Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Napolitano Says:

Napolitano Says: Immigration bill would boost security....Are you friggen kidding me???   This is the same type of BS that she used when she said that our borders were now secure and we would not have any further terrorist issues....yeah right!!  This is more of the same, these idiots can't even tell you what their left hand is doing 99.9% of the time, they for damn sure aren't going to know where all these 11 million illegals are or what they are up to let alone what issues they will bring down on us just by letting them in after breaking the law to get here!!  Do you really think these people give a damn about what's right or wrong?  If they did, they wouldn't be here ILLEGALLY!!!

I can't believe I even read this crap:  Sweeping immigration legislation would improve U.S. security by helping authorities to know who is in the country, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday, as supporters of an immigration overhaul marshaled arguments against opponents trying to slow it down in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Testifying at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Napolitano said a wide-ranging bill circulating in Congress devotes more money to securing the border, requires employers to verify their workers' identity and implements new systems to track people as they leave the country — something that might have helped flag when one of the suspected Boston bombers traveled to Russia last year. Of great importance, Napolitano said, is the eventual path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants here illegally.

This is nothing more than the liberals agenda of "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and it is all about taking away more and more of our freedoms!

You know.....these illegals are costing American tax payers a fortune, they steal jobs, don't pay taxes, steal money from the tax system/tax payers, they bring crime, death and destruction to our nation.  Now mind you, not every one of these people who come into this country fall under this description, but everyone I know personally who doesn't, came here LEGALLY.....read it again....LEGALLY!!  Our friggen politicians sit on their big fat butts in their ivory castles and tell us that they need to make these people legal.  Who cares that they have broken the law and destroyed our economy.  They suppose that we should put our hands in the air and cheer!!  I don't think so!  I don't give a damn that we now live in a politically correct society and we are just supposed to keep our mouths shut and allow the government to take away our rights and freedoms, I say what I feel and I don't offer any apologies.  Political correctness has been the biggest major cause of our societies steady demise.  Allowing a government to implement a society of political correctness is like sitting on a nuclear time bomb.  Lets call it.....a jack is a jack, a spade is a spade, illegal is an illegal, wrong is wrong, abortion is murder, amnesty to 11 million law breakers is criminal, and right is right.  If you personally feel that these law breakers should have the opportunity to get a no strings attached get out of jail free card, then you fork up the cash to pay for them to live here, you be totally responsible for any trouble they get into or cause, you move them into your home and let them live off your hard work and efforts and leave the rest of us out of it.  Hey......I have an idea!!  How about we require that all the illegals who wish to remain in the country to migrate over to Washington D.C. where all the politicians are.  We put up a big high fence all the way around D.C. and then hire civilian patrols to see to it that no one leaves.  You cross over the fence, you go back in a body bag, then this way the politicians with all their vast amounts of wealth can live in peace and harmony with all the illegals, paying their bills, giving them free cell phones, paying for their cars, their rent and their medical expenses.  Once their in, that's where they stay....and any bleeding heart liberal who would like to join them would be a plus for the rest of us!

America is the land of opportunity and opportunity presents itself as something you obtain by being honest, hard working and understanding that no one owes you a damn thing, you either earn it or you do without it.    
Nuff said!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Protect Your Rights!

Protect Your Rights!

Your voice needs to be heard! Urge your lawmakers to oppose any and all gun control proposals that have been, or will be, introduced, particularly so-called “universal” background checks, which would criminalize the private transfer of firearms and any legislation that would arbitrarily limit ammunition magazines or reinstate the failed ban on commonly owned semi-automatic rifles. 

Obama Loses Background Check Bill, Throws A Lying Temper Tantrum

I only saw the ticker headlines this week on the night of the Waco fertilizer plant explosion running across the bottom of the screen while I was at work, but this little segment immediately caught my eye about an angry President Obama criticizing a minority of the Senate for helping defeat a proposal to expand background checks on gun purchases.  He said that "It came down to politics — the worry that that vocal minority of gun owners would come after them in future elections, all in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington because these Senators have made the decision not to protect our children."  Same exact tactic that Hitler used to move the German people in to disarmament...and it worked for Hitler, we need to be sure it does not work for Obama! 
Please read on, all Americans need to be aware of this of what this type of legislation could mean to us and our freedoms!

In a CBS miniseries back some years ago, Hitler: The Rise of Evil, they try to explain the conditions that enabled a manifestly evil and abnormal individual to gain total power and to commit mass murder. The series looked at some of the people whose flawed decisions paved the way for Hitler's psychopathic dictatorship. Hitler's mother who refused to recognize that her child was extremely disturbed and anti-social; and then of course there are the brain dead people who elected him into power.

If we are serious about "Never again," then we must be serious about remembering how and why Hitler was able to accomplish what he did and never allow it to happen again.  Political scientist R.J.Rummel, the world's foremost scholar of the mass murders of the 20th century, estimated that the Nazis killed about 21 million people, not including war casualties. With modern technology, a modern Hitler would be able to kill even more people even more rapidly.  Think about that for a moment!!  If your a senior, you're already dead, you just don't know it yet!  Under the Obamacare program, your chances of getting continued medical attention once you have reached old age is a percentage not in your favor, he cares only about what he wants, and what he wants is power.....and if he gets your guns, he has it!

One of the most pathetic parts of Obama's speech after the defeat of the bill was when he said, "Instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill!" Well, we don't suppose the President has ever told a lie about guns, has he? Has it not been Obama's standard operating procedure to willfully lie about what assault weapons really are and what kind of weapons were used in the Sandy Hook shooting?  Did he even bring up that there were already ban laws on the books in this state that outlawed "Assault Weapons?"  Has he not used an outdated and possibly bogus statistics on gun sales without background checks?  Has he ever mislead the public into thinking that background checks are not done at all at gun shows?  I could go on.......
President Obama runs his office in a constant mode of deception and now that he has been defeated on a major piece of legislation that he wanted so as to further his agenda of more control, he is none too happy about it.

Adolf Hitler was all about mandating strong and effective programs of gun control.  Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder 21 million people. 

A chapter in the book Death by Gun Control, published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, author Halbrook details how, upon assuming power, the Nazis relentlessly and ruthlessly disarmed their German opponents. The Nazis feared the Jews — many of whom were front-line veterans of World War One — so much that Jews were even disarmed of knives and old sabers.

The Nazis did not create any new firearms laws until 1938. Before then, they were able to use the Weimar Republic's gun controls to ensure that there would be no internal resistance to the Hitler regime.
In 1919, facing political and economic chaos and possible Communist revolution after Germany's defeat in the First World War, the Weimar Republic enacted the Regulation of the Council of the People's Delegates on Weapons Possession. The new law banned the civilian possession of all firearms and ammunition, and demanded their surrender "Immediately."
Once the political and economic situation stabilized, the Weimar Republic created a less draconian gun-control law. The law was similar to, although somewhat milder than, the gun laws currently demanded by the American gun-control lobby.

The Weimar Law on Firearms and Ammunition required a license to engage in any type of firearm business. A special license from the police was needed to either purchase or carry a firearm. The German police were granted complete discretion to deny licenses to criminals or individuals the police deemed untrustworthy. Unlimited police discretion over citizen gun acquisition is the foundation of the "Brady II" proposal that was introduced by Handgun Control, Inc., (now called the Brady Campaign) in 1994.

Under the Weimar law, no license was needed to possess a firearm in the home unless the citizen owned more than five guns of a particular type or stored more than 100 cartridges. The law's requirements were more relaxed for firearms of a "hunting" or "sporting" type. Indeed, the Weimar statute was the world's first gun law to create a formal distinction between sporting and non-sporting firearms. On the issues of home gun possession and sporting guns, the Weimar law was not as stringent as the current Massachusetts gun law, or some of modern proposals supported by American gun-control lobbyists.  You'd better read that again!

Significantly, the Weimar law required the registration of most lawfully owned firearms, as do the laws of some American states. In Germany, the Weimar registration program law provided the information which the Nazis needed to disarm the Jews and others considered untrustworthy.
The Nazi disarmament campaign that began as soon as Hitler assumed power in 1933. While some genocidal governments (such as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia) dispensed with lawmaking, the Nazi government followed the German predilection for the creation of large volumes of written rules and regulations. Yet it was not until March 1938 (the same month that Hitler annexed Austria in the Anschluss) that the Nazis created their own Weapons Law. The new law formalized what had been the policy imposed by Hitler using the Weimar Law: Jews were prohibited from any involvement in any firearm business.
On November 9, 1938, the Nazis launched the Kristallnacht, pogrom, and unarmed Jews all over Germany were attacked by government-sponsored mobs. (Black Panther type groups)   In conjunction with Kristallnacht, the government used the administrative authority of the 1938 Weapons Law to require immediate Jewish surrender of all firearms and edged weapons, and to mandate a sentence of death or 20 years in a concentration camp for any violation.

Even after 1938, the German gun laws were not prohibitory. They simply gave the government enough information and enough discretion to ensure that victims inside Germany would not be able to fight back.

Under the Hitler regime, the Germans had created a superbly trained and very large military — the most powerful military the world had ever seen until then. Man-for-man, the Nazis had greater combat effectiveness than every other army in World War II, and were finally defeated because of the overwhelming size of the Allied armies and the immensely larger economic resources of the Allies.
Despite having an extremely powerful army, the Nazis still feared the civilian possession of firearms by hostile civilians. Events in 1943 proved that the fear was not mere paranoia. As knowledge of the death camps leaked out, determined Jews rose up in arms in Tuchin, Warsaw, Bialystok, Vilna, and elsewhere. Jews also joined partisan armies in Eastern Europe in large numbers, and amazingly, even organized escapes and revolts in the killing centers of Treblinka and Auschwitz. It took the Nazis months to destroy the Jews who rose up in the Warsaw ghetto, who at first were armed with only a few firearms that had been purchased on the black market, stolen or obtained from the Polish underground.

Halbrook contends that the history of Germany might have been changed if more of its citizens had been armed, and if the right to bear arms had been enshrined in Germany's culture and constitution. Halbrook also points out that while resistance took place in many parts of occupied Europe, there was almost no resistance in Germany itself, because the Nazis had enjoyed years in which they could enforce the gun laws to ensure that no potential opponent of the regime had the means to resist.

No one can foresee with certainty which countries will succumb to genocidal dictatorship. Germany under the Weimar Republic was a democracy in a nation with a very long history of much greater tolerance for Jews than existed in France, England, or Russia, or almost anywhere else.

One never knows if one will need a fire extinguisher. Many people go their whole lives without needing to use a fire extinguisher, and most people never need firearms to resist genocide. But if you don't prepare to have a life-saving tool on hand during an unexpected emergency, then you and your family may not survive.

It doesn't matter whether you're Hungarian, Polish, Jewish, German or American, If you don't have a gun, you have nothing and you should never be willing to give it up!

My Resources used for presenting this post came from Dave Kopel & Richard Griffiths