Lets get technical here for a moment folks....this mess we are in right now really all started with Roosevelt, a republican, Taft also a republican, and then Wilson, a democrat, all whom were big time progressives trying hard to nationalize our country. Unfortunatly, since then, people have continually allowed the government to grow bigger and bigger, looking for more and more handouts, more entitlements, more freebies and it has continued to move in that direction with nobody doing what needs to be done to stop it.
We then move through time initiating the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, Federal Farm Loan Act and America's very first federal progressive income tax in the Revenue Act of 1913. That was only to affect the top 1%, and only for a short time, but it quickly worked its way through the rest of the American public and never went away. Today Americans are paying in excess of 55% in tax, and they want more! Roosevelt attempted to move the Republican party in the direction of Progressivism with trust busting and increased regulation on businesses. Wilson also wanted internationalism which called for the U.S. to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, but it never materialized, until now however as we look at a coming One World Order. We now skip forward to modern day, dealing with the likes of the family business of politics including the Bush's, and the Clinton's, all pushing progressive agendas nipping at our freedoms one bill at a time, little by little, and now we have a man called Obama, who actually has people lining up in the streets on rumors of free money, who has people saying, I won't have to pay for my gas, I won't have to pay for my home, I will get everything for free because of Obama...we love Obama, Obama, Obama.....how utterly stupid can you get! We are now faced with a president who has brought himself to a new level of stupid! Combining all the previous presidents back to Roosevelt, Obama has outspent them all, and it only took 9 months!! Now he wants more money for bailouts and socialized health care which will skyrocket the national debt that will literally sink this country! We are in a financial nightmare and now this administration wants to spend more money?? What are they thinking? What dark part of their anatomy do they all have their heads shoved up?? The current administration has communists working in the white house as Czars. He also has the likes of Anita Dunn working in his administration who claims that Mao Tse Tung, a dictator who murdered more than 70 million of his own people, is her favorite political philosopher, he's her idol, she looks up to him. Really?? Do you think for one second that Obama is not doing everything in his power to grab power?? He's now attacking your religious freedom, your right to bear arms, and is trying desperately to stifle free speech!! This is not the going's on of an honest political figure, this is the going's on of a wanna be dictator in full forward motion! I have a firm belief that at the very least, 95% of the politicians in this country are dirty, dishonest, self serving, power hungry crooks, no matter what their party affiliations and it is time to clear them out and put good honest people in office who will do the right thing I feel that we should never vote for anyone a second term! I also believe that anyone living in this country that thinks that socialism is the route to go, they need to leave the country and live in Cuba, Venezuela, or Iraq for 5 years, and then I would love to hear what tune they would be singing. Black Panthers leader Eldridge Cleaver fled this country and returned after a few years saying he would rather be in an American jail, than to continue to live in a country that is controlled by a dictator. We right now have a man who wants to be dictator more than anything else in this world sitting in the oval office! We are now faced with a situation where everyone is going to have to come together to fix the mess we are in. This is not an issue about color, race, religious beliefs or political sides, this is about Americans coming together to take back our country and getting back to the way our founding fathers intended. I'm sure that there are plenty of people out there who would rather sit in their own little corners and wait for the day when they can raise their hand to the fuhrer and shout Sieg Heil, 50% of the German population did exactly that. That however is not my choice, and I refuse to sit back and allow it to happen! How about you????
Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Couric Interviews Glenn Beck
Couric tried to trip Glenn up but ulitmatly got "stuck on stupid" and she did not have answers for Becks questions. I felt like Glenn did an excellent job being interviewed by one of the most liberal morons in the news media. This is a bit long but it was worth the watch!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
House Resolution 615
I have done this….and I urge everyone receiving this to do the same and then pass it on!!
On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a two-page amendment, courtesy of Tom Coburn which would require all Members of Congress and their staff members to enroll in any new government-run health plan. Congressman John Fleming (Louisiana physician) has proposed an amendment that would require Congressmen and Senators to take the same health care plan that they would have for us. (Under the proposed legislation they are exempt.) If it is good for all of us, then it must be for them also! Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go to his Website and sign his petition.
The process is very simple. Go to: http://fleming.house.gov/index.html .
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!
If Congress is going to force a "health care plan" on us the American citizens, they should have to accept exactly the same level of health care for themselves and their families....nothing more, nothing any different!!
On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a two-page amendment, courtesy of Tom Coburn which would require all Members of Congress and their staff members to enroll in any new government-run health plan. Congressman John Fleming (Louisiana physician) has proposed an amendment that would require Congressmen and Senators to take the same health care plan that they would have for us. (Under the proposed legislation they are exempt.) If it is good for all of us, then it must be for them also! Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go to his Website and sign his petition.
The process is very simple. Go to: http://fleming.house.gov/index.html .
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!
If Congress is going to force a "health care plan" on us the American citizens, they should have to accept exactly the same level of health care for themselves and their families....nothing more, nothing any different!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama's Peace Prize
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday because the judges found his promise of disarmament and diplomacy too good to ignore. He got this on a promise??? It is obvious to me that the socialist left is fully in charge of the award and not following the direction or rules of its original founder.
From Yassir Arafat to Barack Obama, in my opinion a bunch of frauds, fakers, murderers, thieves, and no-accounts stretching back over just the past 20 plus years. The Nobel Peace Prize has become a joke!
Obama has done NOTHING! Oh he has created bigger long term problems for the American people, adding over 4 trillion dollars to our deficit in just 9 short months, and he is looking to add to that figure even with the public out cry from angry citizens....so is that the diplomacy that caused them to give him a Nobel Peace Prize???
What he is creating here folks is NOT peace, and believe me when I say, I strongly believe it is time for everyone to get their houses in order, food storage needs to be updated, water storage needs to be updated, protection and supplies need to be updated. People in Germany fell easily as they had no provisions to take care of themselves, and people who are hungry, cold, thirsty and have no means of protection can be coerced into doing whatever the government wants ....and Hitler not only knew that......he counted on it!
Let me give you a quick statement made by Benjamin Franklin:
The very fame of our strength and readiness would be a means of discouraging our enemies for tis a wise and true saying that "one sword often keeps another in the scabbard." The way to secure peace is to be prepared for war. They that are on their guard, and appear ready to receive their adversaries, are in much less danger of being attacked than the supine, secure and negligent.
America used to be a force no one wanted to recon with, and then along come the likes of the Clintons, Reids, Pelosis, and Obamas just to name a few, who have destroyed our military power and put us in a position where we have been attacked on numerous occasions because our preparedness for war against any nation has been destroyed buy those who could care less about America and her freedom, just so long as they gain power and money in the process. We used to deem that as treason in this country, and those who would put America in eminent danger would have been shot. Today, America is a joke in the eyes of the world, we are no longer feared, we are laughed at and considered to be a country of idiots and fools. Frankly, I don't appreciate being looked upon this way, I know too many people who have lost loved ones who fought to keep this nation great, and I am appalled that there are those who would sell the soul of America down the drain for a few messily pieces of silver. These are the same people who want your guns.....because they know that once they have your guns, they have it all! Again.....They that are on their guard and ready, are much less likely to be attacked!
Stand up America, stand up and fight back against those who have taken us for granted. The time has come, it's now or never, the choice is up to us....and I for one will not go quietly!
From Yassir Arafat to Barack Obama, in my opinion a bunch of frauds, fakers, murderers, thieves, and no-accounts stretching back over just the past 20 plus years. The Nobel Peace Prize has become a joke!
Obama has done NOTHING! Oh he has created bigger long term problems for the American people, adding over 4 trillion dollars to our deficit in just 9 short months, and he is looking to add to that figure even with the public out cry from angry citizens....so is that the diplomacy that caused them to give him a Nobel Peace Prize???
What he is creating here folks is NOT peace, and believe me when I say, I strongly believe it is time for everyone to get their houses in order, food storage needs to be updated, water storage needs to be updated, protection and supplies need to be updated. People in Germany fell easily as they had no provisions to take care of themselves, and people who are hungry, cold, thirsty and have no means of protection can be coerced into doing whatever the government wants ....and Hitler not only knew that......he counted on it!
Let me give you a quick statement made by Benjamin Franklin:
The very fame of our strength and readiness would be a means of discouraging our enemies for tis a wise and true saying that "one sword often keeps another in the scabbard." The way to secure peace is to be prepared for war. They that are on their guard, and appear ready to receive their adversaries, are in much less danger of being attacked than the supine, secure and negligent.
America used to be a force no one wanted to recon with, and then along come the likes of the Clintons, Reids, Pelosis, and Obamas just to name a few, who have destroyed our military power and put us in a position where we have been attacked on numerous occasions because our preparedness for war against any nation has been destroyed buy those who could care less about America and her freedom, just so long as they gain power and money in the process. We used to deem that as treason in this country, and those who would put America in eminent danger would have been shot. Today, America is a joke in the eyes of the world, we are no longer feared, we are laughed at and considered to be a country of idiots and fools. Frankly, I don't appreciate being looked upon this way, I know too many people who have lost loved ones who fought to keep this nation great, and I am appalled that there are those who would sell the soul of America down the drain for a few messily pieces of silver. These are the same people who want your guns.....because they know that once they have your guns, they have it all! Again.....They that are on their guard and ready, are much less likely to be attacked!
Stand up America, stand up and fight back against those who have taken us for granted. The time has come, it's now or never, the choice is up to us....and I for one will not go quietly!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Oklahoma, A State That Gets It
These new laws in the state of Oklahoma are true.
Oklahoma House bill 1330 authorized a monument resembling the Ten Commandments to be placed in the State Capitol Park in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma House passed a final version of the bill by a vote of 83-2, on April 23, 2009. The Oklahoma Senate had passed it on a vote of 37-9. Click for Pyro Daily Times article.
On April 23, 2009, House Bill 2245 passed in the Oklahoma Senate with a vote of 43 to 0. The Oklahoma Criminal Illegal Alien Rapid Repatriation Act of 2009 "would allow the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to immediately send inmates who are in the country illegally to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation." Click for KTUL article.
State Bill 1102 would require that illegal aliens and criminals convicted of a host of misdemeanor crimes submit themselves to DNA sample collection from law enforcement and data to be entered into a federal database. Named after a University of Oklahoma ballet student raped and killed in 1996, the bill was approved April 20, 2009. Click for article.
Oklahoma's House Concurrent Resolution 1028 will give the state sovereignty. The resolution’s author, state Rep. Charles Key, R-Oklahoma City, told reporters, "The point of the resolution is to tell federal lawmakers and the president to stick to their jobs as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and quit handing out federal money to failing companies." There are several other states sovereignty movements in the nation including Texas, California and Alaska. Click for Oklahoman news article.
House Bill 1025 was passed by the Oklahoma house by a vote 70-8 which would make it a misdemeanor for employers to inquire if job applicants own a gun according to May 13,2009. HB 1025 is on its way to the Senate for a vote. Click for Oklahoman news article.
Oklahoma House bill 1330 authorized a monument resembling the Ten Commandments to be placed in the State Capitol Park in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma House passed a final version of the bill by a vote of 83-2, on April 23, 2009. The Oklahoma Senate had passed it on a vote of 37-9. Click for Pyro Daily Times article.
On April 23, 2009, House Bill 2245 passed in the Oklahoma Senate with a vote of 43 to 0. The Oklahoma Criminal Illegal Alien Rapid Repatriation Act of 2009 "would allow the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to immediately send inmates who are in the country illegally to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation." Click for KTUL article.
State Bill 1102 would require that illegal aliens and criminals convicted of a host of misdemeanor crimes submit themselves to DNA sample collection from law enforcement and data to be entered into a federal database. Named after a University of Oklahoma ballet student raped and killed in 1996, the bill was approved April 20, 2009. Click for article.
Oklahoma's House Concurrent Resolution 1028 will give the state sovereignty. The resolution’s author, state Rep. Charles Key, R-Oklahoma City, told reporters, "The point of the resolution is to tell federal lawmakers and the president to stick to their jobs as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and quit handing out federal money to failing companies." There are several other states sovereignty movements in the nation including Texas, California and Alaska. Click for Oklahoman news article.
House Bill 1025 was passed by the Oklahoma house by a vote 70-8 which would make it a misdemeanor for employers to inquire if job applicants own a gun according to May 13,2009. HB 1025 is on its way to the Senate for a vote. Click for Oklahoman news article.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Recommended Article By Daniel Roebuck: Mary Jo Takes One For The Team

Mary Jo Takes One For The TeamPosted By Mr. Wrestling IV On September 1, 2009 (6:53 am) In Politics
Apparently from the way Sen. Edward Kennedy’s passing and subsequent funeral was treated by the media, he was as big a star as Michael Jackson! I haven’t seen a U.S Senator’s death treated with so much reverence and affection since Jesse Helms died. My 9 year old son, watching a little of the show (very little) on TV with me, assumed it must be President Kennedy that was being buried, since it resembled President Reagan’s funeral to him (he still remembers me forcing him to watch that at age 4).
The rosy and heartfelt depictions of “Teddy” this week have seemed to me like intercepted transmissions from an alternate universe, where infidelity, drunkenness, cowardice, and saving your own sorry ass at all costs are virtues. Alec Baldwin even went so far as to assert that Sen. Kennedy might have been as great a legislator as Rep. Barney Frank. While that might seem ridiculous to the people in Massachusetts who keep voting for Barney year after year, I just took it as the usual hyperbole that mourners indulge in while grieving the death of one of their heroes. But a couple of statements by Teddy’s apologists took me aback:
Yet if one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think?– Joyce Carol Oates
So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a … troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded. Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it. – Melissa Lafsky
Let me get this straight, Joyce: Mary Jo Kopechne’s life was not as important as Sen. Kennedy’s subsequent career? And furthermore, Melissa, correct me if I am misunderstanding you here, but Mary Jo might have felt that her life was worth forfeiting so that Teddy could go on to co-author an education bill, or to destroy the career of Robert Bork, or to protect the rights of women to abort unwanted fetuses?
I seem to remember a certain female reporter remarking, after the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal broke, that she would be willing to perform a “Lewinsky” on Pres. Clinton simply because of his stand on abortion rights. But I suspect that, even for her, suffocating in a submerged car for four or five hours might just be a Martha’s Vineyard bridge too far.
From what far-flung galaxy does this kind of thinking emanate? How can seemingly sensible, articulate, and intelligent people argue that the death of an individual due to the recklessness, cowardice, and selfishness of another person might be “worth it” because of the politics of the perpetrator? Does the fact that Kennedy supported liberal policies in the years after he fled the scene of an accident and allowed a young woman to die redeem him?
And for someone seriously to posit (obviously without consulting the victim, since her un-televised funeral occurred about 40 years ago) that Mary Jo might have been willing to take one for the team — to give up all the possibilities of her life fully realized, the offices she might have attained, the children she may have had, the lessons she may have taught them, the achievements they might have accomplished, every single unpredictable aspect of her life erased — in order to protect the political career of Ted Kennedy? As if -– let’s be realistic–the Senator who might have replaced Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, after he had been (rightfully) incarcerated and his political career (rightfully) ended, would not have supported the exact same policies? Like the voters of Massachusetts who have effectively bestowed lifetime legislative careers upon Barn ey and Teddy would suddenly have sent us a Jesse?
But then I realized that this mindset is not from an alternate universe. It is from ours, and we have seen it before. We have seen it in godless countries like the USSR, and Cambodia, and the PRC, and in Nazi Germany. We have have seen it everywhere that individual human lives have been deemed expendable, and that all decisions must be made based on how they affect the State.
If one does not believe in a divine aspect to each human life, then any particular individual’s life is expendable if it serves the “greater good.” Furthermore, if we are not creations of God, then the greater good is determined by whatever political policies one happens to support. In other words, if there is no sacrosanct belief that an individual human life is a gift from a Creator, then any inconvenient life is expendable as long as it serves the current political will.
Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Idi Amin, Hussein, Guevara, and all the countless murderous dictators and thugs throughout history who have held onto power by murdering inconvenient people have made the same argument: the murdered were expendable, unimportant, and the greater good was served.
Is there now any wonder why most Americans do not want Statists like the deceased Sen. Edward Kennedy and his apologists and supporters in charge of our most vital commodity, our health care? If an individual human life is evaluated by its worth or cost to the State rather than by accepting its part in a plan far beyond our earthly understanding, then all of us are negotiable and, ultimately, expendable. And to their credit, it is logically consistent: if we are detrimental or costly to the State, and there is no divine reason to respect us, then we should be killed or mercifully given a cheaper pain pill if it serves the greater good.
But thankfully, not all of the things we learned about Sen. Edward Kennedy during his three day beatification were so serious. It seems that Teddy himself, magnanimous, glamorous party animal that he was, had a light-hearted side. Good old Teddy reportedly loved him some Chappaquiddick jokes. That crazy rascal was always asking if anybody had heard any new ones! What a great, funny, self-deprecating guy that Lion of the Senate was! Well, I guess he wouldn’t mind if we tell a few now, in remembrance of his endearing ability to laugh at himself.
My personal favorite Ted Kennedy joke is dated, as it pertains to the First Gulf War, in 1991, when America and its allies won the war in a few days, with almost no casualties:
Q: What’s the difference between Ted Kennedy and the Iraqi army?A: Ted Kennedy has actually killed somebody.
What a good one! Boy, I sure hope that good old Teddy Kennedy got a chance to hear that gem before he met his Creator. If he did, I’ll bet he just laughed and laughed.
Apparently from the way Sen. Edward Kennedy’s passing and subsequent funeral was treated by the media, he was as big a star as Michael Jackson! I haven’t seen a U.S Senator’s death treated with so much reverence and affection since Jesse Helms died. My 9 year old son, watching a little of the show (very little) on TV with me, assumed it must be President Kennedy that was being buried, since it resembled President Reagan’s funeral to him (he still remembers me forcing him to watch that at age 4).
The rosy and heartfelt depictions of “Teddy” this week have seemed to me like intercepted transmissions from an alternate universe, where infidelity, drunkenness, cowardice, and saving your own sorry ass at all costs are virtues. Alec Baldwin even went so far as to assert that Sen. Kennedy might have been as great a legislator as Rep. Barney Frank. While that might seem ridiculous to the people in Massachusetts who keep voting for Barney year after year, I just took it as the usual hyperbole that mourners indulge in while grieving the death of one of their heroes. But a couple of statements by Teddy’s apologists took me aback:
Yet if one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think?– Joyce Carol Oates
So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a … troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded. Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it. – Melissa Lafsky
Let me get this straight, Joyce: Mary Jo Kopechne’s life was not as important as Sen. Kennedy’s subsequent career? And furthermore, Melissa, correct me if I am misunderstanding you here, but Mary Jo might have felt that her life was worth forfeiting so that Teddy could go on to co-author an education bill, or to destroy the career of Robert Bork, or to protect the rights of women to abort unwanted fetuses?
I seem to remember a certain female reporter remarking, after the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal broke, that she would be willing to perform a “Lewinsky” on Pres. Clinton simply because of his stand on abortion rights. But I suspect that, even for her, suffocating in a submerged car for four or five hours might just be a Martha’s Vineyard bridge too far.
From what far-flung galaxy does this kind of thinking emanate? How can seemingly sensible, articulate, and intelligent people argue that the death of an individual due to the recklessness, cowardice, and selfishness of another person might be “worth it” because of the politics of the perpetrator? Does the fact that Kennedy supported liberal policies in the years after he fled the scene of an accident and allowed a young woman to die redeem him?
And for someone seriously to posit (obviously without consulting the victim, since her un-televised funeral occurred about 40 years ago) that Mary Jo might have been willing to take one for the team — to give up all the possibilities of her life fully realized, the offices she might have attained, the children she may have had, the lessons she may have taught them, the achievements they might have accomplished, every single unpredictable aspect of her life erased — in order to protect the political career of Ted Kennedy? As if -– let’s be realistic–the Senator who might have replaced Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, after he had been (rightfully) incarcerated and his political career (rightfully) ended, would not have supported the exact same policies? Like the voters of Massachusetts who have effectively bestowed lifetime legislative careers upon Barn ey and Teddy would suddenly have sent us a Jesse?
But then I realized that this mindset is not from an alternate universe. It is from ours, and we have seen it before. We have seen it in godless countries like the USSR, and Cambodia, and the PRC, and in Nazi Germany. We have have seen it everywhere that individual human lives have been deemed expendable, and that all decisions must be made based on how they affect the State.
If one does not believe in a divine aspect to each human life, then any particular individual’s life is expendable if it serves the “greater good.” Furthermore, if we are not creations of God, then the greater good is determined by whatever political policies one happens to support. In other words, if there is no sacrosanct belief that an individual human life is a gift from a Creator, then any inconvenient life is expendable as long as it serves the current political will.
Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Idi Amin, Hussein, Guevara, and all the countless murderous dictators and thugs throughout history who have held onto power by murdering inconvenient people have made the same argument: the murdered were expendable, unimportant, and the greater good was served.
Is there now any wonder why most Americans do not want Statists like the deceased Sen. Edward Kennedy and his apologists and supporters in charge of our most vital commodity, our health care? If an individual human life is evaluated by its worth or cost to the State rather than by accepting its part in a plan far beyond our earthly understanding, then all of us are negotiable and, ultimately, expendable. And to their credit, it is logically consistent: if we are detrimental or costly to the State, and there is no divine reason to respect us, then we should be killed or mercifully given a cheaper pain pill if it serves the greater good.
But thankfully, not all of the things we learned about Sen. Edward Kennedy during his three day beatification were so serious. It seems that Teddy himself, magnanimous, glamorous party animal that he was, had a light-hearted side. Good old Teddy reportedly loved him some Chappaquiddick jokes. That crazy rascal was always asking if anybody had heard any new ones! What a great, funny, self-deprecating guy that Lion of the Senate was! Well, I guess he wouldn’t mind if we tell a few now, in remembrance of his endearing ability to laugh at himself.
My personal favorite Ted Kennedy joke is dated, as it pertains to the First Gulf War, in 1991, when America and its allies won the war in a few days, with almost no casualties:
Q: What’s the difference between Ted Kennedy and the Iraqi army?A: Ted Kennedy has actually killed somebody.
What a good one! Boy, I sure hope that good old Teddy Kennedy got a chance to hear that gem before he met his Creator. If he did, I’ll bet he just laughed and laughed.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Pay Attention
I felt this video was important enough to post here on my blog. It is not political, it is about paying attention, something that could save your life or the life of someone else! Please watch this and pass it on to everyone you know!! Oh and one last thing....stay off your cell phone while you are driving, especially texting....you are pointing a loaded gun at someone and you will eventually end up pulling the trigger!!
Up On My Soapbox.....Again!!
So, I turn on the computer again today and the death toll in Indonesia from the earthquakes is at 715 and the toll is expected to rise to 1100. The first day the numbers started small, around 38 dead, but by late afternoon the media was in a massive death frenzy claiming that the death toll had reached over 100, but yet the death toll at that time from other news sources said that less than 75 people had lost their lives. Yesterday the death toll was so up and down it looked like a stock market report starting with 500 dead then dropping into the 300's and hitting end of the day totals of 777 by end of day, depending on which news source you were looking at. Now today, the 715 number is quite a bit below yesterdays ending 777 number. Sensationalism is something the news media is notorious for, in all areas of reporting. In this situation it is like a death lottery....they can't wait to see the numbers pile up! The higher the numbers the better ratings for the news media! For me, one lost life was too many, and frankly I am more interested in hearing that the survivors are being removed from the debris, families are being reunited, people are coming in to help with the clean up, and the family dog was found safe. When it's all over and the numbers are clear and concise, then a responsible reporter would sit down and write a heart felt story that would shed light on the events and the number of people who lost their lives in the tragedy.....but hell, I guess that wouldn't sell newspapers or get people to watch the news or read their newspapers!! Blood and gore, death and destruction, hours and days of constant coverage of pain and suffering plastered on the television for millions of people who have nothing better to do than sit with a bag of chips and a chicken leg in their hands drooling in anticipation of sensational numbers in the death toll and the suffering of others. Don't get me wrong....I am interested in what is happening to people who are in a bad situation, but I only need to get an update, not days and days of repetitive inaccurate dribble that envelops entire channels and newspapers and sensationalizes the pain and suffering of people just like you and me! If something happened to my family, I sure as hell wouldn't want the news media showing up in my face making a bad situation worse....somebody would get their lights put out!
Responsibility is something that for the most part no longer exists with reporters or news media outlets. We are fortunate enough to have some who are willing to go against the grain of the drive by media and provide us with responsible reporting, responsible news, responsible attitudes, and although their number are few, their rise to the top is unfolding. People are sick of being lied to, patronized and given false information and are now turning the liberal media off and finding alternatives to getting the real news and actual facts! To those who are providing our country with honesty and integrity in news reporting and broadcasting I say well done, it's about time! Oh, and for those of you living in places like San Francisco, you will need to have satellite or cable, it's your only hope!!
Responsibility is something that for the most part no longer exists with reporters or news media outlets. We are fortunate enough to have some who are willing to go against the grain of the drive by media and provide us with responsible reporting, responsible news, responsible attitudes, and although their number are few, their rise to the top is unfolding. People are sick of being lied to, patronized and given false information and are now turning the liberal media off and finding alternatives to getting the real news and actual facts! To those who are providing our country with honesty and integrity in news reporting and broadcasting I say well done, it's about time! Oh, and for those of you living in places like San Francisco, you will need to have satellite or cable, it's your only hope!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Let Me Get This Straight...
So, let me get this straight....
We are working to pass a health care plan that was written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it.
May be passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, but exempts themselves from it.
Would be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who frankly doesn't have a clue. Administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes.
Overseen by a surgeon general who is obese.
Financed by a country that's nearly broke.
So, what possibly could go wrong?
We are working to pass a health care plan that was written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it.
May be passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, but exempts themselves from it.
Would be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who frankly doesn't have a clue. Administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes.
Overseen by a surgeon general who is obese.
Financed by a country that's nearly broke.
So, what possibly could go wrong?
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