Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Crying Over Spilt Soda
An Idaho woman is facing federal charges and possible jail time after refusing to pay for a soda and then dumping it on a counter. U.S. Attorney Tom Moss plans to bring two charges against Natalie Walters, 39, stemming from an incident at the Boise Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and if convicted, she could face up to six months in federal prison. Give me a break!!
Walters, who routinely takes her father to the Boise hospital for treatment, said there is no posted price for soda refills at the center's cafeteria, and she's typically charged between $1 and $1.50 for filling her mug. In Auguest of thisi year, she was charged $3.80, which lead to the dispute and Walters dumping the soda on the cafeteria counter.
Am I crazy here or has our government become completely intolerant of everything that is happening in this country. I understand the lady's frustration, and frankly, I probably would have seriously thought about chucking the drink into the guys face, but she should have taken a step back, walked over to the drink machine, got a cup, poured the soda into the cup, placed it on the counter and told the manager that he could drink it and walked out. Unfortunately, she has somehow managed to give this clown, U.S. Attorney Moss, something that he can stay up at nights, acting like a giddy school girl, planning his attack on her in court. For the love of Pete, if this guy hasn't got anything better to do with his time, then there are too many U.S. Attorneys and we need to lay at least half of them off. Taxpayer money wasted on frivolous horse hockey like this, good grief!!
Walters, who routinely takes her father to the Boise hospital for treatment, said there is no posted price for soda refills at the center's cafeteria, and she's typically charged between $1 and $1.50 for filling her mug. In Auguest of thisi year, she was charged $3.80, which lead to the dispute and Walters dumping the soda on the cafeteria counter.
Am I crazy here or has our government become completely intolerant of everything that is happening in this country. I understand the lady's frustration, and frankly, I probably would have seriously thought about chucking the drink into the guys face, but she should have taken a step back, walked over to the drink machine, got a cup, poured the soda into the cup, placed it on the counter and told the manager that he could drink it and walked out. Unfortunately, she has somehow managed to give this clown, U.S. Attorney Moss, something that he can stay up at nights, acting like a giddy school girl, planning his attack on her in court. For the love of Pete, if this guy hasn't got anything better to do with his time, then there are too many U.S. Attorneys and we need to lay at least half of them off. Taxpayer money wasted on frivolous horse hockey like this, good grief!!
The Honorable, and I mean Honorable, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told students and faculty at Utah State University on Monday, September 15th 2008, that the legality of abortion, same-sex marriage and other controversial issues should be decided by the American people, and not a panel of unelected judges. Scalia said that a shift in political practices in recent years, has left judges to legislate from the bench as they rewrite the Constitution. "A change occurred in the last half of the 20th century, and I'm sorry to say that my court was responsible for it" stated Scalia, "It was my court that invented the notion of a living Constitution" to keep up with what some justices call "the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society." Scalia was nominated by President Ronald Regan for the Supreme Court in 1986, and was confirmed by a 98-0 vote, something that will probably never happen again. Scalia made the comment that judges possess no greater ability to determine what is moral than Joe Six Pack. Value-laden decisions such as that should be made by an entire society, not by nine unelected judges.
Well put your Honor!!!
Well put your Honor!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ethanol, Obamas Wet Dream
Obama is a huge ethanol whore. He inserted a new ethanol subsidy into a 2006 tax bill and he gushes over ethanol in his book The Audacity of Hope. Bottom line, is he is telling the auto manufacturers that they will take their production of all vehicles to use ethanol. So, during the current year, the ravages of ethanol started making headlines - the "green fuel" has contributed to record high food prices and has caused food riots in the developing world. It exhausted water supplies, drove gasoline prices through the roof and causing a much bigger smog issue. The impact of ethanol on the environment is extremely negative. Lets do the math.
* A gallon of ethanol contains 75,700 British Thermal Units of energy
* A gallon of gasoline contains 111,500 British Thermal Units of energy
* American firms produced 6.5 billion gallons of ethanol in 2007
* Americans use 388.6 million gallons of gasoline per day
* To produce 5 gallons of ethanol from corn, one must spend the energy equivalent of roughly 4 gallons of ethanol for farming, shipping, and processing. In other words, ethanol has a 2.5 percent net energy yield. So after running the numbers, the answer is that America's entire 6.5 billion gallon ethanol production created the net energy equivalent of...... are you ready??????
2.2 days worth of American gasoline consumption. Would you call that energy independence??
I think not!!! When the government subsidized corn ethanol productions in 2007, it was like spending $9.00 to create a gallon of gasoline, and doing it 853 million times. If you still don't get it, consider this: If you could turn gold into lead would you do it?
Obama is an idiot. He has no clue what he is doing, and his election would take this country to its knees so fast, and the recovery, if there was ever one, would be so far down the road, that most of us wouldn't even remember when it got started.
The information I just gave you came from a book by David Freddoso. The book, The Case Against Barack Obama, I suggest that you read this book before you make a trip to the polls and cast your ballot for a man that in no way has anyones real interests at heart, only those of his own. This man is dishonest, nothing more than a liar, a cheat, and a conniver. I again urge you to remember that Adolf Hitler was able to convince 50% of Germany's population that he was their savior, a man who wanted "Change" who would take care of everyone if he was elected into office, and he did take care of everyone he could. All 11 million of them!
* A gallon of ethanol contains 75,700 British Thermal Units of energy
* A gallon of gasoline contains 111,500 British Thermal Units of energy
* American firms produced 6.5 billion gallons of ethanol in 2007
* Americans use 388.6 million gallons of gasoline per day
* To produce 5 gallons of ethanol from corn, one must spend the energy equivalent of roughly 4 gallons of ethanol for farming, shipping, and processing. In other words, ethanol has a 2.5 percent net energy yield. So after running the numbers, the answer is that America's entire 6.5 billion gallon ethanol production created the net energy equivalent of...... are you ready??????
2.2 days worth of American gasoline consumption. Would you call that energy independence??
I think not!!! When the government subsidized corn ethanol productions in 2007, it was like spending $9.00 to create a gallon of gasoline, and doing it 853 million times. If you still don't get it, consider this: If you could turn gold into lead would you do it?
Obama is an idiot. He has no clue what he is doing, and his election would take this country to its knees so fast, and the recovery, if there was ever one, would be so far down the road, that most of us wouldn't even remember when it got started.
The information I just gave you came from a book by David Freddoso. The book, The Case Against Barack Obama, I suggest that you read this book before you make a trip to the polls and cast your ballot for a man that in no way has anyones real interests at heart, only those of his own. This man is dishonest, nothing more than a liar, a cheat, and a conniver. I again urge you to remember that Adolf Hitler was able to convince 50% of Germany's population that he was their savior, a man who wanted "Change" who would take care of everyone if he was elected into office, and he did take care of everyone he could. All 11 million of them!
Here's The Answer To The Energy Situation, Gee Obama, Your So Damn Smart, Why Didn't You Think Of This
Click on the link below and watch this short video on algee and how it can replace our dependency on oil 100%. This is something that everyone should see, it is not only cool, but it is a way to eliminate ever having to deal with the other side of the world for oil again. Check it out!>>
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tom Jones Experience Appearances Update
This coming October has a few dates you might want to put in your events calender. Keith and The Tom Jones Experience will be appearing at Ceasers Palace in Las Vegas on the 8th of October at the personal invite from the Dean O Holics This will be a very exciting time for Keith and the future of the Tom Jones Experience.
On October 31st (Halloween Night) The Tom Jones Experience will be appearing at The Cal Neva Casino and Resort located at North Shore Lake Tahoe. Cal-Neva Casino and Resort was once owned by Frank Sinatra himself. The Sinatra Showroom sits about 350 people and the evening in question will be a dinner and show package. The ticket price for dinner and show will be $24.95per person and if you just want to see the show it will be $15.95. per person. It will be a great night, you can even come in fancy dress if you wish, a prize will be given for the best dressed GHOUL. As you may or may not know Cal Neva was once the play ground of the Rat Pack, JFK and Marilyn Monroe to name but a few. According to legend the Ghosts of these celebrities have been seen in the alley ways and corridors of the hotel SO TREAD CAREFULLY.
For more information you can go to the Cal Neva Webb Site at The show is sure to sell out, so if you want to have a great time, a GHOULISH meal, and a fantastic show its not to early to book your show tickets. I understand the room rates are very reasonable to so you might want to stay for the night and party with the Tom Jones Experience during and after the show. Happy Halloween!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Branscombe in Las Vegas

My Buddy Branscombe Richmond and his band will be performing in Las Vegas during Bike Fest 2008 on October 3rd and 4th. If you are planning on being in Vegas, try and catch the show, I know you will enjoy it. If you are looking for something to do that weekend, this should prove to be allot of fun. They will be performing inside Club Tequila at 7:30 both nights. Special guests will include Charlene Tilton from Dallas, and Steven Williams from 21 Jump Street, Porter House Bob from New Orleans and Kelli who is Miss Sturgis. You can find out about all the events during the weekend at Hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remember Sept. 11, 2001
Today is the seventh anniversary of the attacks on our country, and I would be lax if I did not take a moment to remember this horrific deed that was inflicted upon this country. To those who lost loved ones in this vicious attack, my deepest heartfelt sympathy still goes out to them. I hope that everyone seeing this took the time to fly the flag today in memory of the countless lives that were taken and sacrificed on this day. My flag flies 365 days a year in remembrance of the pain this country felt on that day, and all the days when any have fallen, be it in the name of terror, or fighting in the name of freedom, may God help us come to the realization that freedom isn't free, and that it is the duty of everyone living in this country to stand up, support and fight to keep her free. We must always stand together if we are going to win this fight, and we can never win by running away, or turning to an act of cowardice, much like so many politicians would like us to do. I can only say.... God Bless America .... Love Her Or Leave Her.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Quote of the Day: Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch, Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
I found the following during some research on another issue, and I felt that you should all read this.... Especially what I have highlighted in larger print.
October 24, 1795 Constituents Tell Senator How to Vote
Humphrey Marshall (F-KY)
The presumed right of the people to instruct their elected representatives extends back to colonial times. In drafting the Bill of Rights in 1789, the House of Representatives briefly considered recognizing such a right, but then overwhelmingly rejected it. The House response underscored representatives’ traditional desire to temper their constituents’ views with their own knowledge and opinions.
This issue hit the early Senate with special force. Unlike the House, whose members were elected by a diffused constituency of individual citizens, senators came to their seats through the choice of their state legislatures—bodies skilled in framing expressions of opinion. Soon after the Senate first convened in 1789, its members began receiving letters of instruction. In 1791, the Virginia legislature directed its two senators to vote to end the Senate’s practice of meeting behind closed doors—the better to keep senators accountable. When senators received instructions with which they agreed, some made a great show of following them. When they disagreed, however, they faced a choice: they could ignore the instructions, or they could resign.
On October 24, 1795, the Kentucky Gazette printed a petition from the inhabitants of Clark County to that state’s legislature. The petitioners angrily denounced U. S. Senator Humphrey Marshall for his vote in favor of ratifying a controversial treaty. The citizens urged the legislature to instruct Marshall to oppose the treaty if it should come before the Senate again.
Noting that Marshall had five years remaining in his term, others traced the problem to the length of senators’ terms. Six-year terms endangered “the liberties of America,” they argued, by destroying senators’ sense of responsibility and enabling “them to carry into execution schemes pregnant with the greatest evils.” (Sound familiar??) These petitioners requested their state legislature to instruct both of Kentucky’s senators to propose a constitutional amendment permitting a state legislature to recall senators by a two-thirds vote.
A Federalist facing a hostile Jeffersonian-Republican legislature, Humphrey Marshall appealed directly to the people through a series of articles explaining his ratification vote.
(Ok, now read this very carefully) He asserted that as a senator he was less interested in winning popularity contests than in doing his duty to the nation— “according to my own judgment.”
(I like this next part!) Shortly afterwards, a mob dragged Marshall from his house. Only by seconds did this skilled orator talk the crowd out of throwing him into the Kentucky River. Stoned by angry citizens in the state capital, he kept a low profile for the remainder of his term.
Written by: Quisenberry, Anderson C. The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall. Winchester, Ky.: Sun Publishing, 1892.
This is where we are today, politicians doing not what the people tell them to do, but rather they are making decisions according to their own judgement! My judgement is that we take these idiots out and stone them like they did in the old days and then lets see how quickly they go back to doing the will of the people from that point forward!!
I found the following during some research on another issue, and I felt that you should all read this.... Especially what I have highlighted in larger print.
October 24, 1795 Constituents Tell Senator How to Vote
Humphrey Marshall (F-KY)
The presumed right of the people to instruct their elected representatives extends back to colonial times. In drafting the Bill of Rights in 1789, the House of Representatives briefly considered recognizing such a right, but then overwhelmingly rejected it. The House response underscored representatives’ traditional desire to temper their constituents’ views with their own knowledge and opinions.
This issue hit the early Senate with special force. Unlike the House, whose members were elected by a diffused constituency of individual citizens, senators came to their seats through the choice of their state legislatures—bodies skilled in framing expressions of opinion. Soon after the Senate first convened in 1789, its members began receiving letters of instruction. In 1791, the Virginia legislature directed its two senators to vote to end the Senate’s practice of meeting behind closed doors—the better to keep senators accountable. When senators received instructions with which they agreed, some made a great show of following them. When they disagreed, however, they faced a choice: they could ignore the instructions, or they could resign.
On October 24, 1795, the Kentucky Gazette printed a petition from the inhabitants of Clark County to that state’s legislature. The petitioners angrily denounced U. S. Senator Humphrey Marshall for his vote in favor of ratifying a controversial treaty. The citizens urged the legislature to instruct Marshall to oppose the treaty if it should come before the Senate again.
Noting that Marshall had five years remaining in his term, others traced the problem to the length of senators’ terms. Six-year terms endangered “the liberties of America,” they argued, by destroying senators’ sense of responsibility and enabling “them to carry into execution schemes pregnant with the greatest evils.” (Sound familiar??) These petitioners requested their state legislature to instruct both of Kentucky’s senators to propose a constitutional amendment permitting a state legislature to recall senators by a two-thirds vote.
A Federalist facing a hostile Jeffersonian-Republican legislature, Humphrey Marshall appealed directly to the people through a series of articles explaining his ratification vote.
(Ok, now read this very carefully) He asserted that as a senator he was less interested in winning popularity contests than in doing his duty to the nation— “according to my own judgment.”
(I like this next part!) Shortly afterwards, a mob dragged Marshall from his house. Only by seconds did this skilled orator talk the crowd out of throwing him into the Kentucky River. Stoned by angry citizens in the state capital, he kept a low profile for the remainder of his term.
Written by: Quisenberry, Anderson C. The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall. Winchester, Ky.: Sun Publishing, 1892.
This is where we are today, politicians doing not what the people tell them to do, but rather they are making decisions according to their own judgement! My judgement is that we take these idiots out and stone them like they did in the old days and then lets see how quickly they go back to doing the will of the people from that point forward!!
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