I read an article this morning by Humberto Fontova and have combined his comments with my own here. If you don't know who Che Guevara is, I suggest you take a moment and look him up to see what kind of a man Apple is idolizing here, frankly it makes me sick that Americans look up to such a persons.
There have been more than 200 companies that have joined a boycott of Glenn Beck’s program, according to the Washington Post. Geez, you see how it is affecting Beck and Fox. NOT! There are a handful of advertisers, such as (IPhone owner) Apple, who have abandoned Fox altogether....but after you finish reading this, you will understand that Beck, Fox, me and millions of patriotic Americans could care less!
We can only assume this Apple “boycott” was prompted by what CBS’s Katie Couric (quoting the Fox commentator’s critics) describes as Beck’s “inflammatory, unfair, despicable, hateful rhetoric.” Yeah, and Couric would know all about those comments...just take a look in the mirror Couric to see who actually fits that description to a tee and then do us all a favor, get on your broom, pick up Hillary and Pelosi and be on your way out of America!
Apple has just launched an IPhone application featuring Che Guevara’s quotes. Yes, you read the right, you can now carry around Che Guevara’s quotes on your IPhone!”
Now you can carry around quotes like “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall,” from Che Guevara on your iPhone. Guevara, launched Feb. 12 for $0.99 or €.79, is the latest app in the iTunes store to capitalize on lightning rod figures. I personally have never purchased anything from the iTunes store, and never will!
Alas, many of us, though not customers of this unquestionably hip product, suspect that most of Che Guevara’s hippest quotes are missing from this hippest of iPhone apps, but I am sure it won't be long before they show up! Among those we fear were overlooked by the hyper-sensitive-to-hate-speech, Apple are:
The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities and booze, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.
My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood… Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any surrendered enemy that falls in my hands! With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!
(This is from Che’s own diaries, later immortalized as The Motorcycles Diaries, though we note that executive producer Robert Redford “overlooked” this unquestionably dramatic citation for his movie.)
Hatred as the central element of our struggle… Hatred that is intransigent… Hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine… We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!
Thus spaketh the icon of the flower children.
The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! Against those hyenas there is no option but extermination! If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City!
And this:Don’t Shoot! I’m Che! I’m worth to you more alive than dead!
These famous last words were whimpered with a Eddie Haskell-in-front-of June Cleaver-esque smile on Oct. 8, 1967 in Quebrada de Yuro, Bolivia, as Che dropped his fully-loaded weapons. At the time, Che, dragging along his guerrilla charge, Willi, was trying to slink away from a firefight when confronted by two Bolivian soldiers.
That’s a grand total of exactly two flunky Communist guerrillas facing two Bolivian soldiers, by the way. But then, Che’s bloodthirsty bluster always had a habit of evaporating when facing men (or boys) capable of defending themselves. His stock-in-trade was blasting their skulls apart from five feet while they were bound and gagged. Amazingly, Steven Soderbergh and Benicio del Toro overlooked any depictions of such guaranteed drama in their recent movie.
Here's some more of Che’s Greatest Hits:
“Mexicans are a rabble of illiterate Indians.” (Note the Che Guevara banners and T-shirts at Nation of Aztlan gatherings.)
“Bolivian campesinos are simply Animalitos“ (Note Bolivian President Evo Morales’ frequent genuflections to the ghost of Che Guevara and to his puppeteer, Fidel Castro.)
“Youth must refrain from ungrateful questioning of governmental mandates. Instead they must dedicate themselves to study, work and military service. The very spirit of rebellion is reprehensible." (“Che is our fifth band member!” says Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello)
Here’s a man who folks call a “guerrilla hero” who in real life never fought in a guerrilla war. When he finally brushed up against one, he was routed and surrendered as nothing more than a sniveling, whimpering wreck.
This man was a cold-blooded murderer who executed thousands without trial, who claimed that judicial evidence was an “unnecessary bourgeois detail,” who stressed that “revolutionaries must become cold-killing machines motivated by pure hate,” who stayed up till dawn for months at a time signing death warrants for innocent and honorable men, whose office in La Cabana had a window where he could watch the executions – and today his T-shirts adorn people who oppose capital punishment!
Che excelled in one thing: mass murder of defenseless men. He was a Stalinist to the core, a plodding bureaucrat and a calm, cold-blooded – but again, never in actual battle – killer. Che’s true legacy is simply one of terror, murder and sniveling cowardice.
Apple, we trust, will soon become as sensitive to torture and mass-murder by the Stalinist who craved to incinerate the nation that headquarters their office and facilitates their profits, as they claim to be over a few wisecracks by Fox commentators.
For me, I see this as an opportunity to never for the rest of my lifetime purchase any Apple products come hell or high water. The way I see it is that any company who would idolize, capitalize on and offer praise to a mass-murdering commie like Che Guevara in my opinion needs to pack their bags and get out of America, take your business to Cuba and lets see just how long you Marxist bastards can survive!