Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Thursday, April 29, 2010
"After America, There is No Place to Go"
This article was sent to me by my friend MG, I seriously hope this helps to prove a point and drive home what has happened in the past, is currently happening in the future. Don't be fooled, the time to stand up and fight for your rights and freedoms is now, once they are gone, you no longer have a voice or a chance in hell of ever being free! Stop allowing the government to take away the freedoms you have enjoyed because you think you are entitled, or because you are just to damn lazy to be a productive citizen of this great country. Love it, or LEAVE it! A.I.D.
The author of this article lives in South Dakota and is very
active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I encourage everybody to
read this article and pass it along. I see so many parallels in
this country-are we going to sit by and watch it happen? Spread
the word; also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they
don't do what they should. If you don't want to be bothered,
then you're part of the problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will
see more articles and videos.
America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will
ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took
Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide 98% of the vote.. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other.. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power
since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria . We were promised that a vote for Hitler
would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously
had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not
pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our
parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without
religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their
families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and
participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was
severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately
established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls:
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was
free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a
trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration.. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria . Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable
that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
"It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America , There is No Place to Go"
The author of this article lives in South Dakota and is very
active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I encourage everybody to
read this article and pass it along. I see so many parallels in
this country-are we going to sit by and watch it happen? Spread
the word; also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they
don't do what they should. If you don't want to be bothered,
then you're part of the problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will
see more articles and videos.
America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will
ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took
Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide 98% of the vote.. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other.. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power
since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria . We were promised that a vote for Hitler
would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously
had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not
pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our
parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without
religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their
families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and
participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was
severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately
established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls:
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was
free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a
trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration.. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria . Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable
that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
"It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America , There is No Place to Go"
Friday, April 23, 2010
All required to have implanted chip within 36 months
Required RFID implanted chip
Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?
National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1,
section B:
‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to information respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary”
What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
See it for yourself:
This new law – when fully implemented – provides the framework for making the United States the first nation in the world to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.
Don’t believe it? Look it up yourself. Healthcare Bill H.R. 3200:
Pages 1001-1008 “National Medical Device Registry” section.
Page 1006 “to be enacted within 36 months upon passage”
Page 503 “… medical device surveillance”
Why would the government use the word “surveillance” when referring to citizens? The definition of “surveillance” is the monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people and often in a secret manner. The root of the word [French] means to “watch over.”
In theory, the intent to streamline healthcare and to eliminate fraud via “health chips” seems right. But, to have the world’s lone superpower (America, for now) mandate (page 1006) a device to be IMPLANTED is scary!
Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill?
Coverage under Obamacare will require an implantable microchip?
......and those who voted this liberal jackass into office think he is some sort of God, their Savior.....better think again, this is proof positive that he is nothing more than a hitler of a different color!
Required RFID implanted chip
Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?
National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1,
section B:
‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to information respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary”
What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
See it for yourself:
This new law – when fully implemented – provides the framework for making the United States the first nation in the world to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.
Don’t believe it? Look it up yourself. Healthcare Bill H.R. 3200:
Pages 1001-1008 “National Medical Device Registry” section.
Page 1006 “to be enacted within 36 months upon passage”
Page 503 “… medical device surveillance”
Why would the government use the word “surveillance” when referring to citizens? The definition of “surveillance” is the monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people and often in a secret manner. The root of the word [French] means to “watch over.”
In theory, the intent to streamline healthcare and to eliminate fraud via “health chips” seems right. But, to have the world’s lone superpower (America, for now) mandate (page 1006) a device to be IMPLANTED is scary!
Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill?
Coverage under Obamacare will require an implantable microchip?
......and those who voted this liberal jackass into office think he is some sort of God, their Savior.....better think again, this is proof positive that he is nothing more than a hitler of a different color!
Monday, April 19, 2010
One Way Out: An Invitation to America
There are no words necessary for this post, the video says it all!!!v=6KWGzSSCgoo!v=6KWGzSSCgoo
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Suitable Movie Lines
I was sitting here thinking about a perfect movie line from Fun With Dick and Jane staring Jim Carey and Alex Baldwin. In the end of the movie, Dick Harper (Carey) walks up to Jack McCallister (Baldwin) as the press and people surrounding him are cheering and going nuts for jack McCallister (a lying cheating swindling no good for nothing jerk), for something Dick Harper did! This quote is absolutely perfect for Obama!(also a lying cheating swindling good for nothing jerk!)
"Listen to em Jack, they love ya! Now go to hell!"
Here's a few more from that movie that really fit into our current situation! Dick & Jane Harper being those of us who are getting screwed by Obama, and Obama being Jack McCallister, who is screwing everyone he can! Here you go.....
Dick Harper: [holding McCallister at gunpoint] Ive been terminated,
bankrupted, deported and blackmailed because of you, and I'm not
leaving here without your money.
Jane Harper: Interesting that the only two jobs you think I am
qualified for are a secretary and a prostitute.
Dick Harper:(based on current job market) You're not qualified to be a secretary.
Dick Harper: We followed the rules, and we got screwed.
Dick Harper: Were all just cavemen, Trying to protect our little
patch of land. Well now Ive got a club, and I'm gonna take what I
Hope you all got a good laugh out of these!!
"Listen to em Jack, they love ya! Now go to hell!"
Here's a few more from that movie that really fit into our current situation! Dick & Jane Harper being those of us who are getting screwed by Obama, and Obama being Jack McCallister, who is screwing everyone he can! Here you go.....
Dick Harper: [holding McCallister at gunpoint] Ive been terminated,
bankrupted, deported and blackmailed because of you, and I'm not
leaving here without your money.
Jane Harper: Interesting that the only two jobs you think I am
qualified for are a secretary and a prostitute.
Dick Harper:(based on current job market) You're not qualified to be a secretary.
Dick Harper: We followed the rules, and we got screwed.
Dick Harper: Were all just cavemen, Trying to protect our little
patch of land. Well now Ive got a club, and I'm gonna take what I
Hope you all got a good laugh out of these!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Kenyan Official: Obama Born Here

By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Kenyan MP James Orengo
A Kenyan lawmaker told the nation's parliament last month that Barack Obama was born in Africa and is therefore "not even a native American."
During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country's minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America's election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:
"If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation," Orengo posited, "how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?"
Orengo held up the U.S. as a country no longer "living in the past," since Americans elected a Kenyan-born president without regard to "ethnic consideration and objectives."
A new strategy has been unveiled to demand answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.
Debate is then recorded in the Kenyan government's official March 25, 2010, hansard – a traditional name for printed transcripts of a parliamentary debate – as continuing with no other MPs mentioning or attempting to correct Orengo's comments about Obama.
As WND has reported, several other sources – including National Public Radio – have claimed Obama's birthplace as Kenya prior to his election as president.
WND also reported when a video appeared in which Michelle Obama said her husband's "home country" was Kenya, though her comments didn't specifically suggest his birth there.
The video, posted April 3 on YouTube and forwarded by a score of Internet e-mails, shows Michelle Obama saying, "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test."
The reference drew attention because of the claim made in numerous lawsuits and other challenges to Obama's occupancy of the Oval Office that he is not eligible to be president under the requirement of Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution that the president be a "natural born citizen."
But the NPR reference and Michelle Obama's comment are far from the only ones of their kind.
At one point, there were reports that even Obama's grandmother claimed being in attendance at his birth in Africa.
According to a compilation of images at a military forum, another reference was made in 2008 in the Nigerian Observer.
Under a byline from Solomon Asowata and a Washington dateline, the report says, "Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next president with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart…"

A commentary at The Post & Email website said, "It is no wonder that many doubt Obama's claim of a Hawaiian birth."
It cited another report from African Travel Magazine that said, "As Kenyan born U.S. Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents. ...."
The Post & Email commentary also cited a report from Indonesia Matters that includes similar references.
WND documented earlier several other statements linking Obama and Kenya.
These included the apparently archived article from the Sunday Standard in Kenya.
The report begins, "Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations."

The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press at the bottom of the page. However, the article could not be found either in the AP archives available to the public online or the archive on the newspaper's website. WND telephone calls and e-mails to the newspaper did not generate a response.
Last year, an African news site and an MSNBC broadcaster referred to President Obama's birthplace as being outside of the United States.
Network correspondent Mara Schiavocampo was reporting on the celebratory atmosphere in Accra, Ghana, immediately prior to Obama's visit to the west African nation.
Interviewing a person who appeared to be a shop operator, she stated, "Barack Obama is Kenyan … but Ghanaians are still proud of him."
Also, a report at Modern Ghana posted in advance of the president's visit cited his birthplace on the continent of Africa.
"For Ghana, Obama's visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth," the report said.

WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
Some of the lawsuits question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.
Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.
Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums exceeding $1.7 million to avoid releasing an original long-form state birth certificate that would put to rest the questions.
WND also has reported that among the documentation not yet available for Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.
Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

WND also reported previously when Michelle Obama contradicted Obama's story that he lived with his mother and father for several years in Hawaii after he was born before his father left to pursue a graduate degree.
Michelle Obama said her husband's mother, Ann Dunham, was "very young and very single" when she gave birth to the future U.S. president.
Her comments undermine the official story as told by Barack Obama – that Dunham was married to his father, Barack Obama Sr., at the time of birth.
The remarks were made by Michelle Obama during a July 2008 round table at the University of Missouri. Obama was responding to criticism of her husband's presidential campaign speeches about fatherhood and faith-based initiatives.
Free Home
Although the story is probably theoretical, the point remains, and the more people finally start realizing what has been forced upon us and how catastrophic and evil it is, the better. This is a must read, you will love how it ends!!
Free Home
I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued:
They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young man exclaim, "Isn't Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, after all, he is healing the sick." The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, "Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work for health care. They are all crooks and thieves and don't deserve all of that money." Another said, 'The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate." At this, I had had enough.
I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. "Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?" They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment.
"I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone interested?" They looked at each other in astonishment. "Why would you do something like that?" asked a young man, "There isn't anything for free in this world." They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had just made my point. "I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money what so ever. Anyone interested?" In unison, a resounding "Hell Yeah" fills the room.
"Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who receives this money free bargain." I noticed an elderly couple was paying attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking his head in apparent disgust.. "I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you most willing to obey my rules." Again, they looked at one another, an expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, "What are the rules?" I smiled and said, "I don't know. I have not yet defined them. However, it is a free home that I offer you." They giggled amongst themselves, the youngest of which said, "What an old coot. He must be crazy to give away his home. Go take your meds, old man." I smiled and leaned into the table a bit further. "I am serious, this is a legitimate offer." They gaped at me for a moment.
"I'll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?" boasted the youngest among them. "Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?" I asked. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from the privacy of their table. "Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?" I took a napkin and wrote, "I give this man my home, without the burden of financial obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set forth upon consummation of this transaction." I signed it and handed it to the young man who eagerly scratched out his signature. "Where are the keys to my new house?" he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them before the excited new homeowner.
"Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do, think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your keys." I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumb founded.
"Are you out of your mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous terms?" the young man appeared irritated. "You did when you signed this contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement." Was all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. "You can shove that stupid deal up you're a** old man, I want no part of it" exclaimed the now infuriated young man. "You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to. In short, I am your Master." At this, the table of celebrating individuals became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.
After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true intent. "What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is if your new Master gives it to you. A freedom that is given can also be taken away; therefore, it is not freedom." With that, I tore up the napkin and placed it before the astonished young man. "This is the nature of your new health care legislation."
I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook my hand enthusiastically and said, "Thank you Sir, these kids don't understand Liberty these days." He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, "You earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab." I shook his hand in thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope for my beloved country.
Use reason,
Clifford A Wright
Free Home
I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued:
They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young man exclaim, "Isn't Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, after all, he is healing the sick." The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, "Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work for health care. They are all crooks and thieves and don't deserve all of that money." Another said, 'The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate." At this, I had had enough.
I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. "Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?" They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment.
"I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone interested?" They looked at each other in astonishment. "Why would you do something like that?" asked a young man, "There isn't anything for free in this world." They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had just made my point. "I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money what so ever. Anyone interested?" In unison, a resounding "Hell Yeah" fills the room.
"Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who receives this money free bargain." I noticed an elderly couple was paying attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking his head in apparent disgust.. "I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you most willing to obey my rules." Again, they looked at one another, an expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, "What are the rules?" I smiled and said, "I don't know. I have not yet defined them. However, it is a free home that I offer you." They giggled amongst themselves, the youngest of which said, "What an old coot. He must be crazy to give away his home. Go take your meds, old man." I smiled and leaned into the table a bit further. "I am serious, this is a legitimate offer." They gaped at me for a moment.
"I'll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?" boasted the youngest among them. "Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?" I asked. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from the privacy of their table. "Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?" I took a napkin and wrote, "I give this man my home, without the burden of financial obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set forth upon consummation of this transaction." I signed it and handed it to the young man who eagerly scratched out his signature. "Where are the keys to my new house?" he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them before the excited new homeowner.
"Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do, think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your keys." I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumb founded.
"Are you out of your mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous terms?" the young man appeared irritated. "You did when you signed this contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement." Was all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. "You can shove that stupid deal up you're a** old man, I want no part of it" exclaimed the now infuriated young man. "You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to. In short, I am your Master." At this, the table of celebrating individuals became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.
After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true intent. "What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is if your new Master gives it to you. A freedom that is given can also be taken away; therefore, it is not freedom." With that, I tore up the napkin and placed it before the astonished young man. "This is the nature of your new health care legislation."
I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook my hand enthusiastically and said, "Thank you Sir, these kids don't understand Liberty these days." He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, "You earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab." I shook his hand in thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope for my beloved country.
Use reason,
Clifford A Wright
Obama Is Being Exposed
The anointed one, the ‘smartest president ever’ is a mere cardboard cut out, caricature of a man. We all know Obama won’t release his birth certificate. So what? We know he won’t release his transcripts, big deal (Even John Kerry released his “D“ laden transcripts). We know he was not a professor or Constitutional scholar. Well, we know it now. B. Hussein Obama was an instructor, a lecturer, not a professor. The professors, the real professors disliked the man-child and did not want him around. Chicago law school faculty have described Obama as ‘lazy, unqualified, never attending meetings and using his politically appointed position as a mere stepping stone’. Barry applied for a position as adjunct professor and was never considered for it. However, a few weeks later the Board of Trustees called the law school and told them ‘find him an office, put him on the payroll and find a class for him to teach’. Professor(s) described him as having ‘the lowest intellect’ in the building. It is doubted that Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama’s fraudulent past exposed:
Was he the editor of the Harvard Law Review: If so, he was the first editor of an Ivy League Law Review to never publish an article in the journal he allegedly edited.
B. Hussein Obama, the alleged former editor of the Harvard Law Review: Has not been an attorney since 2008 when he surrendered his law license to escape fraud charges.
Charges against B. Hussein Obama: Knowingly making a misstatement of material fact in applying for his license. Committing a criminal act that reflects poorly upon his fitness to practice law. Conduct involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud and misrepresentation. Engaging in prejudicial activity. Engaging in activity that brings the courts into disrepute.
Constitutional Law Professor: Not exactly. The Chicago Sun Times reports that Obama wasn’t even a professor, he was an occasional lecturer.
University of Chicago Law School: In 2008 they released a statement calling Obama a law professor, then a spokesman confirmed he was a part time lecturer.
Former Lecturer: Obama, the former lecturer, during his State of the Union Address quoted from the Constitution he professes to have taught, except the quote was from the Declaration of Independence.
State of the Union Address: The Liar in Chief scolded the Supreme Court for a case, giving an example of how they blew it, except the example was “not true”. He also managed to call our “unalienable rights” ‘notions’ and ‘promises’.
When you are a fraud, it is hard to keep the facts straight.
Obama, the most “transparent” president ever (just ask him, he will tell you), ordered his bar records redacted, leaving a mere trace record of him. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission has been wiped clean as well.
First Lady, Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993. Voluntarily surrendering ones license is something that is typically done in exchange for whatever wrong doing you are about to be found guilty of, being dropped. Bill Clinton “voluntarily surrendered” his law license too, right before it was taken from him.
So, we have a president who lied about his being editor, lied about his being a professor and Constitutional professor, lied during the State of the Union Address, and surrendered his law license after being charged with serious offenses and major character flaws. Combine this with his unwillingness to release his transcripts, despite John Kerry releasing his transcripts, filled with “D’s” and Obama’s campaign website, which contained his ‘resume’ for the position of president, which only listed five dates of notoriety, one of which is his birth date and a portrait of a serial liar, fraud and unethical person emerges.
B. Hussein Obama has violated the law, the Constitution and his oath of office in incidents too many to list. He has lied to Congress, the Supreme Court, and the American people. Dear Leader has appointed people to positions of power within the White House, without having them approved by the Senate. What laws he has not broken, he has circumvented, up to and including the health care bill. The legislative and executive branch of the government are to remain separate. The president is not to hold “Health Care Summits” and try to influence the legislative process. The president is to approve or veto legislation as it comes out of Congress. Impeach Obama now. Do not wait. Every day that passes and articles of impeachment are not filed against B. Hussein Obama is a day each member of the House of Representatives is in violation of their oath of office.
This was written by Bill Turner at
Was he the editor of the Harvard Law Review: If so, he was the first editor of an Ivy League Law Review to never publish an article in the journal he allegedly edited.
B. Hussein Obama, the alleged former editor of the Harvard Law Review: Has not been an attorney since 2008 when he surrendered his law license to escape fraud charges.
Charges against B. Hussein Obama: Knowingly making a misstatement of material fact in applying for his license. Committing a criminal act that reflects poorly upon his fitness to practice law. Conduct involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud and misrepresentation. Engaging in prejudicial activity. Engaging in activity that brings the courts into disrepute.
Constitutional Law Professor: Not exactly. The Chicago Sun Times reports that Obama wasn’t even a professor, he was an occasional lecturer.
University of Chicago Law School: In 2008 they released a statement calling Obama a law professor, then a spokesman confirmed he was a part time lecturer.
Former Lecturer: Obama, the former lecturer, during his State of the Union Address quoted from the Constitution he professes to have taught, except the quote was from the Declaration of Independence.
State of the Union Address: The Liar in Chief scolded the Supreme Court for a case, giving an example of how they blew it, except the example was “not true”. He also managed to call our “unalienable rights” ‘notions’ and ‘promises’.
When you are a fraud, it is hard to keep the facts straight.
Obama, the most “transparent” president ever (just ask him, he will tell you), ordered his bar records redacted, leaving a mere trace record of him. The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission has been wiped clean as well.
First Lady, Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993. Voluntarily surrendering ones license is something that is typically done in exchange for whatever wrong doing you are about to be found guilty of, being dropped. Bill Clinton “voluntarily surrendered” his law license too, right before it was taken from him.
So, we have a president who lied about his being editor, lied about his being a professor and Constitutional professor, lied during the State of the Union Address, and surrendered his law license after being charged with serious offenses and major character flaws. Combine this with his unwillingness to release his transcripts, despite John Kerry releasing his transcripts, filled with “D’s” and Obama’s campaign website, which contained his ‘resume’ for the position of president, which only listed five dates of notoriety, one of which is his birth date and a portrait of a serial liar, fraud and unethical person emerges.
B. Hussein Obama has violated the law, the Constitution and his oath of office in incidents too many to list. He has lied to Congress, the Supreme Court, and the American people. Dear Leader has appointed people to positions of power within the White House, without having them approved by the Senate. What laws he has not broken, he has circumvented, up to and including the health care bill. The legislative and executive branch of the government are to remain separate. The president is not to hold “Health Care Summits” and try to influence the legislative process. The president is to approve or veto legislation as it comes out of Congress. Impeach Obama now. Do not wait. Every day that passes and articles of impeachment are not filed against B. Hussein Obama is a day each member of the House of Representatives is in violation of their oath of office.
This was written by Bill Turner at
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Genesis 47:13-27
I would love to give the Pastor of this predominantly black church in
Virginia a big hug for this sermon! This guy is obviously a leader!
Perhaps we should each decide who our real leader is.....
It is amazing to see that very little has changed in 4,000 years.
Good morning, brothers and sisters; it's always a delight to see
the pews crowded on Sunday morning, and so eager to get into
God's Word. Turn with me in your Bibles, if you will to the 47th
chapter of Genesis, we'll begin our reading at verse 13, and go
through verse 27.
Brother Ray, would you stand and read that great passage for us?
Thank you for that fine reading, Brother Ray... So we see that
economic hard times fell upon Egypt , and the people turned to
the government of Pharaoh to deal with this for them. And Pharaoh
nationalized the grain harvest, and placed the grain in great
that he had built. So the people brought their money to Pharaoh, like a
great tax increase, and gave it all to him willingly in return for
grain. And this went on until their money ran out, and they were hungry again.
So when they went to Pharaoh after that, they brought their
livestock -their cattle, their horses, their sheep, and their donkey -
to barter for grain, and verse 17 says that only took them through
the end of that year..
But the famine wasn't over, was it? So the next year, the people
came before Pharaoh and admitted they had nothing left, except
their land and their own lives. "There is nothing left in the sight
of my lord but our bodies and our land. Why should we die before
your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for food,
and we with our land will be servants to Pharaoh.." So they
surrendered their homes, their land, and their real estate to
Pharaoh's government, and then sold themselves into slavery
to him, in return for grain. What can we learn from this, brothers
and sisters?
That turning to the government instead of to God to be our provider
in hard times only leads to slavery? Yes.. That the only reason
government wants to be our provider is to also become our master?
But look how that passage ends, brothers and sisters! Thus Israel
settled in the land of Egypt , in the land of Goshen .. And they gained
possessions in it, and were fruitful and multiplied greatly." God
provided for His people, just as He always has! They didn't end up
giving all their possessions to government, no, it says they gained
possessions! But I also tell you a great truth today, and an ominous
one. We see the same thing happening today - the government today
wants to "share the wealth "once again, to take it from us and
redistribute it back to us. It wants to take control of healthcare,
just as it has taken control of education, and ration it back to us,
and when government rations it, then government decides who gets it,
and how much, and what kind. And if we go along with it, and do it
willingly, then we will wind up no differently than the people of
Egypt did four thousand years ago - as slaves to the government,
and as slaves to our leaders. What Mr. Obama's government is doing
now is no different from what Pharaoh's government did then, and it
will end the same. And a lot of people like to call Mr. Obama a
"Messiah," don't they? Is he a Messiah? A savior? Didn't the
Egyptians say, after Pharaoh made them his slaves, "You have saved
our lives; may it please my lord, we will be servants to Pharaoh"?
Well, I tell you this - I know the Messiah; the Messiah is a friend
of mine; and Mr. Obama is no Messiah! No, brothers and sisters,
if Mr. Obama is a character from the Bible, then he is Pharaoh.
Bow with me in prayer, if you will.
Lord, You alone are worthy to be served, and we rely on You, and You
We confess that the government is not our deliverer, and never
rightly will be.
We read in the eighth chapter of 1 Samuel, when Samuel warned the
people of what a ruler would do, where it says "And in that day you will
cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but
the LORD will not answer you in that day." And Lord, we acknowledge
that day has come. We cry out to you because of the ruler that we have
chosen for ourselves as a nation. Lord, we pray for this nation. We pray
for revival, and we pray for deliverance from those who would be our
Give us hearts to seek You and hands to serve You, and protect Your people
from the atrocities of Pharaoh's government.
In God We Trust...
Genesis 47: 13-27
13 And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.
14 And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.
15 And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail.
17 And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.
18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.
20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh’s.
21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.
22 Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.
23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.
24 And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.
25 And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.
26 And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh’s.
27 And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly.
I would love to give the Pastor of this predominantly black church in
Virginia a big hug for this sermon! This guy is obviously a leader!
Perhaps we should each decide who our real leader is.....
It is amazing to see that very little has changed in 4,000 years.
Good morning, brothers and sisters; it's always a delight to see
the pews crowded on Sunday morning, and so eager to get into
God's Word. Turn with me in your Bibles, if you will to the 47th
chapter of Genesis, we'll begin our reading at verse 13, and go
through verse 27.
Brother Ray, would you stand and read that great passage for us?
Thank you for that fine reading, Brother Ray... So we see that
economic hard times fell upon Egypt , and the people turned to
the government of Pharaoh to deal with this for them. And Pharaoh
nationalized the grain harvest, and placed the grain in great
that he had built. So the people brought their money to Pharaoh, like a
great tax increase, and gave it all to him willingly in return for
grain. And this went on until their money ran out, and they were hungry again.
So when they went to Pharaoh after that, they brought their
livestock -their cattle, their horses, their sheep, and their donkey -
to barter for grain, and verse 17 says that only took them through
the end of that year..
But the famine wasn't over, was it? So the next year, the people
came before Pharaoh and admitted they had nothing left, except
their land and their own lives. "There is nothing left in the sight
of my lord but our bodies and our land. Why should we die before
your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for food,
and we with our land will be servants to Pharaoh.." So they
surrendered their homes, their land, and their real estate to
Pharaoh's government, and then sold themselves into slavery
to him, in return for grain. What can we learn from this, brothers
and sisters?
That turning to the government instead of to God to be our provider
in hard times only leads to slavery? Yes.. That the only reason
government wants to be our provider is to also become our master?
But look how that passage ends, brothers and sisters! Thus Israel
settled in the land of Egypt , in the land of Goshen .. And they gained
possessions in it, and were fruitful and multiplied greatly." God
provided for His people, just as He always has! They didn't end up
giving all their possessions to government, no, it says they gained
possessions! But I also tell you a great truth today, and an ominous
one. We see the same thing happening today - the government today
wants to "share the wealth "once again, to take it from us and
redistribute it back to us. It wants to take control of healthcare,
just as it has taken control of education, and ration it back to us,
and when government rations it, then government decides who gets it,
and how much, and what kind. And if we go along with it, and do it
willingly, then we will wind up no differently than the people of
Egypt did four thousand years ago - as slaves to the government,
and as slaves to our leaders. What Mr. Obama's government is doing
now is no different from what Pharaoh's government did then, and it
will end the same. And a lot of people like to call Mr. Obama a
"Messiah," don't they? Is he a Messiah? A savior? Didn't the
Egyptians say, after Pharaoh made them his slaves, "You have saved
our lives; may it please my lord, we will be servants to Pharaoh"?
Well, I tell you this - I know the Messiah; the Messiah is a friend
of mine; and Mr. Obama is no Messiah! No, brothers and sisters,
if Mr. Obama is a character from the Bible, then he is Pharaoh.
Bow with me in prayer, if you will.
Lord, You alone are worthy to be served, and we rely on You, and You
We confess that the government is not our deliverer, and never
rightly will be.
We read in the eighth chapter of 1 Samuel, when Samuel warned the
people of what a ruler would do, where it says "And in that day you will
cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but
the LORD will not answer you in that day." And Lord, we acknowledge
that day has come. We cry out to you because of the ruler that we have
chosen for ourselves as a nation. Lord, we pray for this nation. We pray
for revival, and we pray for deliverance from those who would be our
Give us hearts to seek You and hands to serve You, and protect Your people
from the atrocities of Pharaoh's government.
In God We Trust...
Genesis 47: 13-27
13 And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.
14 And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.
15 And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail.
17 And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.
18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.
20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh’s.
21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.
22 Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.
23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.
24 And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.
25 And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.
26 And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh’s.
27 And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume

I brought this story over from Anthony G. Martin at the Conservative Examiner. I could have re-wrote it, but it would not have the impact, the facts are starting to surface on our so called president. Make sure you read the last paragraph to see what the white house is doing to try and stop the facts from coming out.....
In what is being called 'the biggest hustle in human history,' a special investigation has discovered numerous bogus claims on Barack Obama's resume, including the outright lie that he was a 'Constitutional scholar and professor.' The claim turns out to be false.
As investigators delve further into the background of Barack Obama, a disturbing picture is emerging of a man who is not who he claims to be. The information the public has been told concerning Obama is turning out to be false--fabrications and inventions of a man and an unseen force behind him that had clear ulterior motives for seeking the highest office in the land.
According to a special report issued by 'the Blogging Professor,' the Chicago Law School faculty hated Obama. The report states that Obama was unqualified, that he was never a 'constitutional professor and scholar,' and that he never served as editor of the Harvard Law Review while a student at the school.
The real truth is that Barack Obama was merely an 'instructor' at Chicago Law School, not a professor. Commonly, instructors are non-tenure-track teachers hired by colleges and universities to teach certain courses for a salary that is well below that of Associate Professors or full Professors.
In the hierarchy of higher education, the status of instructors is below that of associate professors and professors because they lack the credentials.
In fact, it can be safely concluded that the claims of Barack Obama concerning his educational credentials and work history in higher education are a complete sham. The President of the United States is a complete fraud.
According to Doug Ross:
I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about "Barry." Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn't even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn't have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.
The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).
Thus, the question arises, was the claim that Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review a 'put-up job' as well, allowing the student to claim he held this prestigious position without having the qualifications or meeting the requirements of holding that position? And why?
Consider this: 1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 possibly to escape charges that he "fibbed" on his bar application.
2. Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993.
3. So, we have the President and First Lady - who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing. A fully ranked law professor is another. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "Obama did NOT 'hold the title' of a University of Chicago law school professor". Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago.
5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school, but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.
These are highly disturbing facts, verified facts from the people who know at the Chicago Law School.
There is more from Ross, however:
6. "He did not hold the title of professor of law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law.
7. The former Constitutional senior lecturer cited the U.S. Constitution recently during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.
8. The B-Cast posted the video.
9. In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in ourConstitution: the notion that we are all created equal."
10. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech?
When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.
Obama has made sure that all of his records are sealed tight. And apart from the courageous souls at the various educational institutions who dared to speak the truth, the schools Obama claimed to attend unanimously refuse to release transcripts, records, or other bits of evidence concerning Obama's presence in their institutions.
BREAKING DEVELOPMENT--just as these disturbing facts come to light about Barack Obama, the White House is busy making deals with numerous 'journalists,' promising unprecedented access to the President in exchange for refraining from reporting certain information 'they may discover.'
My my, what a tangled web we weave!!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
We're Takin Back Our Country
This will be the theme song for all the upcoming elections and the Tea Party movements!! Way to go Joyce!!!!
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