Saturday, March 13, 2010

Senate Bill 6 - Florida

Here is a statement made on Mitt Romney's facebook page, I felt it needed to be presented to you as well as my response, I welcome your opinions:

"If you are a teacher, know a teacher, ♥ a teacher, want to become a teacher, were taught by a teacher - Be aware of Senate Bill 6 that FL Senators are trying to pass! It will place the pay of educators in the hands of student's test scores, taking no regard for years of service & advanced degrees. This would jeopardize... the jobs of our best teachers & force our children to take more tests! Write & tell them NO today!"

Sounds like someone lacks the confindence or abilities to teach properly. You know what? My sister is a teacher and a damn good one, but she is not the norm nowadays and frankly teachers should be upheld to proper education in public schools, if this is not going to happen, then the state needs to issue vouchers so parents can take their children to a private institution where they will get the best possible education and if keeping public schools accountable and teachers in line, then test scores should be a deciding factor along with elimination of tenure and the eliminations of the thousands of un-necessary school boards where superintendents are making big bucks to sit on their big fat butts and do nothing. The government has succeeded in ruining education; I say it is about time that teachers, students and parents be held accountable and that government and unions need to be taken out of the equation. The nations test scores are a disgrace and lowering the bar to make sure students pass is not the answer as the government sees it, accountability is. This will require the "get involved" mentality, but then for me that has never been an issue and is still not and frankly I managed to get more than one principal and several teachers removed from the system permanently during my days on this planet and I am not above taking a few more down on behalf of the kids who go to school to learn!
Government feels they have an umbilical cord running to every child in this country and have made it impossible for discipline to take place dictation what can and can't be done with our kids, hence we have so many kids running around doing whatever they please because they know that there is nothing that can be done about it. They drop out, join gangs, rob, steal, murder etc. and yet our government is too stupid to see what they are creating.....or are they?????

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