These comments are from Hugo Chavez in January 2007:
As Venezuela embarked on another six years under Hugo Chavez, the president announced plans to nationalize power and telecommunications companies and make other bold changes to increase state control as he promised a more radical push toward socialism.
Chavez, who will be sworn in Wednesday to a third term that runs until 2013, also said he wanted a constitutional amendment to strip the Central Bank of its autonomy and would soon ask the National Assembly, solidly controlled by his allies, to approve "a set of revolutionary laws" by presidential decree.
"We're moving toward a socialist republic of Venezuela, and that requires a deep reform of our national constitution," Chavez said in a televised address after swearing in his new Cabinet on Monday. "We're heading toward socialism, and nothing and no one can prevent it."
The nationalization will likely affect Electricidad de Caracas, owned by Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corp., and C.A. Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela, known as CANTV, the country's largest publicly traded company and the only Venezuelan listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Verizon Communications Inc. has a 28.5 percent interest in CANTV. Makes me want to run out and switch my phone service to Verizon!!
Chavez said lucrative oil projects in the Orinoco River basin involving foreign oil companies should be under national ownership. He did not spell out whether foreign investors would be compensated or simply expropriated.
He has decided to deepen his revolution, which from my point of view aims to look a lot like Castro's Cuba, and is citing the communist ideals of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.
The nation's newspapaer, El Nacional, which is very critical of Chavez, said in an editorial that the president "surprised all Venezuelans" with his moves. The paper said there is a clear need for a national debate on the seizing of private companies. Gee, do you think???
The United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, which provides Chavez with billions of dollars for his social programs. Why in the hell are we still buying oil from this jerk?????
Chavez threatened last August to nationalize CANTV, a Caracas-based former state firm that was privatized in 1991, unless it fully complied with a court ruling and adjusted its pension payments to current minimum-wage levels. Can you say BLACKMAIL??
Read more: Today, August 4th, 2009, Hugo Chavez, who is moving forward uncontrolled in his race for socialism has taken control of the 2 largest coffee companies making accusations of illegal activities, which were denied by both companies, citing his intentions of nationalizing them and stated that he will continue to nationalize all large companies for the good of the nation....or should he say for the betterment of himself and his cronies. Once nationlization starts, there is no stopping it once it gets a full head of steam....unless....the problem that is creating it is eliminated!
Does this somehow all sound familiar of the last 6 months here America??? Obama is rushing, and I mean rushing to nationalize everything he can get his hands on. Thus far Chrysler & GM, but he wants to nationalize the banks, the health care system and what else?? Oh yes, and large companies! Just read the health care bill and see what his plans are for you and your children's futures....if your old, he wants you to die, if you have children, he wants to take them over, he wants to play God, Does this sound like someone else who made these types of power grabs back in 1930's Germany?? Does this sound to you like the lunatic mind, ideas and ravings of a wanna be Dictator??? Sure does to me!
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