Most of the people who live in this country today have no clue about history, the real history; they only know what the progressive institutions have taught them. I grew up being taught only what the system wanted me to know, no more, but I have taken it upon myself to become better educated and to learn about the facts that the progressive socialists who have dominated our government for decades and does not want us to know.
Now and then a good politician will appear such as the likes of Ronald Reagan but their hard work and efforts are quickly turned into nothing more than white noise and the progressive agenda is quick to replace the positive efforts with those of more control and government intervention. People have become progressively lazy and since the 60’s hippie movement it has become an epidemic. I grew up in the 60’s and I remember them well, the free love, the drugs the non working bums who have grown up, produced children and instilled into them a sense of entitlement that everyone owes them for being alive and living on the planet. This is when it really started to come undone in this country and it is finally engulfing is in a nation of “Lazy good for nothing I’m entitled to whatever I want for free bums” that will be the ruin of this great nation. Don’t get me wrong, there are those who have stepped above this and have realized just what the government is up to, but it is still an epidemic that rages on.
Let’s take a quick journey into the life of Adolph Hitler, a very brilliant individual; he was very charismatic and was able to talk to people (without a teleprompter) in a way that made them feel as if he was their new Savior, their God. He promised them “Change” he promised them free healthcare, free shelter, food and clothing, he promised to create a government run state that would allow everyone to have an equal piece of the pie. He would re-distribute the wealth among the people so that those who were lazy good for nothings would be taken care of by the greedy capitalistic people who had a sense of duty to themselves and their families and thus they worked hard to make a living and a life for themselves and their families. He duped over 50% of the German population into voting for him and he then proceeded straight on to “Change” by taking total control of everyone’s lives, giving them nothing and murdering millions upon millions of people and not just Jews. By the time Hitler fell, Germany was in ruin, Germany and its people were hated by the world and there was still an overwhelming chunk of the population who still supported and believed in Hitler and what he was doing! This says something about the arrogance of the German people and their desperate desire to always be right and their refusal to admit when they are wrong.
Now take a step back and think about what was just said and hopefully you will realize that what we are now seeing is the same scenario playing out here in America with BHO at the helm but with the help of his teleprompter. With BHO there are strings attached, much like a marionette where others are pulling the strings. BHO is nothing more than an arrogant individual who believes that he is in power and control, yet he is not. There is a higher power at work using him and his arrogance to take down the greatest nation in the world, and it is also using the arrogance of the American people as well. I’m sure you have all watched the Star Wars movies, let’s jump to number 2; Anakin Skywalker is being duped by Senator Palpatine and slowly led down the path to the dark side. This is being accomplished very easily due to Anakin’s arrogance and deep seeded love of himself, his wants and desires. Palpatine has to but to place small bits of information into Anakin’s head that he knows will conjure up his anger and his arrogance to a level where he will destroy himself. BHO is doing exactly the same thing here in America, he is using the arrogance, stupidity and selfishness of those he is luring into his trap. Many have been duped by this man and his ability to talk them into being his “Sith Apprentices”! It saddens me that so many people have chosen to follow the likes of BHO (The Dark Side) rather than God, (The Force) which is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. People in America have become just as arrogant as the German people were back then and even now all across the world, peoples overwhelming desire to always be right and refusal to listen to anyone but themselves.
Common sense no longer plays a role in most people’s lives, they live angry, self serving, me me me lives wanting only for themselves and offering nothing in return. Adolph Hitler used this arrogance and followed the playbooks of American progressive socialist agenda types like Wilson, Roosevelt, Bernays and Lipmann to create Nazi Germany. That’s right; Hitler was, because of what Americans taught him. BHO is now doing exactly the same thing, page by page, one day at a time using exactly the same playbooks, yet so many cannot see it. History is bound to repeat itself is a lesson that so many have never learned.
I have lived in a relatively free America for well over 50 years and up until just the last few have had a pretty good life mostly because of my own doing and ability to understand and adjust to the unjust system that has been slowly eroding year after year, and sadly I fear that my children and grandchildren will never see it that good again. I by no means have ever been wealthy, but I have been able to work hard and support my family, help my friends and help those less fortunate, and by less fortunate I don’t mean those who wish to sit on their big fat butts and look for a handout, I mean those who were widowed and left with small children, those who have no parents, those who have lost the ability to provide for themselves due to accident or disaster, there’s a big difference.
Yes America is somewhat of a free nation, for now, which up to this point has given everyone the right to speak out and air their feelings or their differences. But even as I type this our nation is under attack from this administration who is desperately trying to take away our right of free speech, some of which and other rights have already been attacked and taken away, and no one is exempt unless you are ultra wealthy siding with the progressive agenda and then you will fall into a special class of people being given rights and privileges over others as was the case in Nazi Germany……or at least, that is, until you are no longer needed, as was the case in Nazi Germany.
This government feels that they should protect the likes of someone who is a spineless camel riding towel head that wants to kill me or my family or friends in the name of Allah and frankly I just don’t see it that way. My family is more important to me than life itself and if anyone should dare to try and attack them in any way, they are but a short distance away from a trip in the hearse. I have rights guaranteed to me by God and the Constitution of the United States and in that I am guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the purist of happiness, the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to come and go as I please, the right to speak out against a corrupt government. I have the right to protect my family which I will do even unto death and I have a right to worship God and no one will ever tell me that I cannot. Once the people of this country fall onto hard times and find themselves back on their knees asking for God to help them and praying for an end of their children’s suffering and pain, then will this country find its way back to where it came from.
The American Revolution was fought by just over 30% of the population, just over 30% of the population believed that living under the socialist rule of England was the way to go and fought to keep America under slavery; the remainder sat and hid from the fight as they did not want to get involved. Frankly, I personally would never be on the side of people who actually believe as the woman on welfare who stated: “We should have no boarders, everyone should just come and go as they please, Obama takes care of people like me with his stash, taxpayers don’t take care of me and Obama does and he gets all his stash money from illegal aliens who work in this country and then give all their money to him so that he can take care of people like me.” Holy cow, are you kidding me???? If you follow the likes of that woman and so many others who believe the same rhetoric, I can’t pity you enough, you are beyond hope, you’re a lost cause, you are a sad pathetic human being.
Those who believe that BHO is their new Savior and those who refuse to get involved, have been and will be the cause of this nations fall into peril, but those who stand against the evils of the government, those who stand for God will be the ones who will ultimately save this nation. America has always been the greatest nation in the world because people were willing to work hard, provide for themselves, worship God and to stand tall against any adversary who would try and destroy her.
I have seen many in my personal friends and those who choose to be my Facebook friends who are willing to stand tall against the adversary and I am proud to stand among them. With God’s help, we will be victorious, we will take this nation back and those who have attempted to destroy her will be dealt with severely. God be with us in our fight to save this great nation, God Bless America, Love her, or Leave her!!
A man once said that “Hell is a place where there is no reason” and the good American patriots on this site and in this country are being drug into Hell by the likes of those who believe in and support the BHO progressive socialist agenda! Stand tall Patriots, we are all that stands between BHO and the loss of our Freedoms!
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