate than any gasoline vehicle on the road today. Regardless for most people, they either can't afford they high price tag or can't get a loan for because the hard times have destroyed their credit scores. Of course OScrewU would be just as happy that you take the bus or ride a bike to accomplish your everyday goals. Now as for OScrewU and his band of merry pillagers, they don't have to follow the rules they set down for us peasants. They don't even have to be on the mandated health care plan they have implemented, they don't have to worry about fuel efficient vehicles, they don't have to worry about where the next dollar will come from to get them from one day to the next because they are taking whatever they need from the American taxpayer and telling each and every one of us to go straight to hell if we don't like it.

I posted back in August of last year percentages that other countries are being taxed, I hope you all read it. 61% to 83% in total taxes, the results of socialistic government taking everything you earn and giving you nothing in return. Frankly, I am not interested in working for the government, giving them everything I have and allowing them to dictate to me what I can and cannot do.

OScrewU introduced a bill that you were told about in the last post I entered here on the blog back in December called S-510 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. On Sunday, December 19, the text of S. 510 replaced the original text of H.R. 2751, and the bill passed by voice vote. H.R. 2751, originally the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act, passed the House in June 2009 and was a "vehicle" for the passage of S. 510 in a House-originating bill because S. 510 was a revenue-raising bill. All revenue-raising bills must originate in the House.
Here's how it went down:
Passed House Jun 9, 2009
Passed Senate Dec 19, 2010
Signed by President Jan 4, 2011
This bill became law. It was signed by Barack (I'm a jackass) Obama and became Public Law No: 111-353. Just so you understand my irritation here, this is the genuinely a vehicle the government can use to stop people from even growing their own food in their own gardens in their own friggen backyards!

Big Government always wants to get bigger. It always wants more power. More authority. More funding. More excuses to function as a dictatorship that rules over the American people.

Utah state Rep. Bill Wright is proposing H.B.249 a bill that would exempt his state from federal food regulations, including the recently enacted food safety bill, S-510, if the food is not sold across state lines. Within the state, it is state's rights, and Utah already has regulations over those items. Wright's bill is modeled after a Montana gun law that Utah adopted last year, which "built on the premise that if the product doesn't cross state borders, the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce shouldn't apply and there is no constitutional right to federal regulation."

Here is the bill as it is proposed, the rest of the nation had better wake up and see this for what it is Second Substitute H.B. 249
Representative Bill Wright proposes the following substitute bill:
4 Chief Sponsor: Christopher N. Herrod
5 Senate Sponsor: Stephen H. Urquhart
8 General Description:
9 This bill recognizes the right of an individual to grow food for personal use of the
10 individual and the individuals family, without being subject to local, state, or federal 11 regulation.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 recognizes the right of an individual to grow food for personal use of the individual
15 and the individuals family, on the individuals property, without being subject to
16 local, state, or federal regulation; and
17 unless the food poses a risk to health, a risk of spreading insect infestation, a risk of
18 spreading agricultural disease, or is unlawfully possessed, prohibits governmental 19 confiscation of food grown for individual or family use, or food stored in an
20 individuals dwelling.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 4-1-9, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. Section 4-1-9 is enacted to read:
31 4-1-9. Growing food for personal use.
32 (1) The state recognizes the right of an individual, without federal intervention, to grow
33 food for personal use by the individual or a member of the individuals family, on the
34 individuals property, without being subject to local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, or rules,
35 if the food:
36 (a) is legal for human consumption;
37 (b) is lawfully possessed;
38 (c) does not pose a health risk;
39 (d) does not negatively impact the rights of adjoining property owners; and
40 (e) complies with the food safety requirements of this title.
41 (2) A government entity may not confiscate food grown in accordance with this 42 section, or food stored in an individuals home or dwelling, that is legal for human consumption
43 and is lawfully possessed, unless the food poses a risk:
44 (a) to health;
45 (b) of spreading insect infestation; or
46 (c) of spreading agricultural disease.Legislative Review Note as of 3-3-11 6:10 PMAs required by legislative rules and practice, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel provides the following legislative review note to assist the Legislature in making its own determination as to the constitutionality of the bill. The note is based on an analysis of relevant state and federal constitutional law as applied to the bill. The note is not written for the purpose of influencing whether the bill should become law, but is written to provide information relevant to the legislators' consideration of this bill. The note is not a substitute for the judgment of the judiciary, which has authority to determine the constitutionality of a law in the context of a specific case.
This legislation recognizes the right of an individual to grow and store food for the personal
use of the individual and the individuals family without being subject to local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, or rules. Furthermore, it provides that a government entity, not excluding Federal government entity, may confiscate that food only under certain circumstances. Even if this legislation is interpreted to be limited to wholly intrastate conduct, the United States Supreme Court has held that the United States Congress has broad power to regulate purely intrastate activity under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. Gonzales v.Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 18 (2005) (“Congress can regulate purely intrastate activity . . . if it concludes that failure to regulate that class of activity would undercut the regulation of the interstate market in that commodity.”); U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 3. Moreover, even if the growing and storing of food described in this bill is not considered commercial activity, the Supreme Court has held that Congress may regulate intrastate activity if it substantially affects interstate commerce. United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 559 (1995). Indeed, the regulation of agricultural commodities is a fundamental example of what Congress may regulate under the Commerce Clause. Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 125 (1942) (holding that Congress may regulate wholly intrastate conduct_even the growing of wheat for consumption only by the grower_if “it exerts a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce.”). Furthermore, the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution declares the laws of the United States to be the supreme law of the land. U.S. Const. art. VI, cl. 2. The Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean, for example, that a federal regulation properly adopted under federal law preempts state law that conflicts with the federal regulation. Fry v. United States,421 U.S. 542, 547-48 (1975). Based on this authority, there is a high probability that a court would find that this legislation unconstitutional in that it violates the Supremacy Clause by limiting the permissible exercise of Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause.

....Once Government controls the food, they control the people, plain and simple. Hitler took control of all food sources, once he accomplished this, the rest was easy. Sleep on that tonight!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

S 510 - The "Food Control" Bill passed to move forward 69-26 NOV 29, 2010

Please, listen to this, pass it on, contact your Senators, call the White House (202) 221-3121, this has to be stopped and it is up to us to get it done! This is the final nail in our coffin, government controls the food, we starve, they win. Please be aware of how dangerous this bill is!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We Are Headed For A Catastrophe!

Please listen to this, please be prepared, please don't take a chance that this is wrong, please be prepared.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Food Price Projections

Good morning all. Below is a special report I received from NIA about U.S. food price projections. I highly suggest you take the time to read this report, it's not long, but it is something that everyone needs to see. We are headed for massive food price increases and it would do everyone well to become as prepared as possible for this future upheaval. Just an example I personally have seen in the past 3 months. Butter at Costco has gone from $6.66 for a 4 box of 4 cubes pack to $10.79 in just 3 months!! Coffee has also skyrocketed and customers who are looking to by coffee are commenting on how expensive it is getting. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks! The government has created massive problems over the past two years and Americans are going to feel some disastrous effects from the power grabbing, greedy, socialistic idiot who occupies the oval office and his socialist lackeys. Please, read this!!

NIA's special U.S. food price projection report is now available to download for free at:

If you would like your family members, friends, and co-workers to receive this special report, please tell them to become a member of NIA for free today at

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Days Are Here Again!!

This was allot of fun to watch! I need a job like the where I can laugh all day long!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

End Of Liberty

You all better damn well watch this, the movement to change the political landscape of this country is not going to be enough, our totally corrupt system of government in this country must fall, it is time to take the words of Abraham Lincoln to heart: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."

-- Abraham Lincoln, 4 April 1861

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Our Dictator May Be In Deep Trouble.
by Kimberly Baehr on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 6:27pm.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court.

According to sources who watch the inner workings of the Federal Government, a
Smackdown of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.

Since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number
of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the Federal Government.

Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue
of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its
ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run
political ads during the time of an election.

The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice
Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,'
concerning the Court's ruling.

As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the
Executive and the Judicial Branches of the Federal Government. Obama publicly
declared war on the court, even as he blatantly continued to propose
legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which
this nation has stood for over 200 years. Obama has even identified Chief Justice
John Roberts as his Number One Enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush
Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on.

And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy,
stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.'

Apparently, the Court has had enough. The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle
manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have
been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important
issues could potentially cripple the Administration. Such a thing would be long overdue.

1st -- There is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the
Federal Government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not
the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of the
intellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution LIMITS FEDERAL Government, not
State Governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus,
a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a
vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, NO citizen can 'OPT OUT.'

2nd -- Sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the
office of President. The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This information involves possible fraudulent use of aSocial Security number in Connecticut , while Obama
was a high school student in Hawaii. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

3rd -- Several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and
pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration,
not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration.

In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the
Obama Department Of Justice suing the state of Arizona. That, too, could send the
Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses
to enforce federal law on illegal aliens.

Finally, the BIGGIE that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a
free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice
and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape COMMITTING FELONIES by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying
A whistle-blower who resigned from the Department Of Justice is now charging Holder
with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are
involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught
on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies.

This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling--that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Original article:

I pray that the judicial system will press forward taking proper action against this imposter who is working feverishly to dismantle our entire nation!