It has been awhile since I have posted here, not because I don't have plenty to say or have plenty of items that should be passed on, but rather because I am so busy working that I don't have the time to spend here as I would like. You see, I work 4 different jobs in order to stay afloat and keep my bills paid. That's right, 4 different jobs! I'm sure I could find an excuse to wrangle myself onto welfare, or maybe some other form of government dole-out program if I was, as so many feel that they are in this country, ENTITLED! Well, I see it differently. I see entitlement as a word that only applies to say someone who was so seriously injured that it is impossible for them to work again, or someone who lost their spouse and was left with multiple children to care for and do not have the ability or resources to accomplish this task. These are the reasons such programs as Welfare were established, not to take care of some lazy sit on their ass good for nothing, lookin for a handout, you owe me, boil on the butt of society types....and while we are on the subject of boils on the butt of society, lets turn our eyes to the White House where the biggest boil and it's companion boil reside and who have convinced so many of you that you ARE ENTITLED to what someone else has.......WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!
Let me make something very clear....I am close to 6 decades old, I have back problems, knee problems, arthritis problems as well as countless other issues to deal with. I do not have a good education and spent my entire life being self employed. When the events of the bottom dropping out of real estate hit this country, I was in a bad position and was basically wiped out. I had been smart enough to save and prepare for bad times and used those resources to keep things going until I found work. It took me over two years to find someone who was willing to put an old uneducated fool to work for $11 an hour. I took the job and because of that job I was offered another job with the willingness to work around my first job. I then found another position working for a company on commission and finally after the first job I was doing was taken over by another company, whom I continue to work for, I was offered a great position back with the first company I had been working for. All these jobs were minimal pay and the commission job was one that took a long time to get clients to commit, but guess what....a client did commit, and the other low paying jobs combined have kept the bills paid and has now led me into a better paying job. This was not because I sat on my big fat butt whining about having no money, or having to go back to work, or that someone should be taking care of me because I am old....this was because I have never felt that anyone owed me anything and therefore I don't take handouts! For those out there who feel they are entitled let me just say this....The world does NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING! If you feel it does, then pack your bags and move to Europe or somewhere that puts people like you on the public dole, let them have you cause we don't want you!! What I have, I have earned and it does not belong to you or anyone else other than my children and my grandchildren when the time comes for me to leave this world. Drag your lazy good for nothing butt out from behind the TV and get out and find a job! They're out there, they may not pay all that well and you may have to have more than one, but at least your working and will have taken the burden of one more person off the backs of the taxpayers. Maybe you should contact the White House and see if your Muslim president and his America hating wife would be willing to take you in and let you live with them until you decide your are ready to do something on your own. It seems he was all about yapping his gums and giving you free rent, gas, cars and money according to what I heard so many of you chanting after you put him in office. How's that working for you now?????? That's what I thought! I tell you what...when you get a job and you get your first paycheck and you have paid all the necessary bills you owe, then if there is anything left over, you will be entitled to spend it anyway you want! That's entitlement and it is the only entitlement anyone should be granted...PERIOD!!
God bless you! Love your blog!
God bless you my brother! Love your website!
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