Hello everybody! I know this is a bit premature, but I have been searching for this movie for quite sometime, and when I came across it, I wanted to post it even though we are a couple of months early. Heck, the stores are already getting Christmas out, so why not here. This movie is called Twas The Night Before Christmas, and was produced by Bell Telephone in Philadelphia back in the 1950's. My father, who worked for Bell Telephone used to bring this movie home for me to watch at Christmas time and I have never forgotten it. I have looked for this movie for years, and suddenly, it showed up and I was thrilled. It is all done with marionettes, is rather corny, but as a kid, this was the highlight of the season. Dad used to bring home a movie projector and a large can that contained the film. It was a wonderful time, and it was wonderful to find this after all these years and to suddenly have all the childhood memories come rushing back into my memory. I hope you will enjoy this and maybe it will help to bring some of your childhood memories back to light. I still get a kick out of this film, I am sure you will too. I now present for your viewing pleasure.....Twas The Night Before Christmas!!
Your Government is slowly and methodically chipping away at the most valuable asset we have......
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Well folks, today is the day. D-day has arrived. I have done everything I could on my end to help with the education of those I come in contact with, possibly lost a couple of friends in the process, but now it is in the hands of the voters. I pray that God will keep a watchful eye on the fate of our country today and that with his help those entering the voting booths across the country will stop and think very carefully before punching that card. The fate of the entire world hangs in the balance, for if this country falls into socialistic and eventually communistic rule, there is no chance for the rest of the world to ever be free from the tyranny of the communistic machine. All too many people have died at the hands of those who were in search of supreme power, and we are today faced with a the decision of keeping our country a free nation, or handing her over to the likes of a man who would sell us up the river for the ability to line his pockets with wealth and power. God be with us this day, and may he hear our prayers for protection from such evil. Father, our fate rests in your hands! My friends, I leave you with my prediction that this man cannot win. I hope I am right in believing that the people of this country will see through this mad mans arrogance and lies, for if he does win, we will no longer be the United States of America, we will become the United Socialist States of America, and trust me, they will not be paying anyone's mortgage and putting gas in their automobiles. Keep a good thought everyone, and a prayer for help would be an excellent idea!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit
Friday, October 24, 2008 4:16 PM
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers. The lawsuit, filed by former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg — a self-avowed supporter of Hillary Clinton — alleges that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus “ineligible” to run for president of the United States. It demands that Obama’s lawyers produce a copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he is a natural-born U.S. citizen. Berg's suit and allegations have set off a wave of Internet buzz and rumors, though Obama could easily have put the matter to rest by providing the federal court with the basic documentation proving he is eligible to take the oath of a president. But Obama has apparently decided to deny the court and the public that documentation. The Constitution provides that any U.S. citizen is eligible to become president if the person is 35 years of age or older and is a
natural-born citizen; that is, born in the territorial United States. By failing to respond to the Request for Admissions and Request for the Production of Documents within 30 days, Obama has “admitted” that he was born in Kenya, Berg stated this week in new court filings. Berg released a long list of “admissions” he submitted to Obama’s lawyers on Sept. 15, and asked that they produce documents relating to Obama’s place of birth and citizenship. Instead of responding, lawyers for Obama and the DNC asked the court to dismiss the case. But Judge R. Barclay Surrick of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has issued no ruling in the case that would have given Obama’s lawyers more time. “There are lots of legal ways to stonewall,” a well-placed Republican attorney told Newsmax, who was not authorized to comment officially on the case. “But failing to respond is not one of them.” “The first thing they teach you in law school,” he added,"is don’t put a complaint like this in a drawer. That’s how a nuisance case can become a problem.” The 30-day deadline for defendants to comply with a discovery request is set forth in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. “It all comes down to the fact that there's nothing from the other side,” Berg said after he filed a motion on Thursday for summary judgment. “The admissions are there. By not filing the answers or objections, the defense has admitted everything. [Obama] admits he was born in Kenya. He admits he was adopted in Indonesia. He admits that the documentation posted online is a phony. And he admits that he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president of the United States.” In a contentious case, lawyers on both sides will haggle over the production of documents, and will frequently go beyond the deadlines, several lawyers told Newsmax. “The rules are more often complied with in the breech rather than the observance,” a senior trial attorney who has close ties to the Democrat Party, but is not involved in the current case, told Newsmax. “Lawyers frequently do not return telephone calls or meet discovery deadlines because of sheer nadvertence. Therefore, we do not consider a failure to respond as a ‘violation,’” he said. Allegations surrounding Obama’s place of birth have been swirling for months. Earlier this year, the Obama campaign sought to put down the rumors by making available a computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, issued in 2007 by the State of Hawaii. Respected conservative blogger Ed Morrissey called the Berg lawsuit a “conspiracy theory” that had been put to rest by the Obama campaign over the summer but ”has arisen like a zombie yet again to suck the credibility out of the conservative blogosphere.” However, the 2007 document produced by the Obama campaign omits key information that normally appears on birth certificates in the United States, including the name of the hospital where he was born, the size and weight of the baby, and sometimes the name of the doctor who delivered him. In addition, the critics of the 2007 document note that Obama's father is described as “African,” a term used today. The formal language in official documents at the time — 1961 — would have identified his race as “Negro” or “Colored.” The Web site snarkybytes.com has produced a vault copy of a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth from 1963, issued by the Hawaii Department of Health. In addition to naming the hospital and more details about the baby, the 1963 vault copy also includes the “usual residence of the mother,” and the “usual occupation” of the father. None of this information appears on the 2007 Live Birth certificate produced by the Obama campaign. Berg has been a perennial political candidate in Pennsylvania, having run in Democrat primaries for attorney general, lieutenant
governor, governor, and other offices without success. He served as deputy attorney general of the State of Pennsylvania from 1972-1980. His credibility was tarnished by work he did for the far-left “9/11 for the Truth” campaign, which alleged in a federal lawsuit that the collapse of the twin towers in New York was caused by “controlled demolition” ordered by the president of the United States. Nevertheless, in recent weeks, lawsuits have been filed in seven additional states demanding that Barack Obama produce an original vault copy of his birth certificate, to dispel the rumors that he is not a natural-born United States citizen. The latest suits have been filed in state and federal courts in Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia, New York, and Connecticut to compel Obama to release his birth records. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state superior courts to force the states’ secretary of state, as the chief state
elections officer, to require Obama to produce original birth records from Hawaii, or else decertify him as a candidate for the presidency. Ironically, Obama mentions his birth certificate in passing on Page 26 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.” “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school,” he wrote. Lawyers for Obama and the DNC did not return calls for comment on the current status of the case, or explain why the Obama campaign did not simply put to rest the whole controversy by releasing the birth certificate that Obama apparently cherished as a teenager. In the past, questions about Sen. John McCain's legal status have arisen. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone at a U.S. Army hospital. McCain had legal experts vet his constitutional qualifications, and he also disclosed a copy of his birth certificate.
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers. The lawsuit, filed by former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg — a self-avowed supporter of Hillary Clinton — alleges that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus “ineligible” to run for president of the United States. It demands that Obama’s lawyers produce a copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he is a natural-born U.S. citizen. Berg's suit and allegations have set off a wave of Internet buzz and rumors, though Obama could easily have put the matter to rest by providing the federal court with the basic documentation proving he is eligible to take the oath of a president. But Obama has apparently decided to deny the court and the public that documentation. The Constitution provides that any U.S. citizen is eligible to become president if the person is 35 years of age or older and is a
natural-born citizen; that is, born in the territorial United States. By failing to respond to the Request for Admissions and Request for the Production of Documents within 30 days, Obama has “admitted” that he was born in Kenya, Berg stated this week in new court filings. Berg released a long list of “admissions” he submitted to Obama’s lawyers on Sept. 15, and asked that they produce documents relating to Obama’s place of birth and citizenship. Instead of responding, lawyers for Obama and the DNC asked the court to dismiss the case. But Judge R. Barclay Surrick of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has issued no ruling in the case that would have given Obama’s lawyers more time. “There are lots of legal ways to stonewall,” a well-placed Republican attorney told Newsmax, who was not authorized to comment officially on the case. “But failing to respond is not one of them.” “The first thing they teach you in law school,” he added,"is don’t put a complaint like this in a drawer. That’s how a nuisance case can become a problem.” The 30-day deadline for defendants to comply with a discovery request is set forth in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. “It all comes down to the fact that there's nothing from the other side,” Berg said after he filed a motion on Thursday for summary judgment. “The admissions are there. By not filing the answers or objections, the defense has admitted everything. [Obama] admits he was born in Kenya. He admits he was adopted in Indonesia. He admits that the documentation posted online is a phony. And he admits that he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president of the United States.” In a contentious case, lawyers on both sides will haggle over the production of documents, and will frequently go beyond the deadlines, several lawyers told Newsmax. “The rules are more often complied with in the breech rather than the observance,” a senior trial attorney who has close ties to the Democrat Party, but is not involved in the current case, told Newsmax. “Lawyers frequently do not return telephone calls or meet discovery deadlines because of sheer nadvertence. Therefore, we do not consider a failure to respond as a ‘violation,’” he said. Allegations surrounding Obama’s place of birth have been swirling for months. Earlier this year, the Obama campaign sought to put down the rumors by making available a computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, issued in 2007 by the State of Hawaii. Respected conservative blogger Ed Morrissey called the Berg lawsuit a “conspiracy theory” that had been put to rest by the Obama campaign over the summer but ”has arisen like a zombie yet again to suck the credibility out of the conservative blogosphere.” However, the 2007 document produced by the Obama campaign omits key information that normally appears on birth certificates in the United States, including the name of the hospital where he was born, the size and weight of the baby, and sometimes the name of the doctor who delivered him. In addition, the critics of the 2007 document note that Obama's father is described as “African,” a term used today. The formal language in official documents at the time — 1961 — would have identified his race as “Negro” or “Colored.” The Web site snarkybytes.com has produced a vault copy of a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth from 1963, issued by the Hawaii Department of Health. In addition to naming the hospital and more details about the baby, the 1963 vault copy also includes the “usual residence of the mother,” and the “usual occupation” of the father. None of this information appears on the 2007 Live Birth certificate produced by the Obama campaign. Berg has been a perennial political candidate in Pennsylvania, having run in Democrat primaries for attorney general, lieutenant
governor, governor, and other offices without success. He served as deputy attorney general of the State of Pennsylvania from 1972-1980. His credibility was tarnished by work he did for the far-left “9/11 for the Truth” campaign, which alleged in a federal lawsuit that the collapse of the twin towers in New York was caused by “controlled demolition” ordered by the president of the United States. Nevertheless, in recent weeks, lawsuits have been filed in seven additional states demanding that Barack Obama produce an original vault copy of his birth certificate, to dispel the rumors that he is not a natural-born United States citizen. The latest suits have been filed in state and federal courts in Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia, New York, and Connecticut to compel Obama to release his birth records. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state superior courts to force the states’ secretary of state, as the chief state
elections officer, to require Obama to produce original birth records from Hawaii, or else decertify him as a candidate for the presidency. Ironically, Obama mentions his birth certificate in passing on Page 26 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.” “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school,” he wrote. Lawyers for Obama and the DNC did not return calls for comment on the current status of the case, or explain why the Obama campaign did not simply put to rest the whole controversy by releasing the birth certificate that Obama apparently cherished as a teenager. In the past, questions about Sen. John McCain's legal status have arisen. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone at a U.S. Army hospital. McCain had legal experts vet his constitutional qualifications, and he also disclosed a copy of his birth certificate.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Open Letter To Colin Powell
I want to make it clear to you that after reading your endorsement for Obama to be president, I no longer can muster up any respect you or your accomplishments. No, I don't hate you, but I would never in my lifetime offer you my endorsement or respect, let alone give you the time of day. Yesterday, had you been the man running for President, I would have voted for you hands down. But as you have proven to me, you are nothing more than just another pawn in the field of color looking for ways to promote your cause and get paid on top of it. Yes, I am sure you will be getting an offer from Obama, have you already not gotten it, there is always money involved when a man is willing to compromise their morals. Your supposed intelligence should have notified your tiny little pea brain that Obama, a man with no more than 143 days of experience, who we are not even sure yet if he is an actual citizen of the United States, who has been involved in the Chicago corruption machine, is willing to sell his soul to the devil to further his career and who offers nothing more to the citizens of this country than that of higher taxes and continued slavery to the Government, is a wrong choice for someone who has claimed to be on the side of conservatism and having a set of principals all these years. You say that Palin is not ready to be president, well sir, I thought it was McCain who was running for president, and even if it was Palin, she has got one heck of allot more experience than 143 days, and a heck of allot more class than your man Obama, which certainly proves to me that this is actually just an issue of color and money. I would have thought that a man of your caliber would have studied your history and realized that those who you have now turned your back on were the same that helped set your people free. Yes Mr. Powell, it was the Republicans under the guidance of the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln that fought two civil wars, yes there were two, and who died in battle and were murdered in the streets along side your people to bring about changes, one of them being the freedom of the slaves. Changes, yes those were real changes, not just an empty promise of "Change" from a man who has yet to even tell us what changes he is going to make, other than to say, "This is the greatest country in the world, I hope you will join me in changing it." Yet you choose to stand with all those who have been stupid enough to allow the Democrats of this country to convince them that what they do for those of color is in their best interest. So making them dependent upon the government and keeping them as poor as possible is in their best interest?? The people of color are enslaved more now than they ever were during the days of slavery, and you can thank the Democrats for that 100%, and that is pure fact! You obviously carry the same chip on your shoulder as Obama and his radical wife, and are in pursuit of what I call a get even mission with those whom you think have wronged you. Well guess what Sparky, the Democrats have played you all for fools, and sadly you have taken the bait along with the rest of those who have been duped by the liberal machine. I say, it's about time you all got over it, come to your senses and realize that you making it easy for the liberals to enslave you and take advantage of you and make you a group of second class citizens. I come from a Religious background where our ancestors were persecuted, murdered, tared and feathered, imprisoned, driven from their homes, their possessions stolen and burned, livestock killed and have continued to be mocked, made fun of, looked upon as fools and treated like second rate citizens up until the current day. Only a few years back was a law in one of our illustrious states in this country taken from the books, that allowed to that present day the legality of killing a member of my religion! Do you see these Religious people acting like total fools, accusing, criticizing, crying about injustice and wanting compensation for the things that happened to their ancestors? No, you don't! And why? Because they are people of class, of all creeds and colors, and they understand that there is something allot bigger than dealing with the petty forgone issues of the past. It's called brotherhood, it's called love of your neighbor, it's called love of your enemies, it's called GOD! You endorse abortion sir, yet it is wrong, and God has said so in the Bible, yet you feel that is is something that people should have a right to. God gave people the right to choose, yes, but the children you are agreeing to have murdered have the same rights as you and I, but unfortunately, it seems that you only believe that your rights are important, not those of an unborn child. The organizations of Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Hitlerism, Fascism are abominations to the Lord, and he declares them to be the anti-Christs of the world, yet you are in agreement with a party and a man who would push this country over the socialist line in a heartbeat. The more I see and hear Obama, the more he shows all the character makeup of such historical figures as Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin just to name a few. But here is something for you to chew on..... Adolf Hitler murdered millions upon millions of Jews, and he himself was part Jewish. Karl Marx was also a Jew and a Jew hater. Those facts were always kept hidden away from those they commanded and controlled. The ability of these types of men to suck up to people and make them believe that they would be their savior was their ability to get elected and conquer. There is only one Savior of this world, and his name is Jesus Christ, and I think it is about time you and the rest of the people in this country started to realize what you are endorsing, and find your way back to where you belong. I have heard Obama speak, and the blasphemous words that have come out of his mouth against God and the Bible. Well sir, your payoff might be that of a few pieces of gold or silver, but just remember, we are all in this together, and you sir, should find a new role model in your life, someone like Clarence Thomas comes to mind. Remember, you will not be exempt from the tyranny of a madman who's only desire is to divide and conquer. Just because you are the same color doesn't mean he is going to give priority to you over me or someone else! You will suffer the same fate that you are willing to subject your fellow man to, you can bank on that! I have long said that one day there would be another civil war in this country and that it would be perpetrated by hate, greed and an intense desire to get even. This is a man who could initiate that war Mr. Powell. Personally, I object to most all of the politicians who are out there, and those in government positions who are willing to sell our birthright down the drain, and it is time for America to wake up and dismantle this corrupt system and rebuild it. But know this, Mr. Powell, I for one will not wear a suit of stripes and live in a wire cage, not for you, not for Obama, not for anyone!
I want to make it clear to you that after reading your endorsement for Obama to be president, I no longer can muster up any respect you or your accomplishments. No, I don't hate you, but I would never in my lifetime offer you my endorsement or respect, let alone give you the time of day. Yesterday, had you been the man running for President, I would have voted for you hands down. But as you have proven to me, you are nothing more than just another pawn in the field of color looking for ways to promote your cause and get paid on top of it. Yes, I am sure you will be getting an offer from Obama, have you already not gotten it, there is always money involved when a man is willing to compromise their morals. Your supposed intelligence should have notified your tiny little pea brain that Obama, a man with no more than 143 days of experience, who we are not even sure yet if he is an actual citizen of the United States, who has been involved in the Chicago corruption machine, is willing to sell his soul to the devil to further his career and who offers nothing more to the citizens of this country than that of higher taxes and continued slavery to the Government, is a wrong choice for someone who has claimed to be on the side of conservatism and having a set of principals all these years. You say that Palin is not ready to be president, well sir, I thought it was McCain who was running for president, and even if it was Palin, she has got one heck of allot more experience than 143 days, and a heck of allot more class than your man Obama, which certainly proves to me that this is actually just an issue of color and money. I would have thought that a man of your caliber would have studied your history and realized that those who you have now turned your back on were the same that helped set your people free. Yes Mr. Powell, it was the Republicans under the guidance of the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln that fought two civil wars, yes there were two, and who died in battle and were murdered in the streets along side your people to bring about changes, one of them being the freedom of the slaves. Changes, yes those were real changes, not just an empty promise of "Change" from a man who has yet to even tell us what changes he is going to make, other than to say, "This is the greatest country in the world, I hope you will join me in changing it." Yet you choose to stand with all those who have been stupid enough to allow the Democrats of this country to convince them that what they do for those of color is in their best interest. So making them dependent upon the government and keeping them as poor as possible is in their best interest?? The people of color are enslaved more now than they ever were during the days of slavery, and you can thank the Democrats for that 100%, and that is pure fact! You obviously carry the same chip on your shoulder as Obama and his radical wife, and are in pursuit of what I call a get even mission with those whom you think have wronged you. Well guess what Sparky, the Democrats have played you all for fools, and sadly you have taken the bait along with the rest of those who have been duped by the liberal machine. I say, it's about time you all got over it, come to your senses and realize that you making it easy for the liberals to enslave you and take advantage of you and make you a group of second class citizens. I come from a Religious background where our ancestors were persecuted, murdered, tared and feathered, imprisoned, driven from their homes, their possessions stolen and burned, livestock killed and have continued to be mocked, made fun of, looked upon as fools and treated like second rate citizens up until the current day. Only a few years back was a law in one of our illustrious states in this country taken from the books, that allowed to that present day the legality of killing a member of my religion! Do you see these Religious people acting like total fools, accusing, criticizing, crying about injustice and wanting compensation for the things that happened to their ancestors? No, you don't! And why? Because they are people of class, of all creeds and colors, and they understand that there is something allot bigger than dealing with the petty forgone issues of the past. It's called brotherhood, it's called love of your neighbor, it's called love of your enemies, it's called GOD! You endorse abortion sir, yet it is wrong, and God has said so in the Bible, yet you feel that is is something that people should have a right to. God gave people the right to choose, yes, but the children you are agreeing to have murdered have the same rights as you and I, but unfortunately, it seems that you only believe that your rights are important, not those of an unborn child. The organizations of Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Hitlerism, Fascism are abominations to the Lord, and he declares them to be the anti-Christs of the world, yet you are in agreement with a party and a man who would push this country over the socialist line in a heartbeat. The more I see and hear Obama, the more he shows all the character makeup of such historical figures as Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin just to name a few. But here is something for you to chew on..... Adolf Hitler murdered millions upon millions of Jews, and he himself was part Jewish. Karl Marx was also a Jew and a Jew hater. Those facts were always kept hidden away from those they commanded and controlled. The ability of these types of men to suck up to people and make them believe that they would be their savior was their ability to get elected and conquer. There is only one Savior of this world, and his name is Jesus Christ, and I think it is about time you and the rest of the people in this country started to realize what you are endorsing, and find your way back to where you belong. I have heard Obama speak, and the blasphemous words that have come out of his mouth against God and the Bible. Well sir, your payoff might be that of a few pieces of gold or silver, but just remember, we are all in this together, and you sir, should find a new role model in your life, someone like Clarence Thomas comes to mind. Remember, you will not be exempt from the tyranny of a madman who's only desire is to divide and conquer. Just because you are the same color doesn't mean he is going to give priority to you over me or someone else! You will suffer the same fate that you are willing to subject your fellow man to, you can bank on that! I have long said that one day there would be another civil war in this country and that it would be perpetrated by hate, greed and an intense desire to get even. This is a man who could initiate that war Mr. Powell. Personally, I object to most all of the politicians who are out there, and those in government positions who are willing to sell our birthright down the drain, and it is time for America to wake up and dismantle this corrupt system and rebuild it. But know this, Mr. Powell, I for one will not wear a suit of stripes and live in a wire cage, not for you, not for Obama, not for anyone!
Statement From Lee Iacocca
Per Snopes. this is true. The following is excerpted from theoriginal editorial made by Iacocca and is from his book which was released in 2007. See the following site for more info:http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/iacocca.asp
The two party system????
Remember Lee Iacocca, the VP at Ford credited with the birth of theMustang, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from their deaththroes, and the owner of the famous quote 'Lead, follow, or get out ofthe way'? Well, he's back! He has a new book, and here are someexcerpts.Lee Iacocca writes:'Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening?Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder.We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state rightover a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and wecan't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car.But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their headswhen the politicians say, 'Stay the course'Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America , not thedamned 'Titanic' I'll give you a sound bite: 'Throw all the bums out!'You might think I'm getting senile, that I've gone off my rocker, andmaybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize thiscountry anymore.The most famous business leaders are not the innovators but the guysin handcuffs. While we're fiddling in Iraq , the Middle East isburning and nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving'pom-poms' instead of asking hard questions. That's not the promise ofthe ' America ' my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for.I've had enough. How about you?I'll go a step further. You can't call yourself a patriot if you' renot outraged. This is a fight I'm ready and willing to have.The Biggest 'C' is Crisis !Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis.It's easy to sit there with your feet up on the desk and talk theory.Or send someone else's kids off to war when you've never seen abattlefield yourself. It's another thing to lead when your world comestumbling down. George Bush, Dick Chaney and who it this Bozo coming upnext? 'Barak O'Bama' One of the most Liberal Idiots in the U. S.Senate and he is talking about disarming America . I can't believe theAmerican people are seeing what he is about to do to this country. MayGod have mercy on us all.On September 11, 2001, we needed a strong leader more than any othertime in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of theashes. A Hell of a Mess. So here's where we stand. We're immersed in abloody war with no plan for winning and no plan for leaving. We'rerunning the biggest deficit in the history of the country. We'relosing the manufacturing edge to Asia , while our once-great Companiesare all moving offshore. We're getting slaughtered by health carecosts. Gas prices are skyrocketing, and nobody in power has a coherentenergy policy. Our schools are the worst in the world. Our borders arelike sieves. The middle class is being squeezed every which way. Theseare times that cry out for leadership and we are getting ready to put'Barak O'Bama' the most Liberal Senator in the U. S. Senate in as ournext President because we want to be fair and elect someone justbecause of his race. We don't have time to be fair, we need a strongleader.But when you look around, you've got to ask: 'Where have all theleaders gone?' Where are the curious, creative communicators? Whereare the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, andcommon sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I hope you getthe point.Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security thanmaking us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo?We've spent billions of dollars building a huge new bureaucracy, andall we know how to do is react to things that have already happened.Name me one leader who emerged from the crisis of Hurricane Katrina.Congress has yet to spend a single day evaluating the response to thehurricane, or demanding accountability for the decisions that weremade in the crucial hours after the storm. Everyone's hunkering down,fingers crossed, hoping it doesn't happen again. Well guess whatpeople? We are having more floods right now. What are we doing to helpthese people out. Now, that's just crazy. Storms happen. Deal with it.Make a plan. Figure out what you're going to do the next time. Why arewe allowing people to build in flood plains anyway? If you build in aflood area, expect to be flooded and deal with it. Don't expect theGovernment to bail you out.Name me an industry leader who is thinking creatively about how we canrestore our competitive edge in manufacturing. All they seem to bethinking now-days is getting themselves bigger salaries and bonuses.Who would have believed that there could ever be a time when 'The BigThree' referred to Japanese car companies? How did this happen, andmore important, what are we going to do about it? likely nothing!Name me a government leader who can articulate a plan for paying downthe debt, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health careproblem. The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that areeating away at our country and milking the middle class dry.I have news for the gang in Congress and the Senate. We didn't electyou to sit on your asses and do nothing and remain silent while ourdemocracy is being hijacked and our greatness is being replaced withmediocrity. What is everybody so afraid of? That some bonehead on FoxNews will call them a name? Give me a break. Why don't you guys showsome spine for a change? I honestly don't think any of you have one!Had Enough?Hey, I'm not trying to be the voice of gloom and doom here. I'm tryingto light a fire. I'm speaking out because I have hope; I believe inAmerica .... In my lifetime I've had the privilege of living throughsome of America 's greatest moments I've also experienced some of ourworst crises: the 'Great Depression', 'World War II', the 'KoreanWar', the 'Kennedy Assassination', the 'Vietnam War', the 1970s oilcrisis, and the struggles of recent years culminating with 9/11. IfI've learned one thing, it's this: 'You don't get anywhere by standingon the sidelines waiting for somebody else to take action. Whetherit's building a better car or building a better future for ourchildren, we all have a role to play. That's the challenge I'm raisingin this book. It's a call to 'Action' for people who, like me, believein America . It's not too late, but it's getting pretty close. Solet's shake off the crap and go to work. Let's tell 'em all we've had'enough.'Make a 'real contribution' by sending this to everyone you know andcare about......our future is at stake!
The two party system????
Remember Lee Iacocca, the VP at Ford credited with the birth of theMustang, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from their deaththroes, and the owner of the famous quote 'Lead, follow, or get out ofthe way'? Well, he's back! He has a new book, and here are someexcerpts.Lee Iacocca writes:'Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening?Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder.We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state rightover a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and wecan't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car.But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their headswhen the politicians say, 'Stay the course'Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America , not thedamned 'Titanic' I'll give you a sound bite: 'Throw all the bums out!'You might think I'm getting senile, that I've gone off my rocker, andmaybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize thiscountry anymore.The most famous business leaders are not the innovators but the guysin handcuffs. While we're fiddling in Iraq , the Middle East isburning and nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving'pom-poms' instead of asking hard questions. That's not the promise ofthe ' America ' my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for.I've had enough. How about you?I'll go a step further. You can't call yourself a patriot if you' renot outraged. This is a fight I'm ready and willing to have.The Biggest 'C' is Crisis !Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis.It's easy to sit there with your feet up on the desk and talk theory.Or send someone else's kids off to war when you've never seen abattlefield yourself. It's another thing to lead when your world comestumbling down. George Bush, Dick Chaney and who it this Bozo coming upnext? 'Barak O'Bama' One of the most Liberal Idiots in the U. S.Senate and he is talking about disarming America . I can't believe theAmerican people are seeing what he is about to do to this country. MayGod have mercy on us all.On September 11, 2001, we needed a strong leader more than any othertime in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of theashes. A Hell of a Mess. So here's where we stand. We're immersed in abloody war with no plan for winning and no plan for leaving. We'rerunning the biggest deficit in the history of the country. We'relosing the manufacturing edge to Asia , while our once-great Companiesare all moving offshore. We're getting slaughtered by health carecosts. Gas prices are skyrocketing, and nobody in power has a coherentenergy policy. Our schools are the worst in the world. Our borders arelike sieves. The middle class is being squeezed every which way. Theseare times that cry out for leadership and we are getting ready to put'Barak O'Bama' the most Liberal Senator in the U. S. Senate in as ournext President because we want to be fair and elect someone justbecause of his race. We don't have time to be fair, we need a strongleader.But when you look around, you've got to ask: 'Where have all theleaders gone?' Where are the curious, creative communicators? Whereare the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, andcommon sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I hope you getthe point.Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security thanmaking us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo?We've spent billions of dollars building a huge new bureaucracy, andall we know how to do is react to things that have already happened.Name me one leader who emerged from the crisis of Hurricane Katrina.Congress has yet to spend a single day evaluating the response to thehurricane, or demanding accountability for the decisions that weremade in the crucial hours after the storm. Everyone's hunkering down,fingers crossed, hoping it doesn't happen again. Well guess whatpeople? We are having more floods right now. What are we doing to helpthese people out. Now, that's just crazy. Storms happen. Deal with it.Make a plan. Figure out what you're going to do the next time. Why arewe allowing people to build in flood plains anyway? If you build in aflood area, expect to be flooded and deal with it. Don't expect theGovernment to bail you out.Name me an industry leader who is thinking creatively about how we canrestore our competitive edge in manufacturing. All they seem to bethinking now-days is getting themselves bigger salaries and bonuses.Who would have believed that there could ever be a time when 'The BigThree' referred to Japanese car companies? How did this happen, andmore important, what are we going to do about it? likely nothing!Name me a government leader who can articulate a plan for paying downthe debt, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health careproblem. The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that areeating away at our country and milking the middle class dry.I have news for the gang in Congress and the Senate. We didn't electyou to sit on your asses and do nothing and remain silent while ourdemocracy is being hijacked and our greatness is being replaced withmediocrity. What is everybody so afraid of? That some bonehead on FoxNews will call them a name? Give me a break. Why don't you guys showsome spine for a change? I honestly don't think any of you have one!Had Enough?Hey, I'm not trying to be the voice of gloom and doom here. I'm tryingto light a fire. I'm speaking out because I have hope; I believe inAmerica .... In my lifetime I've had the privilege of living throughsome of America 's greatest moments I've also experienced some of ourworst crises: the 'Great Depression', 'World War II', the 'KoreanWar', the 'Kennedy Assassination', the 'Vietnam War', the 1970s oilcrisis, and the struggles of recent years culminating with 9/11. IfI've learned one thing, it's this: 'You don't get anywhere by standingon the sidelines waiting for somebody else to take action. Whetherit's building a better car or building a better future for ourchildren, we all have a role to play. That's the challenge I'm raisingin this book. It's a call to 'Action' for people who, like me, believein America . It's not too late, but it's getting pretty close. Solet's shake off the crap and go to work. Let's tell 'em all we've had'enough.'Make a 'real contribution' by sending this to everyone you know andcare about......our future is at stake!
We Need All Politicians Of This Caliber!
This is a story that was released by the Associated Press this year. Isn't it about time that we are electing people into office that have the principals of this man? My hats off to this man! Those on the city council that say the raise must be initiated, should be recalled from office and ousted from politics forever!
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia city council is hoping to overcome opposition to giving the mayor a raise from the proposal's biggest foe: the mayor.
Huntington Mayor David Felinton has vowed to veto a proposal to raise his pay by nearly $28,000 to $90,000. He currently earns about $62,000.
Felinton says it sends the wrong message to the city's employees, and that the town of 49,000 has other priorities.
But City Council members say the raise is needed to attract top candidates for the next mayoral election in 2012. The council is to vote on the proposal Monday night.
The Huntington mayor hasn't had a raise since 1996.
If Felinton vetoes the raise, eight council members would need to vote to override his veto.
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia city council is hoping to overcome opposition to giving the mayor a raise from the proposal's biggest foe: the mayor.
Huntington Mayor David Felinton has vowed to veto a proposal to raise his pay by nearly $28,000 to $90,000. He currently earns about $62,000.
Felinton says it sends the wrong message to the city's employees, and that the town of 49,000 has other priorities.
But City Council members say the raise is needed to attract top candidates for the next mayoral election in 2012. The council is to vote on the proposal Monday night.
The Huntington mayor hasn't had a raise since 1996.
If Felinton vetoes the raise, eight council members would need to vote to override his veto.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Vote YES on Propoition 8
This is something that 4 million voters in California have already voted on and we said NO to gay marriage. The judges from the 9th circus court who have gone against the voters and allowed gay marriage to become a reality within the state of California have violated the vote of the people, and our Constitution. The mayor of San Francisco, The Dishonorable Gavin Newsom says "The door is wide open now, and it's going to happen whether you like it or not". What you need to understand is that this makes it mandatory that you accept gay marriage. It will create a whole new string of lawsuits against your personal beliefs, Church's can loose their tax exemption and gay marriage will be taught in public schools. This mayor needs to be immediately removed from office, as well as the judges who voted to make this legal, mocking the California Voters, and it is time we stand against those who are making a mockery of the Constitution of the United States Of America. Remove them from office and replace them with people who will uphold the laws and ordinances of this great country. Please take the time to watch this video, it is something that will affect you and your family, and especially your children and their children for decades to come.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Change......Chicago Style!
Change Chicago style: Published Sep. 30, 2008
Body count: Past six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago; 221 killed in Iraq
Senators Barack Obama & Dick Durbin
Representative Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor Rod Blogojevich
House leader Mike Madigan
Attorney General Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike Madigan)
Mayor Richard M. Daley (Son of former Extremely Corrupt Mayor Richard J. Daley)
This is the leadership in Illinois .....all Democrats. Chicago is a combat zone, and of course they're all blaming each other. Can't blame Republicans cause there aren't any!! State pension fund $44 Billion in debt which is the worst in country. Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25%... highest in country. (Look em up if you want) Chicago school system one of the worst in country.
This is the political culture that Obama comes from and is involved with in Illinois and he's gonna 'fix' Washington politics? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Body count: Past six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago; 221 killed in Iraq
Senators Barack Obama & Dick Durbin
Representative Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor Rod Blogojevich
House leader Mike Madigan
Attorney General Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike Madigan)
Mayor Richard M. Daley (Son of former Extremely Corrupt Mayor Richard J. Daley)
This is the leadership in Illinois .....all Democrats. Chicago is a combat zone, and of course they're all blaming each other. Can't blame Republicans cause there aren't any!! State pension fund $44 Billion in debt which is the worst in country. Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25%... highest in country. (Look em up if you want) Chicago school system one of the worst in country.
This is the political culture that Obama comes from and is involved with in Illinois and he's gonna 'fix' Washington politics? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
America Is Facing A Grave Crisis

To My Fellow Americans:
Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States.
That man is Barack Obama.
He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you may not like.
Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.
He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making him the most left-wing Senator in Washington — more liberal than even Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.
If you look at Obama’s record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is.
He even has terrorist friends he won’t denounce. One such man is William Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon, killing civilians and police officers.
In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could have done more. The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political event at his home for Obama. Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon bombing. However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.
Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan. No one can deny hearing about Obama’s relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright. There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them.
In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without “preconditions” even though Ahmadinejad has promised to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy” America.
Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him. “We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election,” Ahmed Yousef, senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.
Dangerous Economic Plan
And then there are Obama’s dangerous economic plans for America.
He wants to almost double the capital gains tax. He wants to strip the FICA tax cap off every worker making more than $97,500. He wants to increase the dividend tax. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire — giving almost every American family an automatic tax increase.
He has called for more than $800 billion in new spending programs.
He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.
He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live born children — children actually born alive! He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.
He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.
He originally backed Washington D.C.’s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an “F” on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.
Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist. To him we Americans are simply “bitter” and he has mocked us saying “[they] cling to their guns and their religion.”
Exposing the Truth
Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.
When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.
Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama’s home state of Illinois.
And even though Obama was “anointed” by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.
How did Obama beat Hillary for the nomination?
Well, using a loophole in Democratic rules, he was able to rack up large majorities in caucus states where he outspent and out organized her.
But in large, contested states she won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him.
Make no mistake about it: If Americans know the real truth about Obama, John McCain will win this election! But we must employ Hillary Clinton’s strategy.
We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.
Stop and think how much Obama may cost you and your family in new taxes over the next four years alone: $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 or even more, that alone is reason enough not to elect Obama as President. Beware of the enemy within!!
Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States.
That man is Barack Obama.
He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you may not like.
Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.
He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making him the most left-wing Senator in Washington — more liberal than even Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.
If you look at Obama’s record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is.
He even has terrorist friends he won’t denounce. One such man is William Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon, killing civilians and police officers.
In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could have done more. The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political event at his home for Obama. Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon bombing. However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.
Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan. No one can deny hearing about Obama’s relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright. There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them.
In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without “preconditions” even though Ahmadinejad has promised to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy” America.
Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him. “We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election,” Ahmed Yousef, senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.
Dangerous Economic Plan
And then there are Obama’s dangerous economic plans for America.
He wants to almost double the capital gains tax. He wants to strip the FICA tax cap off every worker making more than $97,500. He wants to increase the dividend tax. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire — giving almost every American family an automatic tax increase.
He has called for more than $800 billion in new spending programs.
He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.
He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live born children — children actually born alive! He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.
He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.
He originally backed Washington D.C.’s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an “F” on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.
Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist. To him we Americans are simply “bitter” and he has mocked us saying “[they] cling to their guns and their religion.”
Exposing the Truth
Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.
When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.
Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama’s home state of Illinois.
And even though Obama was “anointed” by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.
How did Obama beat Hillary for the nomination?
Well, using a loophole in Democratic rules, he was able to rack up large majorities in caucus states where he outspent and out organized her.
But in large, contested states she won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him.
Make no mistake about it: If Americans know the real truth about Obama, John McCain will win this election! But we must employ Hillary Clinton’s strategy.
We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.
Stop and think how much Obama may cost you and your family in new taxes over the next four years alone: $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 or even more, that alone is reason enough not to elect Obama as President. Beware of the enemy within!!
Let your conscience be your guide, God help us all!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Crying Over Spilt Soda
An Idaho woman is facing federal charges and possible jail time after refusing to pay for a soda and then dumping it on a counter. U.S. Attorney Tom Moss plans to bring two charges against Natalie Walters, 39, stemming from an incident at the Boise Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and if convicted, she could face up to six months in federal prison. Give me a break!!
Walters, who routinely takes her father to the Boise hospital for treatment, said there is no posted price for soda refills at the center's cafeteria, and she's typically charged between $1 and $1.50 for filling her mug. In Auguest of thisi year, she was charged $3.80, which lead to the dispute and Walters dumping the soda on the cafeteria counter.
Am I crazy here or has our government become completely intolerant of everything that is happening in this country. I understand the lady's frustration, and frankly, I probably would have seriously thought about chucking the drink into the guys face, but she should have taken a step back, walked over to the drink machine, got a cup, poured the soda into the cup, placed it on the counter and told the manager that he could drink it and walked out. Unfortunately, she has somehow managed to give this clown, U.S. Attorney Moss, something that he can stay up at nights, acting like a giddy school girl, planning his attack on her in court. For the love of Pete, if this guy hasn't got anything better to do with his time, then there are too many U.S. Attorneys and we need to lay at least half of them off. Taxpayer money wasted on frivolous horse hockey like this, good grief!!
Walters, who routinely takes her father to the Boise hospital for treatment, said there is no posted price for soda refills at the center's cafeteria, and she's typically charged between $1 and $1.50 for filling her mug. In Auguest of thisi year, she was charged $3.80, which lead to the dispute and Walters dumping the soda on the cafeteria counter.
Am I crazy here or has our government become completely intolerant of everything that is happening in this country. I understand the lady's frustration, and frankly, I probably would have seriously thought about chucking the drink into the guys face, but she should have taken a step back, walked over to the drink machine, got a cup, poured the soda into the cup, placed it on the counter and told the manager that he could drink it and walked out. Unfortunately, she has somehow managed to give this clown, U.S. Attorney Moss, something that he can stay up at nights, acting like a giddy school girl, planning his attack on her in court. For the love of Pete, if this guy hasn't got anything better to do with his time, then there are too many U.S. Attorneys and we need to lay at least half of them off. Taxpayer money wasted on frivolous horse hockey like this, good grief!!
The Honorable, and I mean Honorable, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told students and faculty at Utah State University on Monday, September 15th 2008, that the legality of abortion, same-sex marriage and other controversial issues should be decided by the American people, and not a panel of unelected judges. Scalia said that a shift in political practices in recent years, has left judges to legislate from the bench as they rewrite the Constitution. "A change occurred in the last half of the 20th century, and I'm sorry to say that my court was responsible for it" stated Scalia, "It was my court that invented the notion of a living Constitution" to keep up with what some justices call "the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society." Scalia was nominated by President Ronald Regan for the Supreme Court in 1986, and was confirmed by a 98-0 vote, something that will probably never happen again. Scalia made the comment that judges possess no greater ability to determine what is moral than Joe Six Pack. Value-laden decisions such as that should be made by an entire society, not by nine unelected judges.
Well put your Honor!!!
Well put your Honor!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ethanol, Obamas Wet Dream
Obama is a huge ethanol whore. He inserted a new ethanol subsidy into a 2006 tax bill and he gushes over ethanol in his book The Audacity of Hope. Bottom line, is he is telling the auto manufacturers that they will take their production of all vehicles to use ethanol. So, during the current year, the ravages of ethanol started making headlines - the "green fuel" has contributed to record high food prices and has caused food riots in the developing world. It exhausted water supplies, drove gasoline prices through the roof and causing a much bigger smog issue. The impact of ethanol on the environment is extremely negative. Lets do the math.
* A gallon of ethanol contains 75,700 British Thermal Units of energy
* A gallon of gasoline contains 111,500 British Thermal Units of energy
* American firms produced 6.5 billion gallons of ethanol in 2007
* Americans use 388.6 million gallons of gasoline per day
* To produce 5 gallons of ethanol from corn, one must spend the energy equivalent of roughly 4 gallons of ethanol for farming, shipping, and processing. In other words, ethanol has a 2.5 percent net energy yield. So after running the numbers, the answer is that America's entire 6.5 billion gallon ethanol production created the net energy equivalent of...... are you ready??????
2.2 days worth of American gasoline consumption. Would you call that energy independence??
I think not!!! When the government subsidized corn ethanol productions in 2007, it was like spending $9.00 to create a gallon of gasoline, and doing it 853 million times. If you still don't get it, consider this: If you could turn gold into lead would you do it?
Obama is an idiot. He has no clue what he is doing, and his election would take this country to its knees so fast, and the recovery, if there was ever one, would be so far down the road, that most of us wouldn't even remember when it got started.
The information I just gave you came from a book by David Freddoso. The book, The Case Against Barack Obama, I suggest that you read this book before you make a trip to the polls and cast your ballot for a man that in no way has anyones real interests at heart, only those of his own. This man is dishonest, nothing more than a liar, a cheat, and a conniver. I again urge you to remember that Adolf Hitler was able to convince 50% of Germany's population that he was their savior, a man who wanted "Change" who would take care of everyone if he was elected into office, and he did take care of everyone he could. All 11 million of them!
* A gallon of ethanol contains 75,700 British Thermal Units of energy
* A gallon of gasoline contains 111,500 British Thermal Units of energy
* American firms produced 6.5 billion gallons of ethanol in 2007
* Americans use 388.6 million gallons of gasoline per day
* To produce 5 gallons of ethanol from corn, one must spend the energy equivalent of roughly 4 gallons of ethanol for farming, shipping, and processing. In other words, ethanol has a 2.5 percent net energy yield. So after running the numbers, the answer is that America's entire 6.5 billion gallon ethanol production created the net energy equivalent of...... are you ready??????
2.2 days worth of American gasoline consumption. Would you call that energy independence??
I think not!!! When the government subsidized corn ethanol productions in 2007, it was like spending $9.00 to create a gallon of gasoline, and doing it 853 million times. If you still don't get it, consider this: If you could turn gold into lead would you do it?
Obama is an idiot. He has no clue what he is doing, and his election would take this country to its knees so fast, and the recovery, if there was ever one, would be so far down the road, that most of us wouldn't even remember when it got started.
The information I just gave you came from a book by David Freddoso. The book, The Case Against Barack Obama, I suggest that you read this book before you make a trip to the polls and cast your ballot for a man that in no way has anyones real interests at heart, only those of his own. This man is dishonest, nothing more than a liar, a cheat, and a conniver. I again urge you to remember that Adolf Hitler was able to convince 50% of Germany's population that he was their savior, a man who wanted "Change" who would take care of everyone if he was elected into office, and he did take care of everyone he could. All 11 million of them!
Here's The Answer To The Energy Situation, Gee Obama, Your So Damn Smart, Why Didn't You Think Of This
Click on the link below and watch this short video on algee and how it can replace our dependency on oil 100%. This is something that everyone should see, it is not only cool, but it is a way to eliminate ever having to deal with the other side of the world for oil again. Check it out!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tom Jones Experience Appearances Update
This coming October has a few dates you might want to put in your events calender. Keith and The Tom Jones Experience will be appearing at Ceasers Palace in Las Vegas on the 8th of October at the personal invite from the Dean O Holics http://www.deanoholics.com/ This will be a very exciting time for Keith and the future of the Tom Jones Experience.
On October 31st (Halloween Night) The Tom Jones Experience will be appearing at The Cal Neva Casino and Resort located at North Shore Lake Tahoe. Cal-Neva Casino and Resort was once owned by Frank Sinatra himself. The Sinatra Showroom sits about 350 people and the evening in question will be a dinner and show package. The ticket price for dinner and show will be $24.95per person and if you just want to see the show it will be $15.95. per person. It will be a great night, you can even come in fancy dress if you wish, a prize will be given for the best dressed GHOUL. As you may or may not know Cal Neva was once the play ground of the Rat Pack, JFK and Marilyn Monroe to name but a few. According to legend the Ghosts of these celebrities have been seen in the alley ways and corridors of the hotel SO TREAD CAREFULLY.
For more information you can go to the Cal Neva Webb Site at http://www.calnevaresort.com/ The show is sure to sell out, so if you want to have a great time, a GHOULISH meal, and a fantastic show its not to early to book your show tickets. I understand the room rates are very reasonable to so you might want to stay for the night and party with the Tom Jones Experience during and after the show. Happy Halloween!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Branscombe in Las Vegas

My Buddy Branscombe Richmond and his band will be performing in Las Vegas during Bike Fest 2008 on October 3rd and 4th. If you are planning on being in Vegas, try and catch the show, I know you will enjoy it. If you are looking for something to do that weekend, this should prove to be allot of fun. They will be performing inside Club Tequila at 7:30 both nights. Special guests will include Charlene Tilton from Dallas, and Steven Williams from 21 Jump Street, Porter House Bob from New Orleans and Kelli who is Miss Sturgis. You can find out about all the events during the weekend at http://www.lasvegasbikefest.com/ Hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remember Sept. 11, 2001
Today is the seventh anniversary of the attacks on our country, and I would be lax if I did not take a moment to remember this horrific deed that was inflicted upon this country. To those who lost loved ones in this vicious attack, my deepest heartfelt sympathy still goes out to them. I hope that everyone seeing this took the time to fly the flag today in memory of the countless lives that were taken and sacrificed on this day. My flag flies 365 days a year in remembrance of the pain this country felt on that day, and all the days when any have fallen, be it in the name of terror, or fighting in the name of freedom, may God help us come to the realization that freedom isn't free, and that it is the duty of everyone living in this country to stand up, support and fight to keep her free. We must always stand together if we are going to win this fight, and we can never win by running away, or turning to an act of cowardice, much like so many politicians would like us to do. I can only say.... God Bless America .... Love Her Or Leave Her.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Quote of the Day: Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch, Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
I found the following during some research on another issue, and I felt that you should all read this.... Especially what I have highlighted in larger print.
October 24, 1795 Constituents Tell Senator How to Vote
Humphrey Marshall (F-KY)
The presumed right of the people to instruct their elected representatives extends back to colonial times. In drafting the Bill of Rights in 1789, the House of Representatives briefly considered recognizing such a right, but then overwhelmingly rejected it. The House response underscored representatives’ traditional desire to temper their constituents’ views with their own knowledge and opinions.
This issue hit the early Senate with special force. Unlike the House, whose members were elected by a diffused constituency of individual citizens, senators came to their seats through the choice of their state legislatures—bodies skilled in framing expressions of opinion. Soon after the Senate first convened in 1789, its members began receiving letters of instruction. In 1791, the Virginia legislature directed its two senators to vote to end the Senate’s practice of meeting behind closed doors—the better to keep senators accountable. When senators received instructions with which they agreed, some made a great show of following them. When they disagreed, however, they faced a choice: they could ignore the instructions, or they could resign.
On October 24, 1795, the Kentucky Gazette printed a petition from the inhabitants of Clark County to that state’s legislature. The petitioners angrily denounced U. S. Senator Humphrey Marshall for his vote in favor of ratifying a controversial treaty. The citizens urged the legislature to instruct Marshall to oppose the treaty if it should come before the Senate again.
Noting that Marshall had five years remaining in his term, others traced the problem to the length of senators’ terms. Six-year terms endangered “the liberties of America,” they argued, by destroying senators’ sense of responsibility and enabling “them to carry into execution schemes pregnant with the greatest evils.” (Sound familiar??) These petitioners requested their state legislature to instruct both of Kentucky’s senators to propose a constitutional amendment permitting a state legislature to recall senators by a two-thirds vote.
A Federalist facing a hostile Jeffersonian-Republican legislature, Humphrey Marshall appealed directly to the people through a series of articles explaining his ratification vote.
(Ok, now read this very carefully) He asserted that as a senator he was less interested in winning popularity contests than in doing his duty to the nation— “according to my own judgment.”
(I like this next part!) Shortly afterwards, a mob dragged Marshall from his house. Only by seconds did this skilled orator talk the crowd out of throwing him into the Kentucky River. Stoned by angry citizens in the state capital, he kept a low profile for the remainder of his term.
Written by: Quisenberry, Anderson C. The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall. Winchester, Ky.: Sun Publishing, 1892.
This is where we are today, politicians doing not what the people tell them to do, but rather they are making decisions according to their own judgement! My judgement is that we take these idiots out and stone them like they did in the old days and then lets see how quickly they go back to doing the will of the people from that point forward!!
I found the following during some research on another issue, and I felt that you should all read this.... Especially what I have highlighted in larger print.
October 24, 1795 Constituents Tell Senator How to Vote
Humphrey Marshall (F-KY)
The presumed right of the people to instruct their elected representatives extends back to colonial times. In drafting the Bill of Rights in 1789, the House of Representatives briefly considered recognizing such a right, but then overwhelmingly rejected it. The House response underscored representatives’ traditional desire to temper their constituents’ views with their own knowledge and opinions.
This issue hit the early Senate with special force. Unlike the House, whose members were elected by a diffused constituency of individual citizens, senators came to their seats through the choice of their state legislatures—bodies skilled in framing expressions of opinion. Soon after the Senate first convened in 1789, its members began receiving letters of instruction. In 1791, the Virginia legislature directed its two senators to vote to end the Senate’s practice of meeting behind closed doors—the better to keep senators accountable. When senators received instructions with which they agreed, some made a great show of following them. When they disagreed, however, they faced a choice: they could ignore the instructions, or they could resign.
On October 24, 1795, the Kentucky Gazette printed a petition from the inhabitants of Clark County to that state’s legislature. The petitioners angrily denounced U. S. Senator Humphrey Marshall for his vote in favor of ratifying a controversial treaty. The citizens urged the legislature to instruct Marshall to oppose the treaty if it should come before the Senate again.
Noting that Marshall had five years remaining in his term, others traced the problem to the length of senators’ terms. Six-year terms endangered “the liberties of America,” they argued, by destroying senators’ sense of responsibility and enabling “them to carry into execution schemes pregnant with the greatest evils.” (Sound familiar??) These petitioners requested their state legislature to instruct both of Kentucky’s senators to propose a constitutional amendment permitting a state legislature to recall senators by a two-thirds vote.
A Federalist facing a hostile Jeffersonian-Republican legislature, Humphrey Marshall appealed directly to the people through a series of articles explaining his ratification vote.
(Ok, now read this very carefully) He asserted that as a senator he was less interested in winning popularity contests than in doing his duty to the nation— “according to my own judgment.”
(I like this next part!) Shortly afterwards, a mob dragged Marshall from his house. Only by seconds did this skilled orator talk the crowd out of throwing him into the Kentucky River. Stoned by angry citizens in the state capital, he kept a low profile for the remainder of his term.
Written by: Quisenberry, Anderson C. The Life and Times of Hon. Humphrey Marshall. Winchester, Ky.: Sun Publishing, 1892.
This is where we are today, politicians doing not what the people tell them to do, but rather they are making decisions according to their own judgement! My judgement is that we take these idiots out and stone them like they did in the old days and then lets see how quickly they go back to doing the will of the people from that point forward!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Quote by Barack Obama

My buddy sent these to me this morning and I felt that they had to be posted here..... it really says it all!!!
"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." - B. Obama
I want you to read that over and over and over. Memorize it, pass it on, quote it to your liberal friends that have no clue as to why they are voting for this guy. This election cannot be taken lightly. This guy wants to take the greatest nation in history and change it. You now know what his slogan "CHANGE" stands for. He has repedidly avoided the question of what he means by change, and the only way you will ever know where he stands is to read between the lines!! He has given you a view into the future of what his change campaign is all about, and now it is time to do something about it!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Interesting Data On Taxes McCain vs Obama
This is a brief comparison of what will happen to your tax bill
depending on who will be the next President of the United
This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-
sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard, and
it should make you worry.
Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:
MCCAIN- 0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples) McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
OBAMA- 28% on profit from ALL home sales. How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect not only the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income, but anyone desiring to sell their home and move to a new home or area, no one will be immune.
MCCAIN- 15% (no change)
OBAMA- 39.6%. How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
MCCAIN- (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA- (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama your taxes will more than double! How does this affect you? No explanation is needed. This is pretty straight forward.
MCCAIN- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA- Restore the inheritance tax. How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will now be faced wtih losing them to these taxes.
* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
I hope this helps to create a VERY clear picture.
depending on who will be the next President of the United
This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-
sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard, and
it should make you worry.
Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:
MCCAIN- 0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples) McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
OBAMA- 28% on profit from ALL home sales. How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect not only the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income, but anyone desiring to sell their home and move to a new home or area, no one will be immune.
MCCAIN- 15% (no change)
OBAMA- 39.6%. How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
MCCAIN- (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA- (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama your taxes will more than double! How does this affect you? No explanation is needed. This is pretty straight forward.
MCCAIN- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA- Restore the inheritance tax. How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will now be faced wtih losing them to these taxes.
* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
I hope this helps to create a VERY clear picture.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Tom Jones Experience September 4th, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Political Correctness
Mr. Anthony Daniels (psychiatrist) writes under the pen name of Theodore Dalrymple, and has numerous quotes he has made that I find very profound. Here is one on Political Correctness:
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
Learn To Speak Spanish?
So, Obama is embarrassed because we as a nation cannot speak Spanish.....I'm embarrassed that Obama calls himself an American and that there are those of you out there that are seriously considering giving your vote to him. I'm embarrassed that this Marxist is even being allowed to run for anything in this country, especially President. I have no desire to learn a second language so I can communicate with the illegals that are flooding our country, I want them out, why the hell would I want to talk to them, other than to say, GET OUT!! This country is based on English, and if you can't speak English, then it is not my problem. Anyone that I know who came here from another country speaks their language and English, so we have no trouble communicating. If you can't communicate with me, then you must have just come over the border illegally and maybe I should learn the phrase, "get down on the ground and put your hands behind your back." Instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, Obama told the audience, "America should be teaching its children Spanish. Every child should be bilingual." How about spreken zie dolch? You know what, for as long as I can remember, everyone is taught a second language in school, everyone. I took french in grade school, and I took Spanish in high school. I had no desire to learn either, I wasn't interested in being able to go home at night and say in Spanish to my mother, what are we having for dinner, and having her look at me with a blank stare and say, "what?" You know, I follow this clown Obama daily, watching what he says and trying to figure out what it is he really stands for, and all I can ever come up with on his "Change" platform is reading between the lines of bringing this country into Socialism. He always seems to be able to avoid the question of what the definition of change is. When I ask people why they are voting for him they say, "he's good looking" "He is a good speaker" "He wants change" "I'm tired of Bush". For the love of Pete, why can't you people see what you are getting yourselves into?? A good friend of mine actually said to me that a little socialism would be good for the country. That's a bunch of monkey muffins! The instant you allow even so much as an ounce of socialism into this country, you will be hijacked, then taken and thrown under the bus. People, what are you thinking? Where are your heads? I have given you example after example of what the democrats in this country are trying to do to us, and the sad part is, they are screwing up this country daily, and then twist it around to their benefit and blame it on the republicans, and you are stupid enough to believe it! I am beginning to wonder if anyone out there who supports this garbage knows how to read! If you knew how to read, and spent some time researching the liberals and their past and what has been going on, you would be able to figure this out all on your own. Jon Voight just came out the last week in July and made a remarkable statement against Obama, and his Marxist agenda, and if you didn't read it, I am going to add it to this post. This is a man, who admits that he was a liberal, and foolishly allowed others to lead him on, until he finally heard the dime drop and realized that he was being duped, and if you believe the liberal agenda, you are being duped as well. If you think that the liberals in this country have your best interest at heart, you are sadly mistaken. Stop listening to what the liberals are telling you, especially the likes of liberal Hollywood. They are suckers, and they are playing your for a sucker as well. Remember the old saying, misery loves company?? There are not too many people in Hollywood that have the ability to see past the liberal agenda, and for those who do, I take my hat off to you! Educate yourself before it's too late, because you can dang well be assured that I am not going to be there to save you, I will be too busy saving myself and my family and friends from the mess the liberals put us in, so you will be on your own.
Here's the post of what Jon Voight said: My Concerns For America
We, as parents, are well aware of the importance of our teachers who teach and program our children. We also know how important it is for our children to play with good-thinking children growing up.
Sen. Barack Obama has grown up with the teaching of very angry, militant white and black people: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers and Rev. Michael Pfleger. We cannot say we are not affected by teachers who are militant and angry. We know too well that we become like them, and Mr. Obama will run this country in their mindset.
The Democratic Party, in its quest for power, has managed a propaganda campaign with subliminal messages, creating a God-like figure in a man who falls short in every way. It seems to me that if Mr. Obama wins the presidential election, then Messrs. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers and Pfleger will gain power for their need to demoralize this country and help create a socialist America.
The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era, which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they helped create and walked away.
Those same leaders who were in the streets in the '60s are very powerful today in their work to bring down the Iraq war and to attack our president, and they have found their way into our schools. William Ayers is a good example of that.
Thank God, today, we have a strong generation of young soldiers who know exactly who they are and what they must do to protect our freedom and our democracy. And we have the leadership of Gen. David Petraeus, who has brought hope and stability to Iraq and prevented the terrorists from establishing a base in that country. Our soldiers are lifting us to an example of patriotism at a time when we've almost forgotten who we are and what is at stake.
If Mr. Obama had his way, he would have pulled our troops from Iraq years ago and initiated an unprecedented bloodbath, turning over that country to the barbarianism of our enemies. With what he has openly stated about his plans for our military, and his lack of understanding about the true nature of our enemies, there's not a cell in my body that can accept the idea that Mr. Obama can keep us safe from the terrorists around the world, and from Iran, which is making great strides toward getting the atomic bomb. And while a misleading portrait of Mr. Obama is being perpetrated by a media controlled by the Democrats, the Obama camp has sent out people to attack the greatness of Sen. John McCain, whose suffering and courage in a Hanoi prison camp is an American legend.
Gen. Wesley Clark, who himself has shame upon him, having been relieved of his command, has done their bidding and become a lying fool in his need to demean a fellow soldier and a true hero.
This is a perilous time, and more than ever, the world needs a united and strong America. If, God forbid, we live to see Mr. Obama president, we will live through a socialist era that America has not seen before, and our country will be weakened in every way.
Here's the post of what Jon Voight said: My Concerns For America
We, as parents, are well aware of the importance of our teachers who teach and program our children. We also know how important it is for our children to play with good-thinking children growing up.
Sen. Barack Obama has grown up with the teaching of very angry, militant white and black people: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers and Rev. Michael Pfleger. We cannot say we are not affected by teachers who are militant and angry. We know too well that we become like them, and Mr. Obama will run this country in their mindset.
The Democratic Party, in its quest for power, has managed a propaganda campaign with subliminal messages, creating a God-like figure in a man who falls short in every way. It seems to me that if Mr. Obama wins the presidential election, then Messrs. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers and Pfleger will gain power for their need to demoralize this country and help create a socialist America.
The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era, which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they helped create and walked away.
Those same leaders who were in the streets in the '60s are very powerful today in their work to bring down the Iraq war and to attack our president, and they have found their way into our schools. William Ayers is a good example of that.
Thank God, today, we have a strong generation of young soldiers who know exactly who they are and what they must do to protect our freedom and our democracy. And we have the leadership of Gen. David Petraeus, who has brought hope and stability to Iraq and prevented the terrorists from establishing a base in that country. Our soldiers are lifting us to an example of patriotism at a time when we've almost forgotten who we are and what is at stake.
If Mr. Obama had his way, he would have pulled our troops from Iraq years ago and initiated an unprecedented bloodbath, turning over that country to the barbarianism of our enemies. With what he has openly stated about his plans for our military, and his lack of understanding about the true nature of our enemies, there's not a cell in my body that can accept the idea that Mr. Obama can keep us safe from the terrorists around the world, and from Iran, which is making great strides toward getting the atomic bomb. And while a misleading portrait of Mr. Obama is being perpetrated by a media controlled by the Democrats, the Obama camp has sent out people to attack the greatness of Sen. John McCain, whose suffering and courage in a Hanoi prison camp is an American legend.
Gen. Wesley Clark, who himself has shame upon him, having been relieved of his command, has done their bidding and become a lying fool in his need to demean a fellow soldier and a true hero.
This is a perilous time, and more than ever, the world needs a united and strong America. If, God forbid, we live to see Mr. Obama president, we will live through a socialist era that America has not seen before, and our country will be weakened in every way.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Shoes In Church
Dad sent this to me, and I felt it deserved to be passed
on so I am posting it here on the blog for all to read. It
is a wonderful story that we all can take a lesson from....
Shoes in Church
I showered and shaved.............
I adjusted my tie.
I got there and sat.............
In a pew just in time.
Bowing my head in prayer.........
As I closed my eyes.
I saw the shoe of the man next to me.....
Touching my own. I sighed.
With plenty of room on either side......
I thought, "Why must our soles touch?"
It bothered me, his shoe touching mine...
But it didn't bother him much.
A prayer began: "Our Father".............
I thought,
"This man with the shoes, has no pride.
They're dusty, worn, and scratched.
Even worse, there are holes on the side!"
"Thank You for blessings," the prayer went on.
The shoe man said...............
A quiet "Amen."
I tried to focus on the prayer.......
But my thoughts were on his shoes again.
Aren't we supposed to look our best,
when walking through that door?
"Well, this certainly isn't it,"
I thought, glancing toward the floor.
Then the prayer was ended...........
And the songs of praise began.
The shoe man was certainly loud......
Sounding proud as he sang.
His voice lifted the rafters.........
His hands were raised high.
The Lord could surely hear.
The shoe man's voice from the sky.
It was time for the offering.......
And what I threw in was steep.
I watched as the shoe man reached....
Into his pockets so deep.
I saw what was pulled out..........
What the shoe man put in.
Then I heard a soft "clink".
As when silver hits tin.
The sermon really bored me.........
To tears, and that's no lie.
It was the same for the shoe man...
For tears fell from his eyes.
At the end of the service......
As is the custom here.
We must greet new visitors,
and show them all good cheer.
But I felt moved somehow..........
And wanted to meet the shoe man.
So after the closing prayer.......
I reached over and shook his hand.
He was old and his skin was dark....
And his hair was truly a mess.
But I thanked him for coming.........
For being our guest.
He said, "My names' Charlie..........
I'm glad to meet you, my friend."
There were tears in his eyes.......
But he had a large, wide grin.
"Let me explain," he said.........
Wiping tears from his eyes.
"I've been coming here for months....
And you're the first to say, Hi.'"
"I know that my appearance.........
Is not like all the rest.
But I really do try.................
To always look my best."
"I always clean and polish my shoes...
Before my very long walk".
"But by the time I get here.........
They're dirty and dusty, like chalk."
My heart filled with pain...........
And I swallowed to hide my tears.
As he continued to apologize.........
For daring to sit so near
He said, "When I get here...........
I know I must look a sight".
"But I thought if I could touch you..
Then maybe our souls might unite."
I was silent for a moment...........
Knowing whatever was said
would pale in comparison...
I spoke from my heart, not my head.
"Oh, you've touched me, "I said......
And taught me, in part;
That the best of any man............
"Is what is found in his heart."
The rest, I thought,................
This shoe man will never know.
Like just how thankful I really am...
That his dirty old shoe touched my soul.
on so I am posting it here on the blog for all to read. It
is a wonderful story that we all can take a lesson from....
Shoes in Church
I showered and shaved.............
I adjusted my tie.
I got there and sat.............
In a pew just in time.
Bowing my head in prayer.........
As I closed my eyes.
I saw the shoe of the man next to me.....
Touching my own. I sighed.
With plenty of room on either side......
I thought, "Why must our soles touch?"
It bothered me, his shoe touching mine...
But it didn't bother him much.
A prayer began: "Our Father".............
I thought,
"This man with the shoes, has no pride.
They're dusty, worn, and scratched.
Even worse, there are holes on the side!"
"Thank You for blessings," the prayer went on.
The shoe man said...............
A quiet "Amen."
I tried to focus on the prayer.......
But my thoughts were on his shoes again.
Aren't we supposed to look our best,
when walking through that door?
"Well, this certainly isn't it,"
I thought, glancing toward the floor.
Then the prayer was ended...........
And the songs of praise began.
The shoe man was certainly loud......
Sounding proud as he sang.
His voice lifted the rafters.........
His hands were raised high.
The Lord could surely hear.
The shoe man's voice from the sky.
It was time for the offering.......
And what I threw in was steep.
I watched as the shoe man reached....
Into his pockets so deep.
I saw what was pulled out..........
What the shoe man put in.
Then I heard a soft "clink".
As when silver hits tin.
The sermon really bored me.........
To tears, and that's no lie.
It was the same for the shoe man...
For tears fell from his eyes.
At the end of the service......
As is the custom here.
We must greet new visitors,
and show them all good cheer.
But I felt moved somehow..........
And wanted to meet the shoe man.
So after the closing prayer.......
I reached over and shook his hand.
He was old and his skin was dark....
And his hair was truly a mess.
But I thanked him for coming.........
For being our guest.
He said, "My names' Charlie..........
I'm glad to meet you, my friend."
There were tears in his eyes.......
But he had a large, wide grin.
"Let me explain," he said.........
Wiping tears from his eyes.
"I've been coming here for months....
And you're the first to say, Hi.'"
"I know that my appearance.........
Is not like all the rest.
But I really do try.................
To always look my best."
"I always clean and polish my shoes...
Before my very long walk".
"But by the time I get here.........
They're dirty and dusty, like chalk."
My heart filled with pain...........
And I swallowed to hide my tears.
As he continued to apologize.........
For daring to sit so near
He said, "When I get here...........
I know I must look a sight".
"But I thought if I could touch you..
Then maybe our souls might unite."
I was silent for a moment...........
Knowing whatever was said
would pale in comparison...
I spoke from my heart, not my head.
"Oh, you've touched me, "I said......
And taught me, in part;
That the best of any man............
"Is what is found in his heart."
The rest, I thought,................
This shoe man will never know.
Like just how thankful I really am...
That his dirty old shoe touched my soul.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Patriot Act And My Thoughts
It has become apparent that our Government no longer has any moral integrity. Not too long ago, the United States set the example for the entire world in regards to civil liberties and human rights. Today, we have what is called the Patriot Act that basically criminalizes free speech, allows the government to setup wiretaps without any probable cause, and even allows that people can be locked up on suspicion alone without due process or even a hearing. If you are a foreign national you can be deported for anything that is said or thought even if you are a total law abiding citizen, and you also can be kept from ever entering this country again. All this and much much more in a bill that the leaders of this country rushed to pass just 6 weeks after the towers came down. This is a bill that mocks our constitution and brings us ever closer to tyranny. The Patriot Act goes on and on and on, even so far as to give the FBI access to the books you check out at the library. It is allot to read, but if you really want to know what was done to you in the name of terrorism, you should take some time and check it out. Here is an link to Wikipedia that will give you all the info you would ever care to read.
You know....... I love this country and I always have, but sometimes, I just flat out don't recognize it anymore, and when I lay down at night and think about all this, it makes me sick to think that we are facing the idea of actually losing America. It is the duty of every Judge we have in this country to uphold and protect the Constitution and it is time to remove those who do not and replace them with honest judges who will. Just take a look at the 9th Circus Court in San Francisco, these clowns don't do anything according to the constitution, they do everything according to what they want done, period. I understand that there are things that need to be implemented to protect us from the threat of terrorism, but I also understand that if previous sitting presidents and other politicians had done the job they were elected to do, allot of this would not be happening. Your freedom is being taken bit by bit, day by day, and the day will come when it will completely evaporate if we do not wake up and take a stand, and the thing we need to do first and foremost is to replace the leaders and politicians of this country with people who will do what's right, not worrying about who they will offend or upset. This is America and we have always had rules about the way things were done but nowadays, it comes down to who might we offend if we don't do something a certain way. I read in the paper this morning about a guy who's 2 kids were taken from their house at 6 in the morning. The kids were crying and the father followed the cries to the house next door where he found the neighbor had abducted them. He proceeded to beat the crap out of him, and when his "partner" showed up in the middle of the beating, the father beat the crap out of him as well. Now, the gays are protesting at his arraignment saying that this is a hate crime because he beat up two gay guys.....Hello!!!! This guy took his children!! I don't give a rats wahoo if he is gay, black, white or from the friggen planet mars, he took the kids, if it had been me......well, lets just say that he's allot better off having taken this guys kids instead of mine!! Hate crimes are now a huge issue in this country, and they were brought on due to the Patriot Act. See where this is going???? Even in England the Tory Party has made the decision to stand up for what is right and their popularity has already grown by 22%. People are getting sick of being pushed around and it is time something is done about it. We the people have the power, but if we don't use it, we will lose it!!
You know....... I love this country and I always have, but sometimes, I just flat out don't recognize it anymore, and when I lay down at night and think about all this, it makes me sick to think that we are facing the idea of actually losing America. It is the duty of every Judge we have in this country to uphold and protect the Constitution and it is time to remove those who do not and replace them with honest judges who will. Just take a look at the 9th Circus Court in San Francisco, these clowns don't do anything according to the constitution, they do everything according to what they want done, period. I understand that there are things that need to be implemented to protect us from the threat of terrorism, but I also understand that if previous sitting presidents and other politicians had done the job they were elected to do, allot of this would not be happening. Your freedom is being taken bit by bit, day by day, and the day will come when it will completely evaporate if we do not wake up and take a stand, and the thing we need to do first and foremost is to replace the leaders and politicians of this country with people who will do what's right, not worrying about who they will offend or upset. This is America and we have always had rules about the way things were done but nowadays, it comes down to who might we offend if we don't do something a certain way. I read in the paper this morning about a guy who's 2 kids were taken from their house at 6 in the morning. The kids were crying and the father followed the cries to the house next door where he found the neighbor had abducted them. He proceeded to beat the crap out of him, and when his "partner" showed up in the middle of the beating, the father beat the crap out of him as well. Now, the gays are protesting at his arraignment saying that this is a hate crime because he beat up two gay guys.....Hello!!!! This guy took his children!! I don't give a rats wahoo if he is gay, black, white or from the friggen planet mars, he took the kids, if it had been me......well, lets just say that he's allot better off having taken this guys kids instead of mine!! Hate crimes are now a huge issue in this country, and they were brought on due to the Patriot Act. See where this is going???? Even in England the Tory Party has made the decision to stand up for what is right and their popularity has already grown by 22%. People are getting sick of being pushed around and it is time something is done about it. We the people have the power, but if we don't use it, we will lose it!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Quote by Samuel Adams
"The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." --- Samuel Adams
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Jihad Candidate
The article below is reprinted from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and is worthy of SERIOUS notice."Those who find nothing worth remembering from remote ancestry will leave nothing worth remembering to remote descendants"The Jihad Candidate - by Rich Carroll Conspiracy theories make for interesting novels when the storyline is not so absurd that it can grasp our attention. 'The Manchurian Candidate' and 'Seven Days in May' are examples of plausible chains of events that captures the reader's imagination at best-seller level. 'What if' has always been the solid grist of fiction.
Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, but before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years.
How long did it take Islam and their oil money to find a candidate for President of the United States ? As long as it took them to place a Senator from Illinois and Minnesota ? The same amount of time to create a large Muslim enclave in Detroit ? The time it took them to build over 2,000 mosques in America ? The same amount of time required to place radical wahabbist clerics in our military and prisons as 'chaplains'?
Find a candidate who can get away with lying about their father being a 'freedom fighter' when he was actually part of the most corrupt and violent government in Ken ya 's history. Find a candidate with close ties to The Nation of Islam and the violent Muslim overthrow in Africa , a candidate who is educated among white infidel Americans but hides his bitterness and anger behind a superficial toothy smile. Find a candidate who changes his American name of Barry to the Muslim name of Barak Hussein Obama, and dares anyone to question his true ties under the banner of 'racism'. Nurture this candidate in an atmosphere of anti-white American teaching and surround him with Islamic teachers. Provide him with a bitter, racist, anti-white, anti-American wife, and supply him with Muslim middle east connections and Islamic monies. Allow him to be clever enough to get away with his anti-white rhetoric and proclaim he will give $834 billion taxpayer dollars to the Muslim controlled United Nationsfor use in Africa .
Install your candidate in an atmosphere of deception because questioning him on any issue involving Africa or Islam would be seen as 'bigoted racism'; two words too powerful to allow the citizenry to be informed of facts. Allow your candidate to employ several black racist Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan followers as members of his Illinois Senatorial and campaign staffs.
Where is the bloodhound American 'free press' who doggedly overturned every stone in the Watergate case? Where are our nation's reporters that have placed every Presidential candidate under the microscope of detailed scrutiny; the same press who pursue Bush's 'Skull and Bones' club or ran other candidates off with persistent detective and research work? Why haven't 'newsmen' pursued the 65 blatant lies told by this candidate during the Presidential primaries? Where are the stories about this candidate's cousin and the Muslim butchery in Africa ? Since when did our national press corps become weak, timid, and silent? Why haven't they regaled us with the long list of socialists and communists who have surrounded this 'out of nowhere' Democrat candidate or that his church re-printed the Hamas Manifesto in their bulletin, and that his 'close pastor friend and mentor' met with Middle East terrorist Moammar Gaddafi, (Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Why isn't the American press telling us this candidate is supported by every Muslim organization in the world?
As an ultimate slap in the face, be blatant in the fact your candidate has ZERO interest in traditional American values and has the most liberal voting record in U.S Senate history. Why has the American main stream media clammed-up on any negative reporting on Barak Hussein Obama? Why will they print Hillary Rodham Clinton's name but never write his middle name? Is it not his name? Why, suddenly, is ANY information about this candidate not coming from main stream media, but from the blogosphere by citizens seeking facts and the truth? Why isn't our media connecting the dots with Islam? Why do they focus on 'those bad American soldiers' while Islam slaughters non Muslims daily in 44 countries around the globe? Why does our media refer to Darfur as 'ethnic cleansing' instead of what it really is; Muslims killing non Muslims! There is enough strange, anti-American activity surrounding Barak Hussein Obama to peek the curiosity of any reporter. WHERE IS OUR INVESTIGATIVE MEDIA!?
A formal plan for targeting America was devised three years after the Iranian revolution in 1982. The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum by Mohamed Akram, an operative of the global Muslim Brotherhood. 'The process of settlement' of Muslims in America , Akram explained, 'is a civilization jihad process.' This means that members of the Brotherhood must understand that their work in 'America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.'
There is terrorism we can see, smell and fear, but there is a new kind of terror invading The United States in the form of Sharia law and finance. Condoning it is civilization suicide. Middle East Muslims are coming to America in record numbers and building hate infidel mosques, buying our corporations, suing us for our traditions, but they and the whole subject of Islam is white noise leaving uninformed Americans about who and what is really peaceful. Where is our investigative press? Any criticism of Islam or their intentions, even though Islamic leaders state their intentions daily around the globe, brings-forth a volley of 'racist' from the left-wing Democrat crowd.
Lies and deception behind a master plan - the ingredients for 'The Manchurian Candidate' or the placement of an anti-American President in our nation's White House? Is it mere coincidence that an anti-capitalist run for President at the same time Islamic sharia finance and law is trying to make advancing strides into the United States ? Is it mere coincidence this same candidate wants to dis-arm our nuclear capability at a time when terrorist Muslim nations are expanding their nuclear weapons capability? Is it mere coincidence this candidate wants to reduce our military at a time of global jihad from Muslim nations?
Change for America ? What change? To become another 'nation of Islam'?
Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, but before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years.
How long did it take Islam and their oil money to find a candidate for President of the United States ? As long as it took them to place a Senator from Illinois and Minnesota ? The same amount of time to create a large Muslim enclave in Detroit ? The time it took them to build over 2,000 mosques in America ? The same amount of time required to place radical wahabbist clerics in our military and prisons as 'chaplains'?
Find a candidate who can get away with lying about their father being a 'freedom fighter' when he was actually part of the most corrupt and violent government in Ken ya 's history. Find a candidate with close ties to The Nation of Islam and the violent Muslim overthrow in Africa , a candidate who is educated among white infidel Americans but hides his bitterness and anger behind a superficial toothy smile. Find a candidate who changes his American name of Barry to the Muslim name of Barak Hussein Obama, and dares anyone to question his true ties under the banner of 'racism'. Nurture this candidate in an atmosphere of anti-white American teaching and surround him with Islamic teachers. Provide him with a bitter, racist, anti-white, anti-American wife, and supply him with Muslim middle east connections and Islamic monies. Allow him to be clever enough to get away with his anti-white rhetoric and proclaim he will give $834 billion taxpayer dollars to the Muslim controlled United Nationsfor use in Africa .
Install your candidate in an atmosphere of deception because questioning him on any issue involving Africa or Islam would be seen as 'bigoted racism'; two words too powerful to allow the citizenry to be informed of facts. Allow your candidate to employ several black racist Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan followers as members of his Illinois Senatorial and campaign staffs.
Where is the bloodhound American 'free press' who doggedly overturned every stone in the Watergate case? Where are our nation's reporters that have placed every Presidential candidate under the microscope of detailed scrutiny; the same press who pursue Bush's 'Skull and Bones' club or ran other candidates off with persistent detective and research work? Why haven't 'newsmen' pursued the 65 blatant lies told by this candidate during the Presidential primaries? Where are the stories about this candidate's cousin and the Muslim butchery in Africa ? Since when did our national press corps become weak, timid, and silent? Why haven't they regaled us with the long list of socialists and communists who have surrounded this 'out of nowhere' Democrat candidate or that his church re-printed the Hamas Manifesto in their bulletin, and that his 'close pastor friend and mentor' met with Middle East terrorist Moammar Gaddafi, (Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) Why isn't the American press telling us this candidate is supported by every Muslim organization in the world?
As an ultimate slap in the face, be blatant in the fact your candidate has ZERO interest in traditional American values and has the most liberal voting record in U.S Senate history. Why has the American main stream media clammed-up on any negative reporting on Barak Hussein Obama? Why will they print Hillary Rodham Clinton's name but never write his middle name? Is it not his name? Why, suddenly, is ANY information about this candidate not coming from main stream media, but from the blogosphere by citizens seeking facts and the truth? Why isn't our media connecting the dots with Islam? Why do they focus on 'those bad American soldiers' while Islam slaughters non Muslims daily in 44 countries around the globe? Why does our media refer to Darfur as 'ethnic cleansing' instead of what it really is; Muslims killing non Muslims! There is enough strange, anti-American activity surrounding Barak Hussein Obama to peek the curiosity of any reporter. WHERE IS OUR INVESTIGATIVE MEDIA!?
A formal plan for targeting America was devised three years after the Iranian revolution in 1982. The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum by Mohamed Akram, an operative of the global Muslim Brotherhood. 'The process of settlement' of Muslims in America , Akram explained, 'is a civilization jihad process.' This means that members of the Brotherhood must understand that their work in 'America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.'
There is terrorism we can see, smell and fear, but there is a new kind of terror invading The United States in the form of Sharia law and finance. Condoning it is civilization suicide. Middle East Muslims are coming to America in record numbers and building hate infidel mosques, buying our corporations, suing us for our traditions, but they and the whole subject of Islam is white noise leaving uninformed Americans about who and what is really peaceful. Where is our investigative press? Any criticism of Islam or their intentions, even though Islamic leaders state their intentions daily around the globe, brings-forth a volley of 'racist' from the left-wing Democrat crowd.
Lies and deception behind a master plan - the ingredients for 'The Manchurian Candidate' or the placement of an anti-American President in our nation's White House? Is it mere coincidence that an anti-capitalist run for President at the same time Islamic sharia finance and law is trying to make advancing strides into the United States ? Is it mere coincidence this same candidate wants to dis-arm our nuclear capability at a time when terrorist Muslim nations are expanding their nuclear weapons capability? Is it mere coincidence this candidate wants to reduce our military at a time of global jihad from Muslim nations?
Change for America ? What change? To become another 'nation of Islam'?
Iran Plans Are For A Nuclear Strike On The U.S.?????
Better read this all the way through. If this doesn't scare the
hell out of you, and help you understand how Obama has a
plan for "Change" or rather to leave us helpless, and hand us
over to the likes of Iran, then I can only determine that you
are a fool in the hands of the enemy.
U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:00 AM
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
Iran has carried out missile tests for what could be a
plan for a nuclear strike on the United States, the head
of a national security panel has warned. In testimony
before the House Armed Services Committee and in
remarks to a private conference on missile defense over
the weekend hosted by the Claremont Institute, Dr.
William Graham warned that the U.S. intelligence
community “doesn’t have a story” to explain the recent
Iranian tests. One group of tests that troubled Graham,
the former White House science adviser under President
Ronald Reagan, were successful efforts to launch a Scud
missile from a platform in the Caspian Sea. “They’ve got
[test] ranges in Iran which are more than long enough to
handle Scud launches and even Shahab-3 launches,” Dr.
Graham said. “Why would they be launching from the
surface of the Caspian Sea? They obviously have not
explained that to us.” Another troubling group of tests
involved Shahab-3 launches where the Iranians "detonated
the warhead near apogee, not over the target area where
the thing would eventually land, but at altitude,” Graham
said. “Why would they do that?” Graham chairs the
Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, a blue-ribbon panel
established by Congress in 2001. The commission examined
the Iranian tests “and without too much effort connected the
dots,” even though the U.S. intelligence community previously
had failed to do so, Graham said. “The only plausible
explanation we can find is that the Iranians are figuring out
how to launch a missile from a ship and get it up to altitude and
then detonate it,” he said. “And that’s exactly what you would
do if you had a nuclear weapon on a Scud or a Shahab-3 or other
missile, and you wanted to explode it over the United States.”
The commission warned in a report issued in April that the
United States was at risk of a sneak nuclear attack by a rogue
nation or a terrorist group designed to take out our nation’s
critical infrastructure. "If even a crude nuclear weapon were
detonated anywhere between 40 kilometers to 400 kilometers
above the earth, in a split-second it would generate an electro-
magnetic pulse [EMP] that would cripple military and civilian
communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other
infrastructure," the report warned. While not causing
immediate civilian casualties, the near-term impact on U.S.
society would dwarf the damage of a direct nuclear strike on a
U.S. city. “The first indication [of such an attack] would be that
the power would go out, and some, but not all, the
telecommunications would go out. We would not physically feel
anything in our bodies,” Graham said. As electric power, water
and gas delivery systems failed, there would be “truly massive
traffic jams,” Graham added, since modern automobiles and
signaling systems all depend on sophisticated electronics that
would be disabled by the EMP wave. “So you would be
walking. You wouldn’t be driving at that point,” Graham said.
“And it wouldn’t do any good to call the maintenance or repair
people because they wouldn’t be able to get there, even if you
could get through to them.” The food distribution system also
would grind to a halt as cold-storage warehouses stockpiling
perishables went offline. Even warehouses equipped with
backup diesel generators would fail, because “we wouldn’t be
able to pump the fuel into the trucks and get the trucks to the
warehouses,” Graham said. The United States “would quickly
revert to an early 19th century type of country.” except that
we would have 10 times as many people with ten times fewer
resources, he said. “Most of the things we depend upon would
be gone, and we would literally be depending on our own assets
and those we could reach by walking to them,” Graham said.
America would begin to resemble the 2002 TV series,
“Jeremiah,” which depicts a world bereft of law, infrastructure,
and memory. In the TV series, an unspecified virus wipes out
the entire adult population of the planet. In an EMP attack, the
casualties would be caused by our almost total dependence on
technology for everything from food and water, to hospital care.
Within a week or two of the attack, people would start dying,
Graham says. “People in hospitals would be dying faster than
that, because they depend on power to stay alive. But then it
would go to water, food, civil authority, emergency services.
And we would end up with a country with many, many people
not surviving the event.” Asked just how many Americans
would die if Iran were to launch the EMP attack it appears to
be preparing, Graham gave a chilling reply. “You have to go
back into the 1800s to look at the size of population” that could
survive in a nation deprived of mechanized agriculture,
transportation, power, water, and communication. “I’d have
to say that 70 to 90 percent of the population would not be
sustainable after this kind of attack,” he said. America
would be reduced to a core of around 30 million people —
about the number that existed in the decades after America’s
independence from Great Britain. The modern electronic
economy would shut down, and America would most likely
revert to “an earlier economy based on barter,” the EMP
commission’s report on Critical National Infrastructure
concluded earlier this year. In his recent congressional
testimony, Graham revealed that Iranian military journals,
translated by the CIA at his commission’s request, “explicitly
discuss a nuclear EMP attack that would gravely harm the
United States.” Furthermore, if Iran launched its attack from
a cargo ship plying the commercial sea lanes off the East coast
— a scenario that appears to have been tested during the
Caspian Sea tests — U.S. investigators might never determine
who was behind the attack. Because of the limits of nuclear
forensic technology, it could take months. And to disguise
their traces, the Iranians could simply decide to sink the ship
that had been used to launch it, Graham said. Several
participants in last weekend’s conference in Dearborn, Mich.,
hosted by the conservative Claremont Institute argued that
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was thinking about
an EMP attack when he opined that “a world without America
is conceivable.” In May 2007, then Undersecretary of State
John Rood told Congress that the U.S. intelligence community
estimates that Iran could develop an ICBM capable of hitting
the continental United States by 2015. But Iran could put a
Scud missile on board a cargo ship and launch from the
commercial sea lanes off America’s coasts well before then.
The only thing Iran is lacking for an effective EMP attack is a
nuclear warhead, and no one knows with any certainty when
that will occur. The latest U.S. intelligence estimate states that
Iran could acquire the fissile material for a nuclear weapon
as early as 2009, or as late as 2015, or possibly later. Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld first detailed the “Scud-in-a-bucket”
threat during a briefing in Huntsville, Ala., on Aug. 18, 2004.
While not explicitly naming Iran, Rumsfeld revealed that “one
of the nations in the Middle East had launched a ballistic
missile from a cargo vessel. They had taken a short-range,
probably Scud missile, put it on a transporter-erector launcher,
lowered it in, taken the vessel out into the water, peeled back the
top, erected it, fired it, lowered it, and covered it up. And the ship
that they used was using a radar and electronic equipment that
was no different than 50, 60, 100 other ships operating in the
immediate area.” Iran’s first test of a ship-launched Scud missile
occurred in spring 1998, and was mentioned several months later
in veiled terms by the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile
Threat to the United States, a blue-ribbon panel also known as
the Rumsfeld Commission. I was the first reporter to mention the
Iran sea-launched missile test in an article appearing in the
Washington Times in May 1999. Intelligence reports on the
launch were “well known to the White House but have not been
disseminated to the appropriate congressional committees,” I
wrote. Such a missile “could be used in a devastating stealth
attack against the United States or Israel for which the United
States has no known or planned defense.” Few experts believe
that Iran can be deterred from launching such an attack by the
threat of massive retaliation against Iran. They point to a
December 2001 statement by former Iranian President Ali
Akbar Hashemi- Rafsanjani, who mulled the possibility of
Israeli retaliation after an Iranian nuclear strike. “The use of
an atomic bomb against Israel would destroy Israel completely,
while [the same] against the Islamic only would cause damages.
Such a scenario is not inconceivable,” Rafsanjani said at the time.
Rep. Trent Franks, R, Ariz., plans to introduce legislation next
week that would require the Pentagon to lay the groundwork
for an eventual military strike against Iran, to prevent Iran
from acquiring nuclear weapons and EMP capability. “An EMP
attack on America would send us back to the horse and buggy
era — without the horse and buggy,” he told the Claremont
Institute conference on Saturday. “If you’re a terrorist, this is
your ultimate goal, your ultimate asymmetric weapon.” Noting
Iran’s recent sea-launched and mid-flight warhead detonation
tests, Rep. Franks concluded, “They could do it — either
directly or anonymously by putting some freighter out there
on the ocean.” The only possible deterrent against Iran
is the prospect of failure, Dr. Graham and other experts
agreed. And the only way the United States could credibly
threaten an Iranian missile strike would be to deploy effective
national missile defenses. “It’s well known that people don’t
go on a diet until they’ve had a heart attack,” said Claremont
Institute president Brian T. Kennedy. “And we as a nation
are having a heart attack” when it comes to the threat of an
EMP attack from Iran. “As of today, we have no defense
against such an attack. We need space -based missile
defenses to protect against an EMP attack,” he told Newsmax.
Rep. Franks said he remains surprised at how partisan
the subject of space-based missile defenses remain. “Nuclear
missiles don’t discriminate on party lines when they land,
” he said. Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, a long-standing
champion of missile defense, told the Claremont conference
on Friday that Sen. Obama has opposed missile defense tooth
and nail and as president would cut funding for these programs
dramatically. “Senator Obama has been quoted as saying, ‘I
don’t agree with a missile defense system,’ and that we can
cut $10 billion of the research out — never mind, as I say,
that the entire budget is $9.6 billion, or $9.3 billion,” Kyl
said. Like Franks, Kyl believes that the only way to
eventually deter Iran from launching an EMP attack on the
United States is to deploy robust missile defense systems,
including space-based interceptors. The United States “needs
a missile defense that is so strong, in all the different phases
we need to defend against . . . that countries will decide it’s not
worth coming up against us,” Kyl said. “That’s one of the things
that defeated the Soviet Union. That’s one of the ways we can
deal with these rogue states . . . and also the way that we can
keep countries that are not enemies today, but are potential
enemies, from developing capabilities to challenge us. “
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
hell out of you, and help you understand how Obama has a
plan for "Change" or rather to leave us helpless, and hand us
over to the likes of Iran, then I can only determine that you
are a fool in the hands of the enemy.
U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:00 AM
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
Iran has carried out missile tests for what could be a
plan for a nuclear strike on the United States, the head
of a national security panel has warned. In testimony
before the House Armed Services Committee and in
remarks to a private conference on missile defense over
the weekend hosted by the Claremont Institute, Dr.
William Graham warned that the U.S. intelligence
community “doesn’t have a story” to explain the recent
Iranian tests. One group of tests that troubled Graham,
the former White House science adviser under President
Ronald Reagan, were successful efforts to launch a Scud
missile from a platform in the Caspian Sea. “They’ve got
[test] ranges in Iran which are more than long enough to
handle Scud launches and even Shahab-3 launches,” Dr.
Graham said. “Why would they be launching from the
surface of the Caspian Sea? They obviously have not
explained that to us.” Another troubling group of tests
involved Shahab-3 launches where the Iranians "detonated
the warhead near apogee, not over the target area where
the thing would eventually land, but at altitude,” Graham
said. “Why would they do that?” Graham chairs the
Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, a blue-ribbon panel
established by Congress in 2001. The commission examined
the Iranian tests “and without too much effort connected the
dots,” even though the U.S. intelligence community previously
had failed to do so, Graham said. “The only plausible
explanation we can find is that the Iranians are figuring out
how to launch a missile from a ship and get it up to altitude and
then detonate it,” he said. “And that’s exactly what you would
do if you had a nuclear weapon on a Scud or a Shahab-3 or other
missile, and you wanted to explode it over the United States.”
The commission warned in a report issued in April that the
United States was at risk of a sneak nuclear attack by a rogue
nation or a terrorist group designed to take out our nation’s
critical infrastructure. "If even a crude nuclear weapon were
detonated anywhere between 40 kilometers to 400 kilometers
above the earth, in a split-second it would generate an electro-
magnetic pulse [EMP] that would cripple military and civilian
communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other
infrastructure," the report warned. While not causing
immediate civilian casualties, the near-term impact on U.S.
society would dwarf the damage of a direct nuclear strike on a
U.S. city. “The first indication [of such an attack] would be that
the power would go out, and some, but not all, the
telecommunications would go out. We would not physically feel
anything in our bodies,” Graham said. As electric power, water
and gas delivery systems failed, there would be “truly massive
traffic jams,” Graham added, since modern automobiles and
signaling systems all depend on sophisticated electronics that
would be disabled by the EMP wave. “So you would be
walking. You wouldn’t be driving at that point,” Graham said.
“And it wouldn’t do any good to call the maintenance or repair
people because they wouldn’t be able to get there, even if you
could get through to them.” The food distribution system also
would grind to a halt as cold-storage warehouses stockpiling
perishables went offline. Even warehouses equipped with
backup diesel generators would fail, because “we wouldn’t be
able to pump the fuel into the trucks and get the trucks to the
warehouses,” Graham said. The United States “would quickly
revert to an early 19th century type of country.” except that
we would have 10 times as many people with ten times fewer
resources, he said. “Most of the things we depend upon would
be gone, and we would literally be depending on our own assets
and those we could reach by walking to them,” Graham said.
America would begin to resemble the 2002 TV series,
“Jeremiah,” which depicts a world bereft of law, infrastructure,
and memory. In the TV series, an unspecified virus wipes out
the entire adult population of the planet. In an EMP attack, the
casualties would be caused by our almost total dependence on
technology for everything from food and water, to hospital care.
Within a week or two of the attack, people would start dying,
Graham says. “People in hospitals would be dying faster than
that, because they depend on power to stay alive. But then it
would go to water, food, civil authority, emergency services.
And we would end up with a country with many, many people
not surviving the event.” Asked just how many Americans
would die if Iran were to launch the EMP attack it appears to
be preparing, Graham gave a chilling reply. “You have to go
back into the 1800s to look at the size of population” that could
survive in a nation deprived of mechanized agriculture,
transportation, power, water, and communication. “I’d have
to say that 70 to 90 percent of the population would not be
sustainable after this kind of attack,” he said. America
would be reduced to a core of around 30 million people —
about the number that existed in the decades after America’s
independence from Great Britain. The modern electronic
economy would shut down, and America would most likely
revert to “an earlier economy based on barter,” the EMP
commission’s report on Critical National Infrastructure
concluded earlier this year. In his recent congressional
testimony, Graham revealed that Iranian military journals,
translated by the CIA at his commission’s request, “explicitly
discuss a nuclear EMP attack that would gravely harm the
United States.” Furthermore, if Iran launched its attack from
a cargo ship plying the commercial sea lanes off the East coast
— a scenario that appears to have been tested during the
Caspian Sea tests — U.S. investigators might never determine
who was behind the attack. Because of the limits of nuclear
forensic technology, it could take months. And to disguise
their traces, the Iranians could simply decide to sink the ship
that had been used to launch it, Graham said. Several
participants in last weekend’s conference in Dearborn, Mich.,
hosted by the conservative Claremont Institute argued that
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was thinking about
an EMP attack when he opined that “a world without America
is conceivable.” In May 2007, then Undersecretary of State
John Rood told Congress that the U.S. intelligence community
estimates that Iran could develop an ICBM capable of hitting
the continental United States by 2015. But Iran could put a
Scud missile on board a cargo ship and launch from the
commercial sea lanes off America’s coasts well before then.
The only thing Iran is lacking for an effective EMP attack is a
nuclear warhead, and no one knows with any certainty when
that will occur. The latest U.S. intelligence estimate states that
Iran could acquire the fissile material for a nuclear weapon
as early as 2009, or as late as 2015, or possibly later. Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld first detailed the “Scud-in-a-bucket”
threat during a briefing in Huntsville, Ala., on Aug. 18, 2004.
While not explicitly naming Iran, Rumsfeld revealed that “one
of the nations in the Middle East had launched a ballistic
missile from a cargo vessel. They had taken a short-range,
probably Scud missile, put it on a transporter-erector launcher,
lowered it in, taken the vessel out into the water, peeled back the
top, erected it, fired it, lowered it, and covered it up. And the ship
that they used was using a radar and electronic equipment that
was no different than 50, 60, 100 other ships operating in the
immediate area.” Iran’s first test of a ship-launched Scud missile
occurred in spring 1998, and was mentioned several months later
in veiled terms by the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile
Threat to the United States, a blue-ribbon panel also known as
the Rumsfeld Commission. I was the first reporter to mention the
Iran sea-launched missile test in an article appearing in the
Washington Times in May 1999. Intelligence reports on the
launch were “well known to the White House but have not been
disseminated to the appropriate congressional committees,” I
wrote. Such a missile “could be used in a devastating stealth
attack against the United States or Israel for which the United
States has no known or planned defense.” Few experts believe
that Iran can be deterred from launching such an attack by the
threat of massive retaliation against Iran. They point to a
December 2001 statement by former Iranian President Ali
Akbar Hashemi- Rafsanjani, who mulled the possibility of
Israeli retaliation after an Iranian nuclear strike. “The use of
an atomic bomb against Israel would destroy Israel completely,
while [the same] against the Islamic only would cause damages.
Such a scenario is not inconceivable,” Rafsanjani said at the time.
Rep. Trent Franks, R, Ariz., plans to introduce legislation next
week that would require the Pentagon to lay the groundwork
for an eventual military strike against Iran, to prevent Iran
from acquiring nuclear weapons and EMP capability. “An EMP
attack on America would send us back to the horse and buggy
era — without the horse and buggy,” he told the Claremont
Institute conference on Saturday. “If you’re a terrorist, this is
your ultimate goal, your ultimate asymmetric weapon.” Noting
Iran’s recent sea-launched and mid-flight warhead detonation
tests, Rep. Franks concluded, “They could do it — either
directly or anonymously by putting some freighter out there
on the ocean.” The only possible deterrent against Iran
is the prospect of failure, Dr. Graham and other experts
agreed. And the only way the United States could credibly
threaten an Iranian missile strike would be to deploy effective
national missile defenses. “It’s well known that people don’t
go on a diet until they’ve had a heart attack,” said Claremont
Institute president Brian T. Kennedy. “And we as a nation
are having a heart attack” when it comes to the threat of an
EMP attack from Iran. “As of today, we have no defense
against such an attack. We need space -based missile
defenses to protect against an EMP attack,” he told Newsmax.
Rep. Franks said he remains surprised at how partisan
the subject of space-based missile defenses remain. “Nuclear
missiles don’t discriminate on party lines when they land,
” he said. Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, a long-standing
champion of missile defense, told the Claremont conference
on Friday that Sen. Obama has opposed missile defense tooth
and nail and as president would cut funding for these programs
dramatically. “Senator Obama has been quoted as saying, ‘I
don’t agree with a missile defense system,’ and that we can
cut $10 billion of the research out — never mind, as I say,
that the entire budget is $9.6 billion, or $9.3 billion,” Kyl
said. Like Franks, Kyl believes that the only way to
eventually deter Iran from launching an EMP attack on the
United States is to deploy robust missile defense systems,
including space-based interceptors. The United States “needs
a missile defense that is so strong, in all the different phases
we need to defend against . . . that countries will decide it’s not
worth coming up against us,” Kyl said. “That’s one of the things
that defeated the Soviet Union. That’s one of the ways we can
deal with these rogue states . . . and also the way that we can
keep countries that are not enemies today, but are potential
enemies, from developing capabilities to challenge us. “
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