Today's Headlines: Scotland frees terminally ill Lockerbie bomber
EDINBURGH, Scotland — Scotland freed the terminally ill Lockerbie bomber on compassionate grounds Thursday, letting the Libyan go home to die despite American pleas to show no mercy for the man responsible for the 1988 attack that killed 270 people.
The White House declared it "deeply" regretted the Scottish decision as Abdel Baset al-Megrahi left Greenock Prison and flew to Libya on an Airbus dispatched to Glasgow Airport, still insisting he was innocent.
Scotland's justice secretary said freeing the bomber was an expression of the Scottish people's humanity but U.S. family members of Lockerbie victims expressed outrage.
Now, I have my own opinion about this, and it is that whoever it was that released this guy is a FRIGGIN IDIOT! This guy is DYING, he has NOTHING TO LOSE! Do you honestly think that he is not capable of climbing aboard another airline, or strapping a bomb to himself and finding his way into a crowded street and BLOWING HIMSELF UP? Again, he has NOTHING TO LOSE, and some bleeding heart liberals have set this guy free upon the world to strike again!
I'm not the brightest guy on the planet, but I can sure spot stupidity when I see it! All I hope is that if there is anyone else who dies at the hands of the guy, that they will be relations of, or those who actually made the idiotic decision to let him go! Heaven help us, we are living in a world of brainless twits! Stop the planet.....I want to get off!!!
Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Regarding the comments of Katie Couric on those attending Town Hall Meetings....
Todays Headline: Katie Couric Blames Fear & Ignorance for Town Hall Protests.
Let me see if I can shed some light on why I think people should be angry and are very angry about what is happening to America...
The founding fathers warned against the "welfare state" where the government endeavors to take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." Confiscatory taxation and deficit spending is out of control, and you and I all know that it is immoral to pass debt from one generation to the next... and yet, every generation has struggled to pay off the national debt....until now! We are somehow in denial that this money has to be paid back....the debt will not just go away, and the current administration is spending money faster than any of us can imagine! People like Katie Couric and the likes of those who believe they are owed something for nothing are sucking the life out of this country at a rabid pace. What business does Couric have even opening her mouth about the health care bill and I know that there is not a chance in a million that she will ever become a part of that system. She considers herself to be one of the "elite" of this country, therefore, she does not follow the standard rules or live by what the middle or low income class people have to live by. She is a fraud, and a hypocrite.
The founding fathers did everything in their power to make socialism and communism unconstitutional when writing the Constitution and the Bill of why now do we have a president who is pursuing this with all his might and undermining the Constitution at his every step? Mad? Hell yes people are mad, and they have every reason to be!
The democrats are trying to establish Ruler's Law. Authority under Ruler's Law is nearly always established by force, violence, and conquest. The people are not equal, but are divided into classes and are all looked upon as "subjects." The trust of the governmental power is from the top down, not from the people upward. The people lose their unalienable rights, or in other words, the "king giveth and the King taketh away." Government becomes the whims of men, not by the fixed rule of law which the people need in order to govern their affairs with confidence, thus eventually interpreting the laws to it's benefit, enforcing them and thus maintaining tyrannical control over the people. Under Rulers Law, the problems are always solved by issuing more edicts or laws, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these services by continually adding to their burden of taxes, and freedom is never looked upon as a viable solution to anything. The long history of Ruler's Law is one of blood and terror ultimately causing perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, regulation and the constant existence of misery.
We don't want this and people are figuring out that this is the direction the liberals want to take this country in. That is why the people are fighting back, and those who think this is just a mob of fear or ignorance such as Couric's comments about those going into town hall meethings and trying to stop a single issue like the health care bill....well, I suggest that you had better think again!!
Let me see if I can shed some light on why I think people should be angry and are very angry about what is happening to America...
The founding fathers warned against the "welfare state" where the government endeavors to take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." Confiscatory taxation and deficit spending is out of control, and you and I all know that it is immoral to pass debt from one generation to the next... and yet, every generation has struggled to pay off the national debt....until now! We are somehow in denial that this money has to be paid back....the debt will not just go away, and the current administration is spending money faster than any of us can imagine! People like Katie Couric and the likes of those who believe they are owed something for nothing are sucking the life out of this country at a rabid pace. What business does Couric have even opening her mouth about the health care bill and I know that there is not a chance in a million that she will ever become a part of that system. She considers herself to be one of the "elite" of this country, therefore, she does not follow the standard rules or live by what the middle or low income class people have to live by. She is a fraud, and a hypocrite.
The founding fathers did everything in their power to make socialism and communism unconstitutional when writing the Constitution and the Bill of why now do we have a president who is pursuing this with all his might and undermining the Constitution at his every step? Mad? Hell yes people are mad, and they have every reason to be!
The democrats are trying to establish Ruler's Law. Authority under Ruler's Law is nearly always established by force, violence, and conquest. The people are not equal, but are divided into classes and are all looked upon as "subjects." The trust of the governmental power is from the top down, not from the people upward. The people lose their unalienable rights, or in other words, the "king giveth and the King taketh away." Government becomes the whims of men, not by the fixed rule of law which the people need in order to govern their affairs with confidence, thus eventually interpreting the laws to it's benefit, enforcing them and thus maintaining tyrannical control over the people. Under Rulers Law, the problems are always solved by issuing more edicts or laws, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these services by continually adding to their burden of taxes, and freedom is never looked upon as a viable solution to anything. The long history of Ruler's Law is one of blood and terror ultimately causing perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, regulation and the constant existence of misery.
We don't want this and people are figuring out that this is the direction the liberals want to take this country in. That is why the people are fighting back, and those who think this is just a mob of fear or ignorance such as Couric's comments about those going into town hall meethings and trying to stop a single issue like the health care bill....well, I suggest that you had better think again!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
GI Joe & Lillie by The Oak Ridge Boys
My buddy MG sent this to me, I feel it should be posted here on my blog for all to see. I still have tears in my eyes as I post this!
My heartfelt thanks goes out to all those who have fought and died for America, the freedoms we enjoy because of them, and the sacrifice of their families. God Bless Our Troops, and God Bless Amercia!
Obama's First Six Months of Accomplishments?
Have you been keeping track:
1. Offended the Queen of England.
2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.
3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.
4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.
5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia.
6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras.
7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they are building their nuclear weapons.
8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.
9. Expanded the bailouts.
10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.
11. Doubled our national debt.
12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.
13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.
14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.
15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."
16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters."
17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership.
18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.
19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.
20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States.
21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.
22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers, at a cost of $328,835.00...good job at cutting spending wouldn't you say?
23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.
24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel.
25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.
26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.
27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.
Bloomberg: Daschle says, "Health care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them," while former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm says seniors have "a duty to die." If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that the President, Senators and Congressmen have their own special gold plated health care plan which is guaranteed the remainder of their lives and they are not subject to this new law if they pass it.
28. Has appointed over 45 Czars who answer to no one, their authority comes directly from Obama, and remain as uncontrolled as the IRS.
29. Appointed Anthony "Van" Jones, who freely admits he’s a proud San Francisco Communist with an arrest record, as the Green Jobs Czar. We now have a documented Communist in Washington, presently only one we know of, unless you add Obama to the list!
30. Claimed out loud in a Town Hall Meeting that AARP fully supports his health care bill, and AARP immediately released a statement saying that they in no way support any of Obamas health care bill and have given him no endorsement whatsoever. This was not the first lie Obama has been caught in, there have been many. Obama is a very delusional man, as was another man who came to power some years ago, you might remember him..... Adolph Hitler.
Thank you to my guest contributor, DM, for passing this on to us. I added the last 3 to the list he sent me, I hope he doesn't mind! I welcome any viable contributions to the America In Danger blog, please forward them to me at Only contributors initials will be used unless otherwise requested.
1. Offended the Queen of England.
2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.
3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.
4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.
5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia.
6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras.
7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they are building their nuclear weapons.
8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.
9. Expanded the bailouts.
10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.
11. Doubled our national debt.
12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.
13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.
14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.
15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."
16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters."
17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership.
18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.
19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.
20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States.
21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.
22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers, at a cost of $328,835.00...good job at cutting spending wouldn't you say?
23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.
24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel.
25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.
26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.
27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.
Bloomberg: Daschle says, "Health care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them," while former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm says seniors have "a duty to die." If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that the President, Senators and Congressmen have their own special gold plated health care plan which is guaranteed the remainder of their lives and they are not subject to this new law if they pass it.
28. Has appointed over 45 Czars who answer to no one, their authority comes directly from Obama, and remain as uncontrolled as the IRS.
29. Appointed Anthony "Van" Jones, who freely admits he’s a proud San Francisco Communist with an arrest record, as the Green Jobs Czar. We now have a documented Communist in Washington, presently only one we know of, unless you add Obama to the list!
30. Claimed out loud in a Town Hall Meeting that AARP fully supports his health care bill, and AARP immediately released a statement saying that they in no way support any of Obamas health care bill and have given him no endorsement whatsoever. This was not the first lie Obama has been caught in, there have been many. Obama is a very delusional man, as was another man who came to power some years ago, you might remember him..... Adolph Hitler.
Thank you to my guest contributor, DM, for passing this on to us. I added the last 3 to the list he sent me, I hope he doesn't mind! I welcome any viable contributions to the America In Danger blog, please forward them to me at Only contributors initials will be used unless otherwise requested.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Obama's Czar Listing Update 7-26-09 45 Czars and Counting!
I brought this over from the website a site I have added to my list of favorites that you should add to yours. This was complied by: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Thank you Terresa for your hard work and effort and to those who helped you to bring this information to the American public!
Here is the most up-to-date listing of Czars and their information:
1. Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) Czar: Richard HolbrookeActual Title: US Envoy to Pakistan and AfghanistanPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
He believes in the power of negotiations to bring peace and prosperity to an increasingly fractured world. But he says diplomacy will only succeed if the U.S. pursues robust relationships with allies as well as with enemies, especially in places like the Middle East. He has also opposed unilateral action by U.S. officials;
Afghanistan - Holbrooke will help Obama execute his Afghanistan plan. Obama plans to bolster American forces in Afghanistan, increase aid to Pakistan, and set strict standards for measuring progress in fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Holbrooke was one of the architects of the plan, though he has maintained a relatively low profile so far.“The exit strategy,” he told the New York Times, “includes governance, corruption, but above all, and this is the single most difficult aspect of what we are talking about today, it requires dealing with Western Pakistan;”
H.I.V. and AIDS - Holbrooke has called the rapid spread of H.I.V. and AIDS “the greatest problem we face today,” saying that the disease has destabilized governments and economies across the world.
While ambassador to the U.N., Holbrooke organized the Security Council’s first session on the diseases, a move that helped convince world leaders that AIDS was a security as well as a health problem. He has visited ten African countries and served as chief executive officer of the Global Business Council on H.I.V. and AIDS since 2000;
United Nations Reform - Holbrooke has said the U.N. should bolster its peace-keeping abilities and increase the number of staff dedicated to that effort. He has also called on the U.N. to reduce the size of the Department of Information, the organization’s press conference; and
Genocide Prevention - Holbrooke is a strong proponent of using multilateral military force to stem violence throughout the world. He has called the U.S. policy in Rwanda a terrible mistake and believes Americans should have engaged sooner.
He led the Security Council delegation to Congo in 1999 after fighting broke out in the country. It was one of the riskiest trips ever taken by U.N. officials. He also supported efforts to enforce sanctions on Angolan rebels in 2000.
2. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey CrowleyActual Title: Director of the Office of National AIDS PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 2003
Coordinate the continuing domestic efforts to reduce the number of new infections in the United States;
Work to coordinate an increasingly integrated approach to the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS; and
Emphasize the domestic and international efforts to combat HIV/AIDS.
3. Autism Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Federal ASD CoordinatorPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To oversee and coordinate a nationwide effort to deal proactively with ASD;
To conduct diverse but credible research, treatment, personal care/assistance and family support; and
To work with existing national and state organizations and taskforces.
4. Auto Recovery Czar: Ed MontgomeryActual Title: Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and WorkersPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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Charged with making sure displaced employees and struggling towns have access to federal stimulus funds and assistance.
5. Behavioral Science Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Director of Social and Behavioral ResearchEnergy Secretary Appointment Established: 2009
To establish a social and behavioral sciences research program at the Department of Energy, and for other purposes.
The Secretary shall appoint or designate a Director of Social and Behavioral Research to carry out the program established under this section.
(c) Duties of the Director - The Director shall –
Develop a research plan in accordance with section 2;
Implement the research program under this section;
Work with the relevant Department of Energy program offices to integrate the results of social and behavioral research into their work;
Develop tools, practices, and information to apply and integrate the results of social and behavioral research into programs that –
- design, develop, and demonstrate technologies that supply energy and improve energy efficiency; and
- provide information on energy consumption to consumers.
This person will be charged with getting you to agree with government programs, to see why we do what we do and what motivates us….and get us to be motivated to follow government directives. These duties would be set up to identify and understand social and behavioral factors that influence energy consumption to promote the utilization of the results of social and behavioral research to improve the design, development, demonstration and application of energy technologies’ policies and programs.
6. Bailout Czar: Herbert Allison Jr.Actual Title: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial StabilitySenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Handle mechanisms for purchasing troubled assets;
Determine methods for pricing and valuing troubled assets;
Dictate procedures for selecting asset managers;
Determine criteria for identifying troubled assets;
Oversee securities asset management services;
Oversee whole loan asset management services;
Oversee custodian, accounting, auction management and other infrastructure services; and
Dictate other broad, vague and undefined powers granted by the Treasury.
7. Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney)Actual Title: Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs, US Department of Homeland SecuritySenate-Confirmed Established: 2002
Improving relationships with the Department’s partners in the international community, as well as those at the state and local level including elected officials, law enforcement, community organizations and religious leaders; and
Leading the Department’s efforts to crack down on violence along the Southwest border highlighted in Secretary Napolitano’s March 24 announcement including the deployment of additional personnel and enhanced technology to help Mexico target illegal guns, drugs and cash.
8. Car Czar: Ron BloomActual Title: Head of the Obama Administration’s Auto Task ForcePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Determine how much loan money each company gets, using the automakers’ requests as a guide;
Determine “appropriate measures” for assessing each automaker’s progress in carrying out their restructuring goals;
Determine if the car companies are acting in “good faith” if they can’t get restructuring plans in by March 31; and, if their faith is good, give them an extra 30 days to finish the plans;
Determine whether to provide “long-term financial assistance” to help make their restructuring plans a reality;
Determine allocation of loans, based on the automaker’s proximity of demise, the potential impact of failure on the economy and its restructuring plan;
Determine whether the original, seven-year loans need to be extended, and if so, determine the extended repayment plan;
Examine any financial books, company records and other data of the companies and those of any subsidiary or affiliate;
Approve or veto “any asset sale, investment, contract, commitment, or other transaction” worth $25 million or more (i.e., czar ultimately has final say on any major business move);
Determine the “consequences for failure to comply” (i.e., decide how to punish the car companies if they aren’t making adequate progress);
Determine whether to take equity (invest) in the car companies using taxpayer money, and if so, decide how much equity to take;
Determine what qualifies as exorbitant executive compensation, including inappropriate executive bonuses or incentive compensation and golden parachutes — and prohibit it; and
Determine whether he or she needs additional powers, and if so, submit a report to Congress asking for them.
9. Climate Change Czar: Todd SternActual Title: Special Envoy for Climate ChangePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To “serve as a principal advisor on international climate policy and strategy;
He will be the Administration’s chief climate negotiator;
He will be leading efforts with United Nations negotiations and processes involving a smaller set of countries and bilateral sessions;
Because the main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuel and because the solution rests with our ability to shift the global economy from a high to a low carbon energy base, the Envoy will be a lead participant in the development of climate and clean energy policy; and
He will participate in all energy-related policy discussions that, across our government, can have an impact on carbon emissions, and will be looking for opportunities to forge working alliances.
10. Copyright Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Intellectual Property Enforcement CoordinatorPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
The IPEC would provide guidance to other federal departments and agencies in their efforts to combat IP infringement;
The IPEC would mainly achieve this by chairing an IP enforcement advisory committee, made up of the Office of Management and Budget, the Justice Department, the Commerce Department, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the State Department, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, the Agriculture Department, and the U.S. Copyright Office; and
The IPEC cannot control how these agencies investigate or prosecute IP infringement cases–but he or she will guide the development of a “Joint Strategic Plan” the advisory committee is charged to create to combat counterfeiting and infringement. The aim of the strategic plan is to disrupt counterfeiting and IP infringement both in the U.S. and abroad, ensure that enforcement efforts aren’t duplicated by the various agencies, establish a protocol for consulting with private industry, establish international standards for IP enforcement, and help other countries improve their IP enforcement efforts.
11. Counterterrorism Czar: John BrennanActual Title: Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland SecurityPresidential Appointment Established: 2004
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Overseeing plans to protect the country from terrorism; and
Responding to natural disasters.
12. Cybersecurity Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Director of the White House Office of CybersecurityPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
She will lead a review of the government’s efforts to secure computer networks against spies, terrorists and economic criminals;
She will be in charge of curtailing Internet fraud; and
She will head the new White House office of cybersecurity.
13. Disinformation Czar: Linda DouglassActual Title: Communications Director, Office of Health ReformPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
Keep track of disinformation on health insurance reform;
As legislation takes shape in Congress, will make sure Democrats have a unified message when it comes to controversial issues such as the need for a publicly funded health insurance option; and
To make sure the American people understand any big changes to the current system, such as a proposed new national exchange on which consumers can buy insurance.
14. Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn RosenthalActual Title: White House Advisor On Violence Against WomenPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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Advising the President and Vice President on domestic violence and sexual assault issues.
15. Drug Czar: Gil KerlikowskeActual Title: Director of the Office of National Drug Control PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 1982
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This position is charged with running the office of the Director of National Drug Control Policy that is colloquially known as the “Drug Czar,” a term first used in the media by then-Senator Joe Biden in October 1982;
The Director evaluates, coordinates, and oversees both the international and domestic anti-drug efforts of executive branch agencies and ensures that such efforts sustain and complement State and local anti-drug activities;
The Director advises the President regarding changes in the organization, management, budgeting, and personnel of federal agencies that effect U.S. anti-drug efforts; and
The Director advises the President regarding federal agency compliance with their obligations under the National Drug Control Strategy, an annual report required by law.
16. Economic Czar: Larry SummersActual Title: Director of the National Economic CouncilPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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To coordinate policy-making for domestic and international economic issues;
To coordinate economic policy advice for the President;
To ensure that policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President’s economic goals; and
To monitor implementation of the President’s economic policy agenda
17. Economic Czar II: Paul VolckerActual Title: Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory BoardPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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The Board will meet regularly and provide advice directly to the President on the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs to jump-start economic growth, create jobs, raise wages and living standards, address the housing crisis, and stabilize financial markets; and
The Board will also focus on how the response to the short-run economic crisis is laying the groundwork for the reforms necessary for longer-run prosperity.
18. Education Czar: Arne DuncanActual Title: Secretary of EducationPresidential Appointment Established: 1981
(additional source)
Establishes policies relating to federal financial aid for education, administers distribution of those funds, and monitors their use;
Collects data and oversees research on America’s schools and disseminates this information to educators and the general public;
Identifies the major issues and problems in education and focuses national attention on them; and
Enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funds and ensures equal access to education for every individual;
19. Energy Czar: Carol M. BrownerActual Title: Assistant to the President, White House Office of Energy and Climate ChangePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
Overseer, promoting smooth cooperation among the different energy and climate entities.
20. Food Safety Czar: Michael TaylorActual Title: Special Assistant to the FDA Commissioner for Food SafetyPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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A single agency accountable for providing consistent and coordinated oversight of food safety, from farm to table;
Institution of Pathogen Reduction: HACCP, with performance standards verified by pathogen testing, at every step of food production;
Recall authority, access to records, and penalties for lapses in safety procedures;
Standards for imported foods equivalent to those for domestic foods; and
Food safety to take precedence over commercial considerations in trade disputes.
21. Government Performance Czar: Jeffrey ZientsActual Title: Chief Performance OfficerSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
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He is also the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget in the federal government of the United States; and
To help “streamline processes, cut costs, and find best practices throughout” the U.S. government.
22. Great Lakes Czar: Cameron DavisActual Title: Great Lakes CzarPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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He will coordinate efforts of about a dozen federal agencies working on the administration’s Great Lakes project, which deals with issues such as invasive species, polluted harbors, sewage overflows and degraded wildlife habitat.
23. Green Jobs Czar: Van JonesActual Title: Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in the White HousePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
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Helping to shape and implement job-generating climate policy;
Working to ensure equal protection and equal opportunity in the administration’s climate and energy proposals; and
Publicly advocating the administration’s environmental and energy agenda.
24. Guantanomo Closure Czar: Daniel FriedActual Title: US Department of State Special Envoy for Guantanomo ClosureSecretary of State Appointment Established: 2009
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To plead individual war on terror detainee cases in Europe and the Middle East;
To persuade European countries as well as Yemen to take back some of the 240 or so long-held prisoners; and
To empty Guantanomo by the end of President Obama’s first year in office, to be preceded by a now ongoing case-by-case review of the detainees’ files.
25. Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParleActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Health ReformPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Will work with the Health and Human Services Secretary as the President’s point person coordinating outreach to Congress on the administration’s ambitious health care reform agenda; and
Will also oversee the stimulus package funds to establish 126 new health centers. The centers will be designed to help provide primary and preventive health care services to people without health insurance.
26. Infotech Czar: Vivek KundraActual Title: Chief Information Officer of the United StatesPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
He will be part of the Office of Management and Budget;
He will oversee $71 billion in annual technology spending across the government; and
He will set standards for the design of federal systems.
27. Intelligence Czar: Admiral Dennis BlairActual Title: Director of National IntelligencePresidential Appointment with the Advice and Consent of the Senate Established: 2005
(additional source)
Serving as the principal adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security;
Serving as the head of the sixteen-member Intelligence Community; and
Overseeing and directing the National Intelligence Program.
28. Latin-American Czar: Arturo ValenzuelaActual Title: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere AffairsSenate-Confirmed Established: 1944
(additional source)
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by economic partners that are democratic, stable, and prosperous;
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by friendly neighbors that help secure our region against terrorism and illegal drugs; and
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by nations that work together in the world to advance shared political and economic values.
29. Mideast Peace Czar: George MitchellActual Title: Special Envoy to the Middle EastPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Focus on achieving a two-state solution;
Continuing the efforts to improve the economy and security of Palestinians and Israelis; and
Resolving the Arab Israeli conflict and furthering US national interests in the region.
30. Mideast Policy Czar: Dennis RossActual Title: Special Advisor for Iran, the Persian Gulf and Southwest AsiaPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Trying to integrate policy development and implementation across a number of offices and officials in the State Department;
Providing the secretary with strategic advice; and
Ensuring that there’s a coherence in our policies and strategies across the region.
31. Pay Czar: Kenneth FeinbergActual Title: Special Master for TARP Executive CompensationTreasury Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To oversee the compensation of the top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance; and
He will have broad discretion to set the salaries and bonuses for their five most senior executives and their 20 most highly paid employee.
32. Regulatory Czar: Cass SunsteinActual Title: Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory AffairsSenate-Confirmed Established: 1980
(additional source)
Reviewing draft regulations under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review;
Reviewing proposed collections of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act; and
Developing and overseeing the implementation of Administration policies in the areas of:
– Statistical policy;– Information technology;– Privacy; and– Data quality.
33. Religion Czar: Joshua DuboisActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood PartnershipsPresidential Appointment Established: 2001
(additional source)
The Office’s top priority will be making community groups an integral part of our economic recovery and poverty a burden fewer have to bear when recovery is complete;
It will be one voice among several in the administration that will look at how we support women and children, address teenage pregnancy, and reduce the need for abortion;
The Office will strive to support fathers who stand by their families, which involves working to get young men off the streets and into well-paying jobs, and encouraging responsible fatherhood; and
Finally, beyond American shores this Office will work with the National Security Council to foster interfaith dialogue with leaders and scholars around the world.
34. ‘Safe Schools’ Czar: Kevin JenningsActual Title: Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug Free SchoolsPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Provide financial assistance for drug and violence prevention activities and activities that promote the health and well being of students in elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Activities may be carried out by State and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations;
Participate in the formulation and development of ED program policy and legislative proposals and in overall Administration policies related to violence and drug prevention; drafting program regulations;
Participate in interagency committees, groups, and partnerships related to drug and violence prevention, coordinating with other Federal agencies on issues related to comprehensive school health, and advising the Secretary on the formulation of comprehensive school health education policy;
Participate with other Federal agencies in the development of a national research agenda for drug and violence prevention; and
Administer the Department’s programs relating to citizenship and civics education.
35. Science Czar: John HoldrenActual Title: Director of the Office of Science and Technology PolicySenate-Confirmed Established: 1976
(additional source)
Advise the President and others within the Executive Office of the President on the impacts of science and technology on domestic and international affairs;
Lead an interagency effort to develop and implement sound science and technology policies and budgets;
Work with the private sector to ensure Federal investments in science and technology contribute to economic prosperity, environmental quality, and national security;
Build strong partnerships among Federal, State, and local governments, other countries, and the scientific community; and
Evaluate the scale, quality, and effectiveness of the Federal effort in science and technology.
36. Stimulus Oversight Czar: Earl DevaneyActual Title: Inspector General, US Department of the InteriorSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Delivering unprecedented levels of transparency through; and
Coordinating and conducting oversight of Recovery funds to prevent fraud, waste of abuse.
37. Sudan Czar: J. Scott GrationActual Title: Special Envoy to SudanPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Support full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including holding credible national elections in 2009 and a credible referendum in 2011;
Facilitate a political agreement that stops the violence in Darfur, including cross-border violence with Chad, and allows the return of displaced persons to their home areas; and
Promote regional engagement that effectively counters terrorism and supports stability.
38. TARP Czar: Elizabeth WarrenActual Title: Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, US Department of the TreasurySenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
He is responsible for developing and coordinating Treasury’s policies on legislative and regulatory issues affecting financial stability, including overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
39. Technology Czar: Aneesh ChopraActual Title: Federal Chief Technology Officer of the United StatesPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To promote technological innovation to help the country meet its goals such as job creation, reducing health care costs, and protecting the homeland; and
Together with the Chief Information Officer, their jobs are to make the government more effective, efficient, and transparent.
40. Trade Czar: Ron KirkActual Title: United States Trade RepresentativePresidential Appointment Established: 1962
(additional source)
Conducting trade negotiations at bilateral and multilateral levels; and
Coordinating trade policy within the government through the interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) and Trade Policy Review Group (TPRG).
41. Urban Affairs/Housing Czar: Adolfo CarrionActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To provide leadership for and coordinate the development of the policy agenda for urban America across executive departments and agencies;
To coordinate all aspects of urban policy with all executive departments and agencies to ensure that any policy developed has been examined for its impact on urban affairs;
To ensure that Federal Government dollars targeted to urban areas are effectively spent on the highest-impact programs; and
To engage in outreach and work closely with State and local officials, with nonprofit organizations, and with the private sector, both in seeking input regarding the development of a comprehensive urban policy and in ensuring that the implementation of Federal programs advances the objectives of that policy.
42. War Czar: Douglas LuteActual Title: Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and AfghanistanPresidential Appointment Established: 2007
(additional source)
Oversee the war in Iraq; and
Oversee the war in Afghanistan.
43. Water Czar: David J. HayesActual Title: Deputy Secretary of the InteriorSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Statutory responsibility as the Chief Operating Officer to help lead a Department of 67,000 employees and an annual budget of approximately $16 billion, including annual and permanent funding; and
Overseeing modern water management approaches in the West, settling long-standing Indian water and land disputes and establishing new National Parks.
44. Weapons Czar: Ashton CarterActual Title: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Supervising Department of Defense acquisition;
Establishing policies for acquisition (including procurement of goods and services, research and development, developmental testing, and contract administration) for all elements of the Department of Defense;
Establishing policies for logistics, maintenance, and sustainment support for all elements of the Department of Defense;
Establishing policies of the Department of Defense for maintenance of the defense industrial base of the United States; and
The authority to direct the Secretaries of the military departments and the heads of all other elements of the Department of Defense with regard to matters for which the Under Secretary has responsibility.
45. Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar: Gary SamoreActual Title: National Security Council StaffPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Oversees efforts to reduce existing nuclear arsenals, stop proliferation to additional countries and prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from acquiring nuclear weapons; and
Top priorities include convincing Russia to negotiate a new strategic-arms reduction treaty, de-nuclearizing North Korea through six-party talks and stopping Iran from developing its nuclear weapons capacity.
More Czar Info…
Potential Czars not yet vetted:
1. Income Redistribution Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
2. Consumer Financial Protection Czar, aka Mortgage Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: Yahoo! Finance - Obama wants new financial agency for consumers
3. Land-Use Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: BOVARD - Ten Thousand Czars
4. Radio-Internet Fairness Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
5. Student Loan Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: Glenn Beck TV Show
6. Voter List Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
7. Zoning Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: BOVARD - Ten Thousand Czars
A special thank you goes out to American Daughter Media Center who provided me with further details and corrections to this list…
More on Obama’s Czars can be found here…
Thanks to all those who have sent in suggestions, corrections and updates. This could not be done without all of you…
A very special thank you goes to Michelle Malkin who has done tremendous research on this and has helped me immensely. Check out her article today: Culture of Corruption: Czars of the Obama Underworld
Thank you Terresa for your hard work and effort and to those who helped you to bring this information to the American public!
Here is the most up-to-date listing of Czars and their information:
1. Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) Czar: Richard HolbrookeActual Title: US Envoy to Pakistan and AfghanistanPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
He believes in the power of negotiations to bring peace and prosperity to an increasingly fractured world. But he says diplomacy will only succeed if the U.S. pursues robust relationships with allies as well as with enemies, especially in places like the Middle East. He has also opposed unilateral action by U.S. officials;
Afghanistan - Holbrooke will help Obama execute his Afghanistan plan. Obama plans to bolster American forces in Afghanistan, increase aid to Pakistan, and set strict standards for measuring progress in fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Holbrooke was one of the architects of the plan, though he has maintained a relatively low profile so far.“The exit strategy,” he told the New York Times, “includes governance, corruption, but above all, and this is the single most difficult aspect of what we are talking about today, it requires dealing with Western Pakistan;”
H.I.V. and AIDS - Holbrooke has called the rapid spread of H.I.V. and AIDS “the greatest problem we face today,” saying that the disease has destabilized governments and economies across the world.
While ambassador to the U.N., Holbrooke organized the Security Council’s first session on the diseases, a move that helped convince world leaders that AIDS was a security as well as a health problem. He has visited ten African countries and served as chief executive officer of the Global Business Council on H.I.V. and AIDS since 2000;
United Nations Reform - Holbrooke has said the U.N. should bolster its peace-keeping abilities and increase the number of staff dedicated to that effort. He has also called on the U.N. to reduce the size of the Department of Information, the organization’s press conference; and
Genocide Prevention - Holbrooke is a strong proponent of using multilateral military force to stem violence throughout the world. He has called the U.S. policy in Rwanda a terrible mistake and believes Americans should have engaged sooner.
He led the Security Council delegation to Congo in 1999 after fighting broke out in the country. It was one of the riskiest trips ever taken by U.N. officials. He also supported efforts to enforce sanctions on Angolan rebels in 2000.
2. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey CrowleyActual Title: Director of the Office of National AIDS PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 2003
Coordinate the continuing domestic efforts to reduce the number of new infections in the United States;
Work to coordinate an increasingly integrated approach to the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS; and
Emphasize the domestic and international efforts to combat HIV/AIDS.
3. Autism Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Federal ASD CoordinatorPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To oversee and coordinate a nationwide effort to deal proactively with ASD;
To conduct diverse but credible research, treatment, personal care/assistance and family support; and
To work with existing national and state organizations and taskforces.
4. Auto Recovery Czar: Ed MontgomeryActual Title: Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and WorkersPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Charged with making sure displaced employees and struggling towns have access to federal stimulus funds and assistance.
5. Behavioral Science Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Director of Social and Behavioral ResearchEnergy Secretary Appointment Established: 2009
To establish a social and behavioral sciences research program at the Department of Energy, and for other purposes.
The Secretary shall appoint or designate a Director of Social and Behavioral Research to carry out the program established under this section.
(c) Duties of the Director - The Director shall –
Develop a research plan in accordance with section 2;
Implement the research program under this section;
Work with the relevant Department of Energy program offices to integrate the results of social and behavioral research into their work;
Develop tools, practices, and information to apply and integrate the results of social and behavioral research into programs that –
- design, develop, and demonstrate technologies that supply energy and improve energy efficiency; and
- provide information on energy consumption to consumers.
This person will be charged with getting you to agree with government programs, to see why we do what we do and what motivates us….and get us to be motivated to follow government directives. These duties would be set up to identify and understand social and behavioral factors that influence energy consumption to promote the utilization of the results of social and behavioral research to improve the design, development, demonstration and application of energy technologies’ policies and programs.
6. Bailout Czar: Herbert Allison Jr.Actual Title: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial StabilitySenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Handle mechanisms for purchasing troubled assets;
Determine methods for pricing and valuing troubled assets;
Dictate procedures for selecting asset managers;
Determine criteria for identifying troubled assets;
Oversee securities asset management services;
Oversee whole loan asset management services;
Oversee custodian, accounting, auction management and other infrastructure services; and
Dictate other broad, vague and undefined powers granted by the Treasury.
7. Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney)Actual Title: Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs, US Department of Homeland SecuritySenate-Confirmed Established: 2002
Improving relationships with the Department’s partners in the international community, as well as those at the state and local level including elected officials, law enforcement, community organizations and religious leaders; and
Leading the Department’s efforts to crack down on violence along the Southwest border highlighted in Secretary Napolitano’s March 24 announcement including the deployment of additional personnel and enhanced technology to help Mexico target illegal guns, drugs and cash.
8. Car Czar: Ron BloomActual Title: Head of the Obama Administration’s Auto Task ForcePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Determine how much loan money each company gets, using the automakers’ requests as a guide;
Determine “appropriate measures” for assessing each automaker’s progress in carrying out their restructuring goals;
Determine if the car companies are acting in “good faith” if they can’t get restructuring plans in by March 31; and, if their faith is good, give them an extra 30 days to finish the plans;
Determine whether to provide “long-term financial assistance” to help make their restructuring plans a reality;
Determine allocation of loans, based on the automaker’s proximity of demise, the potential impact of failure on the economy and its restructuring plan;
Determine whether the original, seven-year loans need to be extended, and if so, determine the extended repayment plan;
Examine any financial books, company records and other data of the companies and those of any subsidiary or affiliate;
Approve or veto “any asset sale, investment, contract, commitment, or other transaction” worth $25 million or more (i.e., czar ultimately has final say on any major business move);
Determine the “consequences for failure to comply” (i.e., decide how to punish the car companies if they aren’t making adequate progress);
Determine whether to take equity (invest) in the car companies using taxpayer money, and if so, decide how much equity to take;
Determine what qualifies as exorbitant executive compensation, including inappropriate executive bonuses or incentive compensation and golden parachutes — and prohibit it; and
Determine whether he or she needs additional powers, and if so, submit a report to Congress asking for them.
9. Climate Change Czar: Todd SternActual Title: Special Envoy for Climate ChangePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To “serve as a principal advisor on international climate policy and strategy;
He will be the Administration’s chief climate negotiator;
He will be leading efforts with United Nations negotiations and processes involving a smaller set of countries and bilateral sessions;
Because the main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuel and because the solution rests with our ability to shift the global economy from a high to a low carbon energy base, the Envoy will be a lead participant in the development of climate and clean energy policy; and
He will participate in all energy-related policy discussions that, across our government, can have an impact on carbon emissions, and will be looking for opportunities to forge working alliances.
10. Copyright Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Intellectual Property Enforcement CoordinatorPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
The IPEC would provide guidance to other federal departments and agencies in their efforts to combat IP infringement;
The IPEC would mainly achieve this by chairing an IP enforcement advisory committee, made up of the Office of Management and Budget, the Justice Department, the Commerce Department, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the State Department, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, the Agriculture Department, and the U.S. Copyright Office; and
The IPEC cannot control how these agencies investigate or prosecute IP infringement cases–but he or she will guide the development of a “Joint Strategic Plan” the advisory committee is charged to create to combat counterfeiting and infringement. The aim of the strategic plan is to disrupt counterfeiting and IP infringement both in the U.S. and abroad, ensure that enforcement efforts aren’t duplicated by the various agencies, establish a protocol for consulting with private industry, establish international standards for IP enforcement, and help other countries improve their IP enforcement efforts.
11. Counterterrorism Czar: John BrennanActual Title: Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland SecurityPresidential Appointment Established: 2004
(additional source)
Overseeing plans to protect the country from terrorism; and
Responding to natural disasters.
12. Cybersecurity Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: Director of the White House Office of CybersecurityPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
She will lead a review of the government’s efforts to secure computer networks against spies, terrorists and economic criminals;
She will be in charge of curtailing Internet fraud; and
She will head the new White House office of cybersecurity.
13. Disinformation Czar: Linda DouglassActual Title: Communications Director, Office of Health ReformPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
Keep track of disinformation on health insurance reform;
As legislation takes shape in Congress, will make sure Democrats have a unified message when it comes to controversial issues such as the need for a publicly funded health insurance option; and
To make sure the American people understand any big changes to the current system, such as a proposed new national exchange on which consumers can buy insurance.
14. Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn RosenthalActual Title: White House Advisor On Violence Against WomenPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Advising the President and Vice President on domestic violence and sexual assault issues.
15. Drug Czar: Gil KerlikowskeActual Title: Director of the Office of National Drug Control PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 1982
(additional source)
This position is charged with running the office of the Director of National Drug Control Policy that is colloquially known as the “Drug Czar,” a term first used in the media by then-Senator Joe Biden in October 1982;
The Director evaluates, coordinates, and oversees both the international and domestic anti-drug efforts of executive branch agencies and ensures that such efforts sustain and complement State and local anti-drug activities;
The Director advises the President regarding changes in the organization, management, budgeting, and personnel of federal agencies that effect U.S. anti-drug efforts; and
The Director advises the President regarding federal agency compliance with their obligations under the National Drug Control Strategy, an annual report required by law.
16. Economic Czar: Larry SummersActual Title: Director of the National Economic CouncilPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To coordinate policy-making for domestic and international economic issues;
To coordinate economic policy advice for the President;
To ensure that policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President’s economic goals; and
To monitor implementation of the President’s economic policy agenda
17. Economic Czar II: Paul VolckerActual Title: Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory BoardPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
The Board will meet regularly and provide advice directly to the President on the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs to jump-start economic growth, create jobs, raise wages and living standards, address the housing crisis, and stabilize financial markets; and
The Board will also focus on how the response to the short-run economic crisis is laying the groundwork for the reforms necessary for longer-run prosperity.
18. Education Czar: Arne DuncanActual Title: Secretary of EducationPresidential Appointment Established: 1981
(additional source)
Establishes policies relating to federal financial aid for education, administers distribution of those funds, and monitors their use;
Collects data and oversees research on America’s schools and disseminates this information to educators and the general public;
Identifies the major issues and problems in education and focuses national attention on them; and
Enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funds and ensures equal access to education for every individual;
19. Energy Czar: Carol M. BrownerActual Title: Assistant to the President, White House Office of Energy and Climate ChangePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
Overseer, promoting smooth cooperation among the different energy and climate entities.
20. Food Safety Czar: Michael TaylorActual Title: Special Assistant to the FDA Commissioner for Food SafetyPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
A single agency accountable for providing consistent and coordinated oversight of food safety, from farm to table;
Institution of Pathogen Reduction: HACCP, with performance standards verified by pathogen testing, at every step of food production;
Recall authority, access to records, and penalties for lapses in safety procedures;
Standards for imported foods equivalent to those for domestic foods; and
Food safety to take precedence over commercial considerations in trade disputes.
21. Government Performance Czar: Jeffrey ZientsActual Title: Chief Performance OfficerSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
He is also the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget in the federal government of the United States; and
To help “streamline processes, cut costs, and find best practices throughout” the U.S. government.
22. Great Lakes Czar: Cameron DavisActual Title: Great Lakes CzarPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
He will coordinate efforts of about a dozen federal agencies working on the administration’s Great Lakes project, which deals with issues such as invasive species, polluted harbors, sewage overflows and degraded wildlife habitat.
23. Green Jobs Czar: Van JonesActual Title: Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in the White HousePresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Helping to shape and implement job-generating climate policy;
Working to ensure equal protection and equal opportunity in the administration’s climate and energy proposals; and
Publicly advocating the administration’s environmental and energy agenda.
24. Guantanomo Closure Czar: Daniel FriedActual Title: US Department of State Special Envoy for Guantanomo ClosureSecretary of State Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To plead individual war on terror detainee cases in Europe and the Middle East;
To persuade European countries as well as Yemen to take back some of the 240 or so long-held prisoners; and
To empty Guantanomo by the end of President Obama’s first year in office, to be preceded by a now ongoing case-by-case review of the detainees’ files.
25. Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParleActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Health ReformPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Will work with the Health and Human Services Secretary as the President’s point person coordinating outreach to Congress on the administration’s ambitious health care reform agenda; and
Will also oversee the stimulus package funds to establish 126 new health centers. The centers will be designed to help provide primary and preventive health care services to people without health insurance.
26. Infotech Czar: Vivek KundraActual Title: Chief Information Officer of the United StatesPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
He will be part of the Office of Management and Budget;
He will oversee $71 billion in annual technology spending across the government; and
He will set standards for the design of federal systems.
27. Intelligence Czar: Admiral Dennis BlairActual Title: Director of National IntelligencePresidential Appointment with the Advice and Consent of the Senate Established: 2005
(additional source)
Serving as the principal adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security;
Serving as the head of the sixteen-member Intelligence Community; and
Overseeing and directing the National Intelligence Program.
28. Latin-American Czar: Arturo ValenzuelaActual Title: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere AffairsSenate-Confirmed Established: 1944
(additional source)
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by economic partners that are democratic, stable, and prosperous;
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by friendly neighbors that help secure our region against terrorism and illegal drugs; and
Strengthening an Inter-American community formed by nations that work together in the world to advance shared political and economic values.
29. Mideast Peace Czar: George MitchellActual Title: Special Envoy to the Middle EastPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Focus on achieving a two-state solution;
Continuing the efforts to improve the economy and security of Palestinians and Israelis; and
Resolving the Arab Israeli conflict and furthering US national interests in the region.
30. Mideast Policy Czar: Dennis RossActual Title: Special Advisor for Iran, the Persian Gulf and Southwest AsiaPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Trying to integrate policy development and implementation across a number of offices and officials in the State Department;
Providing the secretary with strategic advice; and
Ensuring that there’s a coherence in our policies and strategies across the region.
31. Pay Czar: Kenneth FeinbergActual Title: Special Master for TARP Executive CompensationTreasury Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To oversee the compensation of the top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance; and
He will have broad discretion to set the salaries and bonuses for their five most senior executives and their 20 most highly paid employee.
32. Regulatory Czar: Cass SunsteinActual Title: Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory AffairsSenate-Confirmed Established: 1980
(additional source)
Reviewing draft regulations under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review;
Reviewing proposed collections of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act; and
Developing and overseeing the implementation of Administration policies in the areas of:
– Statistical policy;– Information technology;– Privacy; and– Data quality.
33. Religion Czar: Joshua DuboisActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood PartnershipsPresidential Appointment Established: 2001
(additional source)
The Office’s top priority will be making community groups an integral part of our economic recovery and poverty a burden fewer have to bear when recovery is complete;
It will be one voice among several in the administration that will look at how we support women and children, address teenage pregnancy, and reduce the need for abortion;
The Office will strive to support fathers who stand by their families, which involves working to get young men off the streets and into well-paying jobs, and encouraging responsible fatherhood; and
Finally, beyond American shores this Office will work with the National Security Council to foster interfaith dialogue with leaders and scholars around the world.
34. ‘Safe Schools’ Czar: Kevin JenningsActual Title: Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug Free SchoolsPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Provide financial assistance for drug and violence prevention activities and activities that promote the health and well being of students in elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Activities may be carried out by State and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations;
Participate in the formulation and development of ED program policy and legislative proposals and in overall Administration policies related to violence and drug prevention; drafting program regulations;
Participate in interagency committees, groups, and partnerships related to drug and violence prevention, coordinating with other Federal agencies on issues related to comprehensive school health, and advising the Secretary on the formulation of comprehensive school health education policy;
Participate with other Federal agencies in the development of a national research agenda for drug and violence prevention; and
Administer the Department’s programs relating to citizenship and civics education.
35. Science Czar: John HoldrenActual Title: Director of the Office of Science and Technology PolicySenate-Confirmed Established: 1976
(additional source)
Advise the President and others within the Executive Office of the President on the impacts of science and technology on domestic and international affairs;
Lead an interagency effort to develop and implement sound science and technology policies and budgets;
Work with the private sector to ensure Federal investments in science and technology contribute to economic prosperity, environmental quality, and national security;
Build strong partnerships among Federal, State, and local governments, other countries, and the scientific community; and
Evaluate the scale, quality, and effectiveness of the Federal effort in science and technology.
36. Stimulus Oversight Czar: Earl DevaneyActual Title: Inspector General, US Department of the InteriorSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Delivering unprecedented levels of transparency through; and
Coordinating and conducting oversight of Recovery funds to prevent fraud, waste of abuse.
37. Sudan Czar: J. Scott GrationActual Title: Special Envoy to SudanPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Support full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including holding credible national elections in 2009 and a credible referendum in 2011;
Facilitate a political agreement that stops the violence in Darfur, including cross-border violence with Chad, and allows the return of displaced persons to their home areas; and
Promote regional engagement that effectively counters terrorism and supports stability.
38. TARP Czar: Elizabeth WarrenActual Title: Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, US Department of the TreasurySenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
He is responsible for developing and coordinating Treasury’s policies on legislative and regulatory issues affecting financial stability, including overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
39. Technology Czar: Aneesh ChopraActual Title: Federal Chief Technology Officer of the United StatesPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To promote technological innovation to help the country meet its goals such as job creation, reducing health care costs, and protecting the homeland; and
Together with the Chief Information Officer, their jobs are to make the government more effective, efficient, and transparent.
40. Trade Czar: Ron KirkActual Title: United States Trade RepresentativePresidential Appointment Established: 1962
(additional source)
Conducting trade negotiations at bilateral and multilateral levels; and
Coordinating trade policy within the government through the interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) and Trade Policy Review Group (TPRG).
41. Urban Affairs/Housing Czar: Adolfo CarrionActual Title: Director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs PolicyPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
To provide leadership for and coordinate the development of the policy agenda for urban America across executive departments and agencies;
To coordinate all aspects of urban policy with all executive departments and agencies to ensure that any policy developed has been examined for its impact on urban affairs;
To ensure that Federal Government dollars targeted to urban areas are effectively spent on the highest-impact programs; and
To engage in outreach and work closely with State and local officials, with nonprofit organizations, and with the private sector, both in seeking input regarding the development of a comprehensive urban policy and in ensuring that the implementation of Federal programs advances the objectives of that policy.
42. War Czar: Douglas LuteActual Title: Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and AfghanistanPresidential Appointment Established: 2007
(additional source)
Oversee the war in Iraq; and
Oversee the war in Afghanistan.
43. Water Czar: David J. HayesActual Title: Deputy Secretary of the InteriorSenate-Confirmed Established: 2009
(additional source)
Statutory responsibility as the Chief Operating Officer to help lead a Department of 67,000 employees and an annual budget of approximately $16 billion, including annual and permanent funding; and
Overseeing modern water management approaches in the West, settling long-standing Indian water and land disputes and establishing new National Parks.
44. Weapons Czar: Ashton CarterActual Title: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Supervising Department of Defense acquisition;
Establishing policies for acquisition (including procurement of goods and services, research and development, developmental testing, and contract administration) for all elements of the Department of Defense;
Establishing policies for logistics, maintenance, and sustainment support for all elements of the Department of Defense;
Establishing policies of the Department of Defense for maintenance of the defense industrial base of the United States; and
The authority to direct the Secretaries of the military departments and the heads of all other elements of the Department of Defense with regard to matters for which the Under Secretary has responsibility.
45. Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar: Gary SamoreActual Title: National Security Council StaffPresidential Appointment Established: 2009
(additional source)
Oversees efforts to reduce existing nuclear arsenals, stop proliferation to additional countries and prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from acquiring nuclear weapons; and
Top priorities include convincing Russia to negotiate a new strategic-arms reduction treaty, de-nuclearizing North Korea through six-party talks and stopping Iran from developing its nuclear weapons capacity.
More Czar Info…
Potential Czars not yet vetted:
1. Income Redistribution Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
2. Consumer Financial Protection Czar, aka Mortgage Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: Yahoo! Finance - Obama wants new financial agency for consumers
3. Land-Use Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: BOVARD - Ten Thousand Czars
4. Radio-Internet Fairness Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
5. Student Loan Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: Glenn Beck TV Show
6. Voter List Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: NewsMax - Obama Era of 1,000 Czars Ushers in Caesar
7. Zoning Czar: Not appointed yet.Actual Title: No information currently.Presidential Appointment Established: 2009
No information currently. Source: BOVARD - Ten Thousand Czars
A special thank you goes out to American Daughter Media Center who provided me with further details and corrections to this list…
More on Obama’s Czars can be found here…
Thanks to all those who have sent in suggestions, corrections and updates. This could not be done without all of you…
A very special thank you goes to Michelle Malkin who has done tremendous research on this and has helped me immensely. Check out her article today: Culture of Corruption: Czars of the Obama Underworld
Here is something that you might not have heard: Hugo Chavez said this past week that the hundreds of radio stations his government plans to seize for 'operating illegally' could be turned over to the Venezuelans who share his Socialist vision.
Does this sound familiar?
Maybe.... 1949 United States introduction of the fairness doctrine bill?
Are you seeing a pattern here? Chavez is taking over everything, nationalizing it by declaring that the entities are "operating illegally" in order to continue his march of socialism....the same direction Obama's America is headed, claiming that the conservative talk show hosts are making false claims, creating negativity against the administration, and thus are wanting to re-instate the fairness doctrine to shut them up!! Actually these hard working talk show folks are making it very tough for the lying, cheating, greedy, power hungry, back stabbing politicians who want nothing more than to undermine the Constitution and take away Americas freedoms!
Does this sound familiar?
Maybe.... 1949 United States introduction of the fairness doctrine bill?
Are you seeing a pattern here? Chavez is taking over everything, nationalizing it by declaring that the entities are "operating illegally" in order to continue his march of socialism....the same direction Obama's America is headed, claiming that the conservative talk show hosts are making false claims, creating negativity against the administration, and thus are wanting to re-instate the fairness doctrine to shut them up!! Actually these hard working talk show folks are making it very tough for the lying, cheating, greedy, power hungry, back stabbing politicians who want nothing more than to undermine the Constitution and take away Americas freedoms!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Quotes From Ronald Regan
'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.'
'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.'
'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.'
'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U..S. Congress.'
'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.'
'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.'
'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.'
'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.'
'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it'
'Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.'
'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.'
'If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.'
'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.'
'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.'
'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U..S. Congress.'
'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.'
'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.'
'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.'
'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.'
'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it'
'Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.'
'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.'
'If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.'
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"Undocumeted Americans"
Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal
You have 2 families... "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California . "Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted. "Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal... $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week = $52,000 per year.
Now take 30% away for state and federal tax. Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.
Jose Illegal... $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week = $31,200.00 per year.
Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays for Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage ... $1000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $19,231.00.
Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal makes too much money to be eligible for Food Stamps or Welfare so Joe Legal pays for food... $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal is now in the hole -<$4,769.00>.
Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy, which entirely pays his rent of $500.00 per month = $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays and gets a part time job after work to make ends meet.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school.
Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get free government sponsored lunches.
Joe Legal's children go home after school.
Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program which, again, is provided free of charge.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe Legal paid for them and Jose Illegal did not pay.
And I am the one questioned about my racial adjenda because I am against illegals getting into this country on a free pass.....
Did this tick you off as much as it did me??? I hope so!!
You have 2 families... "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California . "Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted. "Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal... $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week = $52,000 per year.
Now take 30% away for state and federal tax. Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.
Jose Illegal... $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week = $31,200.00 per year.
Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays for Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage ... $1000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $19,231.00.
Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal makes too much money to be eligible for Food Stamps or Welfare so Joe Legal pays for food... $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal is now in the hole -<$4,769.00>.
Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy, which entirely pays his rent of $500.00 per month = $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays and gets a part time job after work to make ends meet.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school.
Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get free government sponsored lunches.
Joe Legal's children go home after school.
Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program which, again, is provided free of charge.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe Legal paid for them and Jose Illegal did not pay.
And I am the one questioned about my racial adjenda because I am against illegals getting into this country on a free pass.....
Did this tick you off as much as it did me??? I hope so!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
How Socialism Works
Here is the best analogy I have heard to date that will explain to you Obama's plan to spread the wealth. If you don't understand what this is telling are just too stupid and will never get it anyway!!
A teacher wants to help his class understand the subject he will be teaching the fall term at a local university about Socialism in a way that will give them a first hand understanding of what it is. He devises his plan and begins teaching his class as normal day in and day out about the concept of Socialism and it's effects on society. As the class progresses it becomes time for their first test. The tests are handed out, students completed the tests, handed them in and within a couple of days the teacher had them graded and returned them to the students. He now is ready to put his teaching idea into play. He announces to the class that he has a different way of grading in his classes, and that he works on a very special curve, different to what they might be used to. He continued that he is in the practice of taking all the scores from the tests, adding them up and averaging them out and that each student in the class would receive. In this case a B- was the average and so that is what everyone will receive as a grade on their test. Now, the students who studied and got an A on the test were immediately put out and protested the teachers moronic grading tactics. Of course the students who didn't study and got less than passing grades who now received a B- courtesy of all those who studied were perfectly happy to just ride along on the coat tails of he students who studied and get a passing grade and saying that the grading curve was a fair way to allow everyone in the class a chance to pass. Come on, what could be easier and fairer they exclaimed!!
The next time a test came along, of course those who did not study the first time around also did not study this time and thus got the same less than passing marks. The students who studied and got A's the first time around refused to study very hard this time thus the tests averaged out to only a C- but the lazy students were very happy to have a passing grade once again. By the third test, no one studied as the good students were not going to allow the lazy good for nothings who wanted a free ride to get a passing grade at their expense, thus, everyone in the class ended up with a failing grade on the test. Immediately there were accusations flying in all directions with the lazy students sharply accusing the students who put forth the necessary effort previously to get everyone a passing grade of ruining their grades and their lives thus putting them in jeopardy of failing the class. Because of what the teacher did, he put all the burden on those who were willing to work hard to get good grades allowing those who were lazy to get a free ride. At this point the teacher explained to the students that this had been part of his experiment in teaching them the workings of Socialism, and that the students who were responsible for the passing grades of the entire class would receive a full passing grade in the class, those who did not study for any of the tests relying strictly upon those would study to carry them through on a free pass would fail the class.
This explains exactly what Obama and our corrupt politicians have in store for the hard working people of United States, putting the entire burden of taking care of those who are lazy and unwilling to be a part of society putting forth the effort to work and provide for themselves and their families. Remember what that woman said on national TV after Obama won the election when asked how she felt about him getting elected? (I am so happy cause Obama is going to put free gas in my car and pay my mortgage, I helped him now he's going to help me!)Socialism is about taking what you have and giving it to those who aren't willing to get it for themselves. Obama's agenda will create exactly what the teacher created in his class, a class war. The government has for too long now allowed welfare to take the place of responsibility, it is time we change all this, it is time that we clean house and put this country back on the track to greatness, and it will never happen with the likes of Obama or his progressive liberal associates holding the reins of power.
A teacher wants to help his class understand the subject he will be teaching the fall term at a local university about Socialism in a way that will give them a first hand understanding of what it is. He devises his plan and begins teaching his class as normal day in and day out about the concept of Socialism and it's effects on society. As the class progresses it becomes time for their first test. The tests are handed out, students completed the tests, handed them in and within a couple of days the teacher had them graded and returned them to the students. He now is ready to put his teaching idea into play. He announces to the class that he has a different way of grading in his classes, and that he works on a very special curve, different to what they might be used to. He continued that he is in the practice of taking all the scores from the tests, adding them up and averaging them out and that each student in the class would receive. In this case a B- was the average and so that is what everyone will receive as a grade on their test. Now, the students who studied and got an A on the test were immediately put out and protested the teachers moronic grading tactics. Of course the students who didn't study and got less than passing grades who now received a B- courtesy of all those who studied were perfectly happy to just ride along on the coat tails of he students who studied and get a passing grade and saying that the grading curve was a fair way to allow everyone in the class a chance to pass. Come on, what could be easier and fairer they exclaimed!!
The next time a test came along, of course those who did not study the first time around also did not study this time and thus got the same less than passing marks. The students who studied and got A's the first time around refused to study very hard this time thus the tests averaged out to only a C- but the lazy students were very happy to have a passing grade once again. By the third test, no one studied as the good students were not going to allow the lazy good for nothings who wanted a free ride to get a passing grade at their expense, thus, everyone in the class ended up with a failing grade on the test. Immediately there were accusations flying in all directions with the lazy students sharply accusing the students who put forth the necessary effort previously to get everyone a passing grade of ruining their grades and their lives thus putting them in jeopardy of failing the class. Because of what the teacher did, he put all the burden on those who were willing to work hard to get good grades allowing those who were lazy to get a free ride. At this point the teacher explained to the students that this had been part of his experiment in teaching them the workings of Socialism, and that the students who were responsible for the passing grades of the entire class would receive a full passing grade in the class, those who did not study for any of the tests relying strictly upon those would study to carry them through on a free pass would fail the class.
This explains exactly what Obama and our corrupt politicians have in store for the hard working people of United States, putting the entire burden of taking care of those who are lazy and unwilling to be a part of society putting forth the effort to work and provide for themselves and their families. Remember what that woman said on national TV after Obama won the election when asked how she felt about him getting elected? (I am so happy cause Obama is going to put free gas in my car and pay my mortgage, I helped him now he's going to help me!)Socialism is about taking what you have and giving it to those who aren't willing to get it for themselves. Obama's agenda will create exactly what the teacher created in his class, a class war. The government has for too long now allowed welfare to take the place of responsibility, it is time we change all this, it is time that we clean house and put this country back on the track to greatness, and it will never happen with the likes of Obama or his progressive liberal associates holding the reins of power.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Irresponsible Comment
Unfortunately, I missed the introduction to who this member is and which branch of the government he comes from, but what he says is what is important at this moment in time. I will continue trying to figure out his name, but his accent gave me the indication that he is Hispanic, to what degree I am not sure......none the less, here is what he stood up in front of his constituents and said:
"I love these members who say, read the bill! What good is reading the bill that's 1000 pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you've read the bill?"
Ok, that was a totally irresponsible comment made by a totally irresponsible member of our government. People who are not willing to take this type of job seriously have no business being elected into office. Your job, sir, is to read everything that is being put before you and the rest of your three ring circus, you don't just have someone drop 1000 pages of mumbo jumbo on your desk and then call for a vote, what is in your brain dead head? Number one here folks is that we need term limits on every elected official in this country and I am for one term, number two is that it needs to be part time at best, volunteer positions as they were originally set up to be, number three is that anyone in office is just like anyone else in this country, and they should have to live by exactly the same rules that you and I do. No special retirement, no special health care, no special privileges, no jets to fly you to and from work, no open balance check book to do with whatever you want, no kickbacks from companies or individuals or to companies or individuals that helped get you elected, you live by exactly the same means the rest of the American people do, and if you can't do that, there needs to be accountability here and you need to be out of your job RIGHT NOW! America is finally starting to stand up, and you fraudulent bastards had better get ready, because there is going to be Hell to pay!!
"I love these members who say, read the bill! What good is reading the bill that's 1000 pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you've read the bill?"
Ok, that was a totally irresponsible comment made by a totally irresponsible member of our government. People who are not willing to take this type of job seriously have no business being elected into office. Your job, sir, is to read everything that is being put before you and the rest of your three ring circus, you don't just have someone drop 1000 pages of mumbo jumbo on your desk and then call for a vote, what is in your brain dead head? Number one here folks is that we need term limits on every elected official in this country and I am for one term, number two is that it needs to be part time at best, volunteer positions as they were originally set up to be, number three is that anyone in office is just like anyone else in this country, and they should have to live by exactly the same rules that you and I do. No special retirement, no special health care, no special privileges, no jets to fly you to and from work, no open balance check book to do with whatever you want, no kickbacks from companies or individuals or to companies or individuals that helped get you elected, you live by exactly the same means the rest of the American people do, and if you can't do that, there needs to be accountability here and you need to be out of your job RIGHT NOW! America is finally starting to stand up, and you fraudulent bastards had better get ready, because there is going to be Hell to pay!!
The SS is coming to a neighborhood near you!
There are some very angry citizens in the country today over a blog post that is asking supporters (of Obama) to send in any "Fishy" info they receive through rumors, chain emails and casual conversation to a white house email address! Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) stated that the Obama administration is compiling and enemies list and has urged Obama to provide congress with more details on what the white house plans to do with anyone reported for "Fishy" speech. Other representatives have accused the Obama administration of acting Orwellian.
Let me enlighten you about the meaning of Orwellian if you are not familiar with the term:
Orwellian describes the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free society. It connotes an attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" — a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments.
I remember when President Bush made the statement that he was always getting allot of fan mail, some not so pleasant, but in this country you are guaranteed the right to say what is on your mind, even if it is about the President of the United States!! Well folks, Mr. Stupid is way over the line with this one. Our first amendment guarantees us the freedom of speech in this country, which means that if I want say out loud that Obama is a perfidious, haughty, savage, disdainful, stupid, slothful, inhospitable, inhuman jackass, I am free to do so, and Mr. Stupid and his team of corrupt cronies can pucker up and kiss my ..........
Let me enlighten you about the meaning of Orwellian if you are not familiar with the term:
Orwellian describes the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free society. It connotes an attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" — a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments.
I remember when President Bush made the statement that he was always getting allot of fan mail, some not so pleasant, but in this country you are guaranteed the right to say what is on your mind, even if it is about the President of the United States!! Well folks, Mr. Stupid is way over the line with this one. Our first amendment guarantees us the freedom of speech in this country, which means that if I want say out loud that Obama is a perfidious, haughty, savage, disdainful, stupid, slothful, inhospitable, inhuman jackass, I am free to do so, and Mr. Stupid and his team of corrupt cronies can pucker up and kiss my ..........
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hugo Barack Chavez Obama and Nationalization: Better Pay Attention!
These comments are from Hugo Chavez in January 2007:
As Venezuela embarked on another six years under Hugo Chavez, the president announced plans to nationalize power and telecommunications companies and make other bold changes to increase state control as he promised a more radical push toward socialism.
Chavez, who will be sworn in Wednesday to a third term that runs until 2013, also said he wanted a constitutional amendment to strip the Central Bank of its autonomy and would soon ask the National Assembly, solidly controlled by his allies, to approve "a set of revolutionary laws" by presidential decree.
"We're moving toward a socialist republic of Venezuela, and that requires a deep reform of our national constitution," Chavez said in a televised address after swearing in his new Cabinet on Monday. "We're heading toward socialism, and nothing and no one can prevent it."
The nationalization will likely affect Electricidad de Caracas, owned by Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corp., and C.A. Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela, known as CANTV, the country's largest publicly traded company and the only Venezuelan listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Verizon Communications Inc. has a 28.5 percent interest in CANTV. Makes me want to run out and switch my phone service to Verizon!!
Chavez said lucrative oil projects in the Orinoco River basin involving foreign oil companies should be under national ownership. He did not spell out whether foreign investors would be compensated or simply expropriated.
He has decided to deepen his revolution, which from my point of view aims to look a lot like Castro's Cuba, and is citing the communist ideals of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.
The nation's newspapaer, El Nacional, which is very critical of Chavez, said in an editorial that the president "surprised all Venezuelans" with his moves. The paper said there is a clear need for a national debate on the seizing of private companies. Gee, do you think???
The United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, which provides Chavez with billions of dollars for his social programs. Why in the hell are we still buying oil from this jerk?????
Chavez threatened last August to nationalize CANTV, a Caracas-based former state firm that was privatized in 1991, unless it fully complied with a court ruling and adjusted its pension payments to current minimum-wage levels. Can you say BLACKMAIL??
Read more: Today, August 4th, 2009, Hugo Chavez, who is moving forward uncontrolled in his race for socialism has taken control of the 2 largest coffee companies making accusations of illegal activities, which were denied by both companies, citing his intentions of nationalizing them and stated that he will continue to nationalize all large companies for the good of the nation....or should he say for the betterment of himself and his cronies. Once nationlization starts, there is no stopping it once it gets a full head of steam....unless....the problem that is creating it is eliminated!
Does this somehow all sound familiar of the last 6 months here America??? Obama is rushing, and I mean rushing to nationalize everything he can get his hands on. Thus far Chrysler & GM, but he wants to nationalize the banks, the health care system and what else?? Oh yes, and large companies! Just read the health care bill and see what his plans are for you and your children's futures....if your old, he wants you to die, if you have children, he wants to take them over, he wants to play God, Does this sound like someone else who made these types of power grabs back in 1930's Germany?? Does this sound to you like the lunatic mind, ideas and ravings of a wanna be Dictator??? Sure does to me!
As Venezuela embarked on another six years under Hugo Chavez, the president announced plans to nationalize power and telecommunications companies and make other bold changes to increase state control as he promised a more radical push toward socialism.
Chavez, who will be sworn in Wednesday to a third term that runs until 2013, also said he wanted a constitutional amendment to strip the Central Bank of its autonomy and would soon ask the National Assembly, solidly controlled by his allies, to approve "a set of revolutionary laws" by presidential decree.
"We're moving toward a socialist republic of Venezuela, and that requires a deep reform of our national constitution," Chavez said in a televised address after swearing in his new Cabinet on Monday. "We're heading toward socialism, and nothing and no one can prevent it."
The nationalization will likely affect Electricidad de Caracas, owned by Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corp., and C.A. Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela, known as CANTV, the country's largest publicly traded company and the only Venezuelan listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Verizon Communications Inc. has a 28.5 percent interest in CANTV. Makes me want to run out and switch my phone service to Verizon!!
Chavez said lucrative oil projects in the Orinoco River basin involving foreign oil companies should be under national ownership. He did not spell out whether foreign investors would be compensated or simply expropriated.
He has decided to deepen his revolution, which from my point of view aims to look a lot like Castro's Cuba, and is citing the communist ideals of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.
The nation's newspapaer, El Nacional, which is very critical of Chavez, said in an editorial that the president "surprised all Venezuelans" with his moves. The paper said there is a clear need for a national debate on the seizing of private companies. Gee, do you think???
The United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, which provides Chavez with billions of dollars for his social programs. Why in the hell are we still buying oil from this jerk?????
Chavez threatened last August to nationalize CANTV, a Caracas-based former state firm that was privatized in 1991, unless it fully complied with a court ruling and adjusted its pension payments to current minimum-wage levels. Can you say BLACKMAIL??
Read more: Today, August 4th, 2009, Hugo Chavez, who is moving forward uncontrolled in his race for socialism has taken control of the 2 largest coffee companies making accusations of illegal activities, which were denied by both companies, citing his intentions of nationalizing them and stated that he will continue to nationalize all large companies for the good of the nation....or should he say for the betterment of himself and his cronies. Once nationlization starts, there is no stopping it once it gets a full head of steam....unless....the problem that is creating it is eliminated!
Does this somehow all sound familiar of the last 6 months here America??? Obama is rushing, and I mean rushing to nationalize everything he can get his hands on. Thus far Chrysler & GM, but he wants to nationalize the banks, the health care system and what else?? Oh yes, and large companies! Just read the health care bill and see what his plans are for you and your children's futures....if your old, he wants you to die, if you have children, he wants to take them over, he wants to play God, Does this sound like someone else who made these types of power grabs back in 1930's Germany?? Does this sound to you like the lunatic mind, ideas and ravings of a wanna be Dictator??? Sure does to me!
Monday, August 3, 2009
A response to posters on another blog who were degrading American gun owners and Canadians who support American gun owners rights.
A couple of "conscientious gun haters" threw out some nasty comments about American gun owners and "stupid gay Canadians" on another was the response they got....I thought you might like it!
Here's the way I see it....this country, America, has been taken over by a group of self serving fascist (and I know what a true fascist is, because I read and study) clowns who's intentions are that of the great Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler. The people who really care about the United States are trying to, in a positive non violent way, reverse the damage that has been inflicted upon us by those believing that the agenda of a get even black president would put them all on the road to getting free gas, having their mortgages paid and no longer having to ever work again. This is exactly the same means that Hitler used to convince the people of Germany to let him lead them into slaughter. False promises, the promises of being lazy and allowing the government to do everything for you. Yes, the likes of Gates, Wright, Jackson, Obama and millions of other black racists in the United States are looking for payback from those of us living here now, and who had nothing to do with their ancestors enslavement. The race card was one of Hitlers first and most devious ploys in gaining control....and for those of color in this country who believe that this type of behavior is wrong, then the others of color will label you as an "Uncle Tom", and then claim that they are not racist, but that you are!
And what next???? Well,I find it interesting how many liberals believe, as Hitler and other Marxist, Communist thinking individuals, that the inferior races of color should be exterminated, yet the folks of color in this country still vote the likes of those types of thinking people into office and support them. You foolishly support people like Senator Byrd, a bonafide member of the KKK!! Hell, that's like having my best friend patting me on the back, telling me I'm inferior and that he wants my truck, as he is cutting my throat. Of course if you go by what Chris Mathews says, and I quote "Blacks were in this country long before the white man" So, Mr. Chris "Liberal" Mathews, if that's the case then it should be painfully obvious to you and every other clown who knows nothing about history that it must have been someone else who brought the blacks into America under the term, "Slavery!" Pull your head out Chris! Slavery was what Africa did to boost their economy, what little they had, by selling people as slaves for money and usable items. America does not have the corner on bringing in African slaves, slave trade had been going on for hundreds of years before America even knew what Africa was.
So, here it is, I have said for many many years that America would find itself in a racial war, and at the rate things are going, it can't be too far off, unless something is done and done now to correct it. But for those of you, who in your total stupidness, think that Canadians are stupid or "gay", as our resident posting jackass Bill Gluckman so commented, just remember that you heard me say this! If things in the U.S. get out of hand, and if or when we end up in a major war here there will be only one country who will come to our aid with support in bringing our America back to the way she was, only one....and it will be Canada. Frankly, I like Canadians, some of my best friends are Canadian, and they have exactly the same issues with the current administration that I have, and I would be proud to have them beside me in a time of crisis, and for those of you out there who think guns are wrong and should be banned and that gun owners are stupid....well, just remember, Michael, Bill and Mr. name unknown, if or when the shooting starts, if you are stupid enough to come to my door for help to save your pompous ass because you always thought guns were stupid, the only thing your gonna get from me and others like me will weigh about 2 ounces and will be sitting right between your eyes! c3rain, I thank you for the Jefferson quote, and as Dwight D. Eisenhower stated: History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid. How true, how true!!
Here's the way I see it....this country, America, has been taken over by a group of self serving fascist (and I know what a true fascist is, because I read and study) clowns who's intentions are that of the great Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler. The people who really care about the United States are trying to, in a positive non violent way, reverse the damage that has been inflicted upon us by those believing that the agenda of a get even black president would put them all on the road to getting free gas, having their mortgages paid and no longer having to ever work again. This is exactly the same means that Hitler used to convince the people of Germany to let him lead them into slaughter. False promises, the promises of being lazy and allowing the government to do everything for you. Yes, the likes of Gates, Wright, Jackson, Obama and millions of other black racists in the United States are looking for payback from those of us living here now, and who had nothing to do with their ancestors enslavement. The race card was one of Hitlers first and most devious ploys in gaining control....and for those of color in this country who believe that this type of behavior is wrong, then the others of color will label you as an "Uncle Tom", and then claim that they are not racist, but that you are!
And what next???? Well,I find it interesting how many liberals believe, as Hitler and other Marxist, Communist thinking individuals, that the inferior races of color should be exterminated, yet the folks of color in this country still vote the likes of those types of thinking people into office and support them. You foolishly support people like Senator Byrd, a bonafide member of the KKK!! Hell, that's like having my best friend patting me on the back, telling me I'm inferior and that he wants my truck, as he is cutting my throat. Of course if you go by what Chris Mathews says, and I quote "Blacks were in this country long before the white man" So, Mr. Chris "Liberal" Mathews, if that's the case then it should be painfully obvious to you and every other clown who knows nothing about history that it must have been someone else who brought the blacks into America under the term, "Slavery!" Pull your head out Chris! Slavery was what Africa did to boost their economy, what little they had, by selling people as slaves for money and usable items. America does not have the corner on bringing in African slaves, slave trade had been going on for hundreds of years before America even knew what Africa was.
So, here it is, I have said for many many years that America would find itself in a racial war, and at the rate things are going, it can't be too far off, unless something is done and done now to correct it. But for those of you, who in your total stupidness, think that Canadians are stupid or "gay", as our resident posting jackass Bill Gluckman so commented, just remember that you heard me say this! If things in the U.S. get out of hand, and if or when we end up in a major war here there will be only one country who will come to our aid with support in bringing our America back to the way she was, only one....and it will be Canada. Frankly, I like Canadians, some of my best friends are Canadian, and they have exactly the same issues with the current administration that I have, and I would be proud to have them beside me in a time of crisis, and for those of you out there who think guns are wrong and should be banned and that gun owners are stupid....well, just remember, Michael, Bill and Mr. name unknown, if or when the shooting starts, if you are stupid enough to come to my door for help to save your pompous ass because you always thought guns were stupid, the only thing your gonna get from me and others like me will weigh about 2 ounces and will be sitting right between your eyes! c3rain, I thank you for the Jefferson quote, and as Dwight D. Eisenhower stated: History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid. How true, how true!!
Body Language

Comments posted on HI-CALIBER blog in response to Professor Gates racial acusations against officer Crowsley
What you said about the separatists screaming racism and racial profiling, and that we now have a black man in office fueling the racial propaganda hit a nerve as I read it. I caught a short clip from Boston Legal this afternoon where the DWB (driving while black) topic came up and I just couldn't listen to the moaning and groaning for another second, so I moved on. It no longer matters why a black person is pulled over, because it will always be racially motivated, with few exceptions. We all know that black people out there would ever speed, run a red light, make an illegal turn, fail to signal, toss a burning cigarette out of a moving vehicle or anything else, but if they get pulled over for it, you can damn well bet it is going to instantly turn into a racial profiling case. I doubt for a second that it has anything to do with the fact that blacks are 7 times more likely to go to prison than whites...seems to me that their own kind have created this environment. It's attitude people, and the government purposely has been fueling it for many many years! They make the people of color feel picked on and like they are second class citizens who can't take care of themselves, and we are going to burp you and put you to bed and boo who who... and it is the likes of those in our current administration who have been and will continue to fuel that fire. I have several very good friends who are black, but they don't act like this, and look at someone like Columnist Walter Williams, or comedian Bill Cosby, both good guys, and both very smart. What about Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice? How about Martin Luther King? Yes, he was a Republican, not a Democrat, he saw what was going on....was he too and Uncle Tom?? These people have my utmost respect, because they have earned it, they don't just automatically get it, but to others of color, they are just Uncle Toms! And you say your not racist!
One day I listened to a group of blacks calling each other all sorts of vial names including the "N" word and I turned to my buddy, he's black by the way, and I said, what gives? He said, "that is why the friends I generally hang out with are not black, and trust me, blacks are just as racist as anyone else they accuse of being racist." That's pretty sad! I think the time has come that the people yelling the loudest about racism and profiling should stop and take a good look in the mirror, as it has become a very clear case of the pot calling the kettle black! Frankly, if I was officer Crowsley, I wouldn't go to the white house to see Obama, not because he's black, but because he is a first rate jackass using this as a media opportunity to try and erase his stupid remarks, and because he is trying his very best to destroy this country. For that reason alone, I would not even be willing to shake the mans hand!
One day I listened to a group of blacks calling each other all sorts of vial names including the "N" word and I turned to my buddy, he's black by the way, and I said, what gives? He said, "that is why the friends I generally hang out with are not black, and trust me, blacks are just as racist as anyone else they accuse of being racist." That's pretty sad! I think the time has come that the people yelling the loudest about racism and profiling should stop and take a good look in the mirror, as it has become a very clear case of the pot calling the kettle black! Frankly, if I was officer Crowsley, I wouldn't go to the white house to see Obama, not because he's black, but because he is a first rate jackass using this as a media opportunity to try and erase his stupid remarks, and because he is trying his very best to destroy this country. For that reason alone, I would not even be willing to shake the mans hand!
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