Today, as we roll into the month of July, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who are responsible for the liberties and freedoms we enjoy as American citizens. Many men and women have died in the fight against those who would take our freedoms away from us, and to those who have served, whether alive or dead, I want to say THANK YOU for your willingness to stand for what you knew to be right. It saddens me to think that many people who live in this century are either unaware, or completely blind to what they have living here in the United States of America. So many take it for granted, and they feel it is someone else's responsibility to maintain the rights and privileges we have here. Too many feel it is too much of an inconvenience to take a few minutes of their day to get out and vote, or to sit down and write a letter to their representatives to let them know how they feel about an issue. The rights and privileges we enjoy came at a high price, and as the saying goes, "Freedom isn't Free". I encourage each and everyone of you, to start getting involved with the everyday workings of this country. Stop being afraid of getting involved. Stop letting the politicians push you around. Stop letting them make laws that are not in our best interest because they only heard from a handful of people telling them not to. These politicians have now got you paying over 50% of the hard earned money you make into the government coffers. They waste, they misappropriate, the misuse, steal and otherwise manipulate the system to their benefit. There are those who are trying to make a difference, but there are more that are fighting against them. Stop electing people who are not doing their job, start recalling those who are in office and are not doing what they promised. Stop allowing these same people to pollute your minds against the good people who are fighting to keep you free. No one likes war, and I like you would be happy if it was non existent, but you and I both know that as long as there are those out there who are driven by power and greed, that war in an inevitable fact. God has told us in scripture, that wars will plague the world for all time. War is something we cannot stop, sadly, but it is also something we cannot hide from. Too many people live their lives with their heads buried in the sand, and as a result, those who are trying to do right are being persecuted, and we are losing our precious rights in this country daily. The Supreme Court just struck a major victory last week when they stood up for this countries second amendment rights to keep and bear arms, but you need to look at this a little closer, as it was a 5 to 4 vote, and had that one judge voted the opposite directions, the Constitution would have taken another giant hit. 4 of the 9 judges do not follow the laws of the Constitution, but rather make up their own. Our judges are corrupt, and few understand what the Constitution stands for and what it means. Most feel it is something to be trifled with, desecrated, changed to benefit the minority instead of upholding the rights of the majority. These people need to be removed from the bench, as they have no right serving in such a capacity if they cannot, and will not uphold those laws which our founding fathers put in place to protect us from just such a caliber of people. America is the greatest country in the entire world without question, and this is why so many people are trying desperately to get in, but we also can go from being the greatest to bottom of the pile if people do not start to stand up and be counted. My father was engaged in the Korean War, and I am proud of him for his service, I don't look down on him because he had to go to war, I respect, and admire him for his call to duty. Too many service men and women are looked upon with disgust and disregard by those who would just a soon sell this country up the river into socialism or worse. We need to take our country back a few decades where the pledge of allegiance was said every morning in school, and where prayer was an everyday occurrence. To those who have fought to take God and patriotism out of our lives, I say it is time you move on. Move on to somewhere like Russia, or China, or Iraq. Move on to where you have no freedoms, and where you would be much happier under government control. Stop inflicting our society with your negative and corrupting ways, and leave us in peace to worship God and to stand in patriotic support of America in her efforts to remain the greatest nation in the world. If you are going to a 4th of July parade this year, remember to stand and pay tribute to the flag as it passes you at the beginning of the parade and pay tribute to this great country and to all those valient men and women who have fought for her. GOD BLESS AMERICA, and God Bless Our Troops!!

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