Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Healthcare Reform and the Old People
So I am talking to my folks who are in their 80's a couple of nights back about the health care situation. I commented that there are all these people or races or groups who whine that they are discriminated against and picked on. In actuallity, the old people are the most discriminated against group of people in the United States. I also commented that with obama's health care plans it would not be long before extermination chambers will be installed around the country and as soon as a person reaches a certain age, they will be required to check themselves in for elimination.....didn't I see that in the movie Logan's Run???? Anyway, I read today that at the Senate hearings on health care reform, experts giving testimony are already trying to figure out ways to prepare for the inevitable health rationing that will have to take place. What's the easiest way to cut costs? Just let the old folks die. Time to tell your older beloved relatives in the family you love them and give them a hug because once obama gets his 'cost benefit' healthcare plan in place -- there won't be a place in this country for old people. Your attention please Mr. & Mrs. Old Person, you are hereby ordered to report to the nearest extermination chamber....your time is up!!