The following information is provided to voters
by the National Black Republican Association.
Excellent and very informative.
Obama The Radical
*National Review:
"Obama has the most liberal voting record in the
US Senate." When we look beyond Senator Barack
Obama’s soaring rhetoric, we find an arrogant,
elitist millionaire whose voting record is even
more liberal than Senator Hillary Clinton.
* Obama’s radical associations reflect on his
character and judgment. Obama established a
20-year relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright
who damned his own country and declared that
innocent Americans deserved to be killed by
Jihadists on September 11, 2001. Obama has a
longtime association with Underground
Weatherman Bill Ayers, an unrepentant
domestic terrorist. Obama also kept a 20-year
relationship and made a shady real estate deal
with Tony Rezko who was convicted of fraud.
* Obama opposes school choice scholarships.
Obama puts the special interest of the teachers’
unions above the interest of poor black children
trapped in failing schools. He wants to deny black
parents school choice scholarships and calls
successful charter schools a mere “experiment”.
* Obama has done little to help blacks.
Obama claims to care about poor blacks, but he
has a dismal record. He promises to raise the
minimum wage, but he voted against the
minimum wage bill that was finally passed in
Congress. Obama was a “community organizer”
in Chicago. If his messianic message of “Hope”
and “Change” is so powerful, why are poor blacks
in Chicago still poor? Socialism does not work.
* Obama supports anti-God secularists.
Obama is aligned with left-wing secularists who
are suing the Boy Scouts because they have God
in their pledge and refuse to let homosexual men
be in charge of young boys. The secularists are
also stopping children from saying prayers in
school, preventing local governments from
displaying religious symbols and pushing samesex
marriage against the will of the people.
Obama opposes the Defense of Marriage Act, a
law that allows state governments to refuse to
recognize same-sex marriages performed in other
states. This law was passed by Congress in 1996
and signed by former President Bill Clinton.
* Obama is the most radical, pro-abortion
candidate in our nation’s history. Obama is so
pro-abortion that, as an Illinois state senator, he
refused to support legislation to provide health
care to babies who survived late-term abortions.
In a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate
floor, Obama said that he did not want to
recognize as “persons” babies born fully outside
their mothers' wombs, even with their hearts
beating and lungs heaving. This is chilling.
* Obama is weak on national security. Obama
wants to go backwards, treat terrorist atrocities as
a crime and do nothing until after Americans are
killed. The Jihadists declared war on America in
the 1980’s and attacked us numerous times—
including the bombing of the World Trade Center,
first in 1993 and again in 2001. Obama wants to
hand the terrorists a victory and let them have an
oil-rich country from which to attack us at will.
* Obama ignores the facts that Congress
authorized President George W. Bush to go to
war in Iraq, and the surge pushed by McCain is
working. Obama refuses to acknowledge that the
Clinton Administration’s policy was regime
change in Iraq, and Bill Clinton and his advisers
said Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Bush took
the terrorists’ declaration of war seriously, fought
back, and we have had no more attacks on
America since September 11, 2001.
* Obama opposed the surge in Iraq which has
now proved highly successful—a fact that Barack
Obama ignores. He is unreasonably tied to a yearold
plan to rapidly withdraw all American troops
from Iraq—a plan offered when he wrongly
believed that the situation in Iraq would get worse
with American troops in that country.
* Obama has not visited Iraq since January 2006
and did not seek a meeting with our military
commander, Gen. David Petraeus, when he was in
Washington. Since Obama has no military service
experience, he does not understand veterans or
military issues. His foreign policy adviser,
Richard Danzig, said on national television that
the cartoon character “Winnie the Poo” is a good
source for foreign policy. This would shame us.
* Obama wants to raise taxes. Obama wants to
raise taxes even above the levels of the Clinton
era. Obama wants to tax poor people, dead people
and small business people. He wants to raise the
payroll tax that would hurt working people. He
wants to raise the death tax that would tax average
Americans twice--once while they are alive and
again after they die. He wants to raise the capital
gain tax that would make many small business
people go out of business. He wants to increase
domestic spending massively and create a costly
healthcare plan that would plunge our government
into an economically disastrous budget deficit.
This is change that we do not need.
* Obama wants to raise gas prices higher.
Obama said on CNBC that high gas prices were
“good,” and his only concern was that the increase
in price be a “gradual adjustment.” He does not
want to drill for oil in America. He does not
support the federal “gas tax holiday” that would
help poor people afford more gas. He is aligned
with the environmental extremists and is out of
touch with average Americans, since 73% of the
American people agree that, with appropriate
safeguards to protect the environment, we should
drill for oil off America's coasts to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil. Obama and other
Democrats in Congress are blocking drilling by
America while the Communist regimes of
China and Cuba collude to exploit the oil and
gas resources off our own Gulf Coast.
* In 2006 when the Democrats took over
Congress, they issued a press release which stated
that the Democrats had a “common sense plan to
reduce gas prices.” The report card is in, and the
record shows that by 2008, Americans have
suffered from record high gas prices, the highest
in the history of our country. A June 6, 2008
NBC/Wall Street Journal public opinion survey
revealed that the Democratic-controlled Congress
has a dismal 13% job approval rating, with 79%
of the American people expressing disapproval of
the miserable job that Democrats are doing
running the legislative branch of our government.
* Obama is a hypocrite. Obama calls for a
“new” kind of politics but his record is filled with
promises broken for political expediency. He
broke his promise on campaign funding. He said
he wants to speak directly to the American people,
then rebuffed McCain's bid for weekly townmeeting
debates. Obama also skipped the Detroit
Debate organized by the Congressional Black
Caucus, but castigated McCain for his decision to
skip the Morgan State Debate.
* Obama recently wrote a letter of support for
former Klansman Democrat Senator Robert Byrd
who helped the racist Democrats smear Dr. King
during the 1960’s. Yet McCain is assailed for not
voting to make the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. a holiday, after McCain returned home
from being tortured as a prisoner of war and relied
on negative information Democrats put out about
Dr. King—a vote McCain now regrets. No
recognition is given to Republican President
Ronald Reagan who supported and signed the law
making Dr. King’s birthday a holiday, after
Democrat Presidents, including former President
Jimmy Carter, refused to support such a law.
McCain The Statesman
* McCain is a man
of courage and integrity. Senator John McCain is a
war hero who was tortured as a prisoner of war
while serving his country with honor and distinction.
He has championed campaign finance reform and
has a proven record of ensuring that legislators and
policy makers put the interests of the American
people above those of special interests. In spite of
efforts of his detractors to tarnish his image, McCain
remains a champion of the people, and his long voting
record demonstrates his sound judgment.
* Notably, in its final November 20, 1991 report,
the Senate Select Committee on Ethics completely
exonerated Senator McCain's conduct in the socalled
"Keating Five" investigation. The Ethics
Committee wrote: "Senator McCain has
violated no law of the United States or specific
Rule of the United States Senate; therefore, the
Committee concludes that no further action is
warranted with respect to Senator McCain on the
matters investigated during the preliminary
* McCain supports black political and
economic equality. McCain supports policies that
are better for urban communities because his
policies are based on helping the poor with a hand
up, not a hand out. His philosophy is founded on
the fact that if you give a man a fish, he will eat
for a day, but if you teach a man how to fish, he
will feed himself for a lifetime. In addition to the
$500 billion that is spent each year on poverty
programs, McCain wants to enact policies that
encourage personal responsibility and bring an
end to the failed socialist policies of the
Democrats which foster dependency on
government handouts and generational poverty.
* McCain supports school choice scholarships.
McCain supports quality education for blacks. He
sides with black parents who want school choice
scholarships, home schooling and charter schools.
He believes that competition is the key to success
in educating our children. He understands that if
educators concentrate on teaching well, the
passing of standardized tests will come naturally.
McCain believes that the tax payers’ money for
education belongs to the people, not the buildings
controlled by the teachers’ unions.
* McCain favors religious freedom in pubic
places. McCain voted yes to legislation that says
putting up religious symbols and praying on
public school campuses as part of a memorial
service does not violate the First Amendment to
the Constitution. The law also provides legal
assistance to any government entity defending
these religious freedoms. McCain supports
protecting the unborn and the Defense of
Marriage Act which helps preserve marriage as a
union between one man and one woman.
* McCain wants to lower taxes and gas prices.
McCain supports our free market economy based
on the principles of limited government and low
taxes for both families and small businesses.
These principles have led to America being the
most prosperous nation on earth. He advocates
promoting our nation’s economic prosperity
through sound economic policies and keeping gas
prices low. He supports the “gas tax holiday” and
offshore drilling while protecting our
environment. He supports constructing new
power generating facilities and developing new,
clean alternative energy sources like solar, wind
and clean coal, while expanding the use of nuclear
* McCain supports a strong national defense.
McCain understands that the first obligation of
our president is the safety and security of this
nation and the men and women who defend it. He
has the military experience, judgment and
principled leadership to be our Commander in
Chief. McCain advocated the surge strategy in
Iraq that has been hugely successful. Violence is
down enormously, and the Iraqi parliament has
passed almost all of the "benchmark" legislation
demanded by the Democratic Congress. McCain
knows that we have enemies for whom no attack
is too cruel, even on innocent life. The Jihadists
would, if they could, strike us with the world’s
most terrible weapons. McCain is a proven leader
who has the character and judgment to president.