Monday, August 17, 2009

Regarding the comments of Katie Couric on those attending Town Hall Meetings....

Todays Headline: Katie Couric Blames Fear & Ignorance for Town Hall Protests.

Let me see if I can shed some light on why I think people should be angry and are very angry about what is happening to America...

The founding fathers warned against the "welfare state" where the government endeavors to take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." Confiscatory taxation and deficit spending is out of control, and you and I all know that it is immoral to pass debt from one generation to the next... and yet, every generation has struggled to pay off the national debt....until now! We are somehow in denial that this money has to be paid back....the debt will not just go away, and the current administration is spending money faster than any of us can imagine! People like Katie Couric and the likes of those who believe they are owed something for nothing are sucking the life out of this country at a rabid pace. What business does Couric have even opening her mouth about the health care bill and I know that there is not a chance in a million that she will ever become a part of that system. She considers herself to be one of the "elite" of this country, therefore, she does not follow the standard rules or live by what the middle or low income class people have to live by. She is a fraud, and a hypocrite.

The founding fathers did everything in their power to make socialism and communism unconstitutional when writing the Constitution and the Bill of why now do we have a president who is pursuing this with all his might and undermining the Constitution at his every step? Mad? Hell yes people are mad, and they have every reason to be!
The democrats are trying to establish Ruler's Law. Authority under Ruler's Law is nearly always established by force, violence, and conquest. The people are not equal, but are divided into classes and are all looked upon as "subjects." The trust of the governmental power is from the top down, not from the people upward. The people lose their unalienable rights, or in other words, the "king giveth and the King taketh away." Government becomes the whims of men, not by the fixed rule of law which the people need in order to govern their affairs with confidence, thus eventually interpreting the laws to it's benefit, enforcing them and thus maintaining tyrannical control over the people. Under Rulers Law, the problems are always solved by issuing more edicts or laws, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these services by continually adding to their burden of taxes, and freedom is never looked upon as a viable solution to anything. The long history of Ruler's Law is one of blood and terror ultimately causing perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, regulation and the constant existence of misery.
We don't want this and people are figuring out that this is the direction the liberals want to take this country in. That is why the people are fighting back, and those who think this is just a mob of fear or ignorance such as Couric's comments about those going into town hall meethings and trying to stop a single issue like the health care bill....well, I suggest that you had better think again!!

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