2009 has been the worst year on record that I can remember, and I go back well over 50 years. I have not only lost most of what I had, but I also cannot get work to try and save what I have left, but I am not on the government’s doorstep looking for a handout or a free ride. I am not the only one, many people are suffering at the hands of our stupid politicians and most everyone out there has not been immune to the disastrous progressive socialist agenda that our current politicians in power are desperately shoving down our throats. Of course if you are the likes of ACORN, SEIU, AIG, Citibank, Bank of America or all the corrupt people holding offices and are associated with the likes of Obama and his Chicago style politics, such as those who adorn his administration and the Czars who are being illegally handed our country on a silver platter and who have received billions of taxpayer dollars to bail them out or rather to line their pockets, then of course you have no worries!
The healthcare bill is being muscled through by way of payoffs to politicians in order to get them to play ball with Obama, who refuses to listen to the will of the people who are screaming about his actions louder than they did Hillary care. Some of the politicians such as the likes of Senator Mary Landrieu who was against the health care bill have caved in to payoffs such as the 300 billion dollar payout Landrieu will receive for her state of Louisiana for switching her vote to support Osama’s health care bill. Our president is nothing more than a lying deceitful self proclaimed Muslim who shows us daily that he has no regard for the American people but rather his loyalties to those who are intent upon destroying us and while the press keeps his big mouth wife under wraps because she hates America and is so vocal about it, we still actually have people in this country that are so damn stupid they cannot see the obvious. Just look at what he did on December 17th 2009 signing and amending executive order 12425 to immunize INTERPOL in America. You will need to read my next post to get all the details; it is guaranteed to piss you off!!
I love this country and know that it was created under the direction of God to allow us a nation where we would be free to practice the religious beliefs that our forefathers stood for so many years ago. It is the responsibility of each and every American to stand against the evil that is trying so desperately to destroy us from within and I for one will not be deterred, I will stand for what God and my forefathers worked so diligently to create and protect. My deepest appreciation goes to those who have fought and died to protect this great country and the Constitution, but as we have all seen, Obama has no regard for the military or what they stand for.
As we approach a new year I urge everyone to become heavily involved in the process of removing these thugs from office and replacing them with people who will stand for America and the Constitution protecting them at all costs. I am tired of all the rules we are being subjected to about political correctness and minority rules. The majority of this country are religious God fearing people who have worked hard for what they have and frankly it is total BS that they are required to hand it over to some low life illegal or lazy good for nothing minority who feels that they are due a reward from others just because they happen to be alive and living in this country, and our politicians see nothing wrong with it. Doing the math I have come to the conclusion that it would have been much cheaper to round up all the low life’s in this country and ship them off to places like Iran, Iraq or Venezuela where they would get just exactly what they deserve, a place where they could live under socialistic rule having the government take total care of them and treating them like the scum they have become.
Everyone in this country has always had the opportunity to succeed, but if you were foolish enough to believe that the government was there just for you, then I say it's too damn bad you didn't succeed and it’s time for you to pack your bags and move on. We have got to stop living in fear of the government and under the current rule of tyranny that is plaguing us at this time. Wake Up America, come to your senses and stand up for what you believe. There are millions of us that are already doing just that and it is time for the rest of you to wake up and come to the party!
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